Feeling discouraged with TurboFire

CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I have been doing the Turbo Fire prep schedule for 4 weeks now, and I still can't make it through a Fire class without pausing it a few times to catch my breath. I have the moves down for the most part but I feel like I am always hitting pause. Anyone else out there that does this? I know I am out of shape, and my lungs and body are getting used to the cardio, but I am just feeling a bit discouraged about it.


  • CarolAmanda
    CarolAmanda Posts: 84 Member
    Feeling discouraged is horrible, I know. But you can totally rock this! Focus on the improvements you do see. It's okay to need to take breaks, stick with the prep schedule, longer, whatever works for you. If you like the workouts but feel overwhelmed, you could check out Turbo Jam - it's lower intensity, but still fun and good cardio.

  • Mari82chicago
    Mari82chicago Posts: 54 Member
    in the beginning when i started TF i was huffing and puffing and I already have background experience with intense cardio. still till this day at times i find it hard to complete a regular turbo fire video depends how my day is, but i stick with it and if i can do the high intensity high impact moves i do them if i need a break i switch to low impact all in the same video but keep pressing play!! :wink:
  • I would also suggest Turbo Jam....much of the same moves, lower intensity, but still an amazing workout. I am on my 4th week of Turbo Fire and still find myself scratching my head going "HUH?" but as long as you KEEP MOVING, I think that's the most important part. Stick with it!!!
  • Mistykelly
    Mistykelly Posts: 47 Member
    I have the same problem with the Turbo fire, however I made myself only do turbo fire EVERY DAY for a week instead of going to another work out this way I could see that after a few I am actually improving, I am not AS tired in the places I had to stop for a second and I could go a little longer. I have only been doing it for 3 weeks but instead of beating myself up about not making it through, I am excited that I keep trying. Though I tried to switch things up and do an other work out and I was not able to get my heart racing like I did when I did the turbo fire. Not sure I if I will ever make it through them but I keep doing them and that is what matters! Hang in there!
  • cdl8
    cdl8 Posts: 164 Member
    Stick with it is all I can say. I started TF back in January and huffed and puffed for months before I could make it through the fire workouts and especially the HIIT ones. I needed a water break after every new point in the routine and thought what the hell am I doing this for when I keep stopping. But today . . I am doing 2 videos/day, refuse to miss a day because I love it sooo much and I lost 11 inches and 25 pounds. You will see a difference, but it takes a while so be patient and stick with it!!!! It will happen for you too as long as you put in the time. Good luck!
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    I agree with everyone here. I've been at it for 3 weeks now and am still huffing and puffing myself. And I'm doing the prep schedule just like you! Don't get discouraged--- look for the things that you're doing better fitness/health wise that's outside of TurboFire that you couldn't do before--- I'm sure there is something. There are results, just focus on those and the rest will fall into place very soon. Definitely stick with it--- in like 6 months, you'll be looking back at this day, happy with yourself that you kept going! You can DO IT!!!!! :-)
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