Anyone know of a light exercise while sick?

So I just go back from the DR's and I have a bacterial infection in my throat. I don' t feel that crappy, my throat hurts really bad and I'm a little more tired than normal but other than that I feel okay. I don't want to push it and excercise (I'm doing 30DS right now). Does anyone know of anything I could do that will burn calories so i wont feel like a fat couch potato while i'm sick??? When i don't excercise i really feel depressed and then i want to eat my emotions! If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it. Oh and It's pouring here so going for a walk is out of the question.


  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    Try to do some light yoga
    If you look on youtube you can find some videos; Most are short but you can do a few and that should burn some calories
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Maybe try some yoga (or even pilates) while you are out of commission? You can get a great stretch, which could be a good break from the Shred, while still burning some calories, and not feeling like a bum!
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Could always do some lunges or some light weights....sometimes when I can't get to the gym I'll do that, or push ups...enough to feel the burn but not enough to make me super out of breath and my throat worse. Feel better love xoxox
  • amanatee
    amanatee Posts: 1
    Just a question, but doesn't your body use quite a bit of energy fighting off infection? You need to rest in the meantime. Be careful!
  • autumn_lea85
    Thanks everyone i'm off to do some yoga!
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    I know how you feel. When I was sick, I knew I needed to rest to get better, but I was so antsy not exercising. You can do some light stretching for an extended period of time (10-20 mins) and MFP has stretching in the database.

    On a side note, the decision to exercise or not while sick is something you make while listening to your body, not your guilty brain. When I felt ready to do light exercises, it actually helped me recover faster and feel better than other times I was sick. So I agree with Amanatee:
    Be careful!

    Don't push it, but listen to your body. And HYDRATE!
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    look up Tara Stiles or GenghisGirl on youtube. Tara has some excellent yoga routines, while GenghisGirl usually does more traditional workout stuff, like pushups, lunges, etc. Most of their videos are fairly short though, and can be done quickly.