Has anyone on here tried phentermine as a weight loss aid or



  • sharper43
    sharper43 Posts: 109
    I did phentermine for 1 month. I lost 12lbs during that month without diet and exercise. I wasn't jittery and I felt great. I loved this stuff!

    BUT....after the month had ended and i got off of it, I gained all 12 lbs back within a few weeks and MORE! So look out!
  • michelle277
    I use it (doctor prescribed) and have lost 27 pounds since January 1....HOWEVER, I stick to 1200-1300 calories per day and do cardio about 60 minutes 5 days a week. It works great to keep you from getting hungry, but you still have to put in the work. I take a lose dosage, so I have NO side effects whatsoever. I never feel jittery or anything. It has worked great for me. I even went off of it for a week (out of town and couldn't get a refill) and still lost weight. I would suggest it as long as you are willing to put in the work as well. :) GOOD LUCK.
  • mamato3babes
    I use it (doctor prescribed) and have lost 27 pounds since January 1....HOWEVER, I stick to 1200-1300 calories per day and do cardio about 60 minutes 5 days a week. It works great to keep you from getting hungry, but you still have to put in the work. I take a lose dosage, so I have NO side effects whatsoever. I never feel jittery or anything. It has worked great for me. I even went off of it for a week (out of town and couldn't get a refill) and still lost weight. I would suggest it as long as you are willing to put in the work as well. :) GOOD LUCK.

    Awesome! :) My dr just prescribed this for me.... Im extremely anxious to start it.... Tomorrow will be Day 1 for me :):)
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    If you continue to eat healthfully once you stop a phentermine based diet [which you should only do under doctor supervision] you will NOT gain back the weight. I can't tell you how sick I am of hearing this on these boards. I did a phentermine based diet with my doctor in the fall and lost 43 pounds. I have now been off the diet since New Years and have not gained back a single pound. I did not have any negative side effects and now that I am actually trying to lose more I am continuing to lose.

    If you want to use it, make sure you speak to a doctor about it. I do NOT recommend purchasing it on your own online. You never know what is in something you purchase online, so it may not be safe. But, if you have weight to lose and you really need something to kick start you, then the phentermine diet is wonderful.

    This ^^^

    You will not gain a single pound back unless you start eating like a ravenous beast again. Great learning tool for very overweight people (75-100lbs. to lose).

    The same thing goes for any diet aid or fad diet. It's truly a rationalization of those who are negative about losing weight quickly, and a representation of their own frustrations about current weight loss shortcomings.
  • mamato3babes
    Well said ^^^^^ :)
  • JessieAnneMarie
    I took it when i was in college...I had horrible side effects!!!! And only took it for a month.. Didn't really keep the weight off.
  • Treestar1
    I have been on it twice...lost alot...no sleep...moody.BUT I gained it all back after stopping it,even though I didnt change my eating much it just kept coming back!!I cant do it again because I have learned my lesson and now...have developed high blood pressure.I also cared for a patient that had major heart valve issues from...yep you guessed it...Phentermine.
    feel free to add me...Im new :)
  • SaraD145
    SaraD145 Posts: 6
    My husband took it and lost over 50 lbs. I take it every once in awhile, I forget most days - but don't feel like it does much for me. If you want to get yourself off of soda, try it - it makes it taste so funny that you want nothing to do with it. I haven't had a soda in 3 weeks :)
  • jmcgee01
    jmcgee01 Posts: 1
    I started out with 37.5 and broke them in half until I could tolerate the entire dose.
  • sloppyEli
    I have taken it. It has risks just like any medication. It is related to amphetamines but is not an amphetamine and generally has a lower potential for abuse, but again anything used incorrectly has risks. I have heard about the sleeplessness, blood pressure, and heart issues, but never experienced them. I was started on the 15mg dosage and later adjusted to the 30mg capsule. This was a good plan since I was able to see how I tolerated the medication. I think some people have trouble because doctors tend to give a max dosage immediately. I've heard the effectiveness decreases after around 3 months because your body gets used to it, so starting with the lower dose has helped me avoid that problem. I took it for about 3 months and then took a break and was able to maintain the new weight from the end of the first round of the medication and restarted again after about a month. It gave me enough energy to go out and really workout which had been an issue since I was super depressed after leaving the military and had no motivation and therefore didn't work out or eat right. It also did a great job of keeping me from voraciously eating all day but I was still able to eat smaller meals. Some people gain it back because they don't exercise or change their habits while they're on it. It's not a magical weight loss pill so much as it is supposed to be used to help kickstart lifestyle changes. I take it under the care of a doctor who monitors for use and any potential side effects. It's true that diet and exercise are the keys to success, but sometimes people need a little extra help to get started. Good luck and I hope you meet your goals!
  • jillybones
    This stuff works great for me. I have energy with out the jitters since there is no caffeine. I am much more focused, and feel like I use to in my 30s (I'm in my 40's now and have lack of motivation and energy). I actually take one every other day instead of every day. It seems to work well that way- I just keep exercising and eating the same way. It's true you can forget to eat, but I make it a point to eat small meals through out the day and drink water all day. Set a timer if you have to or alarm on your iphone.

    My meals:
    Breakfast consists of eggs and sometimes bacon (I don't have blood pressure problems), or I'll make an omelet, or a fruit smoothy that consists of fresh or frozen fruit and greek yogurt with some apple juice and honey and blend a way! I love starting my day off with a fruit smoothy. I feel great, my stomach is happy, and it helps stay .... regular, ahmm.
    Lunch is chicken, turkey patty (patty is mixed in a LITTLE apple sauce for the best turkey patty ever), green salads, home made cole slaw (look up Tam O' Shanter Coleslaw- I don't put very much dressing in), I snack on apples, grapes, bananas, almonds, snap peas, baby carrots.
    Dinner last night was stuffed baked zucchini (stuffed with turkey sausage, zucchini guts, goat cheese, onion, garlic, spices to taste), I also eat a lot of steamed veggies, broccoli with parmesan cheese shake on top with a little butter. Basically all the veggies, fruit, chicken, fish, and turkey I want.

    My doc told me to stay away from carbs and beef. If I just had to have rice then a small spoonful. The idea is to make it not a big deal. Remember to eat right after taking the Phentermine, don't wait. Then your system has nourishment and the pill works fine. These negative responses tells me people are not taking the pill correctly, and not remembering to eat. Take responsibility and do this right or don't do it at all. By eating a healthy diet you shouldn't gain weight back again. Usually that means you've fallen off the wagon. Exercise and eat right is not a diet, it's a life style.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I dont believe that merely stopping this med ALONE is going to cause the weight to return. You're doing something, no matter how minor that is causing it. It just stands to reason, to be regaining the weight you have to be taking in more than you're needing.

    Please remember too, there are people out here who are extremely over weight with a myriad of health issues limiting them from working out like most of you. Im one of em. I would never resort to a med if I could exercise and work out the way so many of you do. Im totally envious and wish to GOD in heaven I had caught things earlier. But be that as it may.....Im determined to keep going. I've lost 100 since joining MFP a year or two ago and havent been able to return to the slim workout I had implemented then because of some injuries. I FUBARD that too, got a little too greedy and over ambitious.

    Please be kind to those of us who have to try what y'all may think of as unconventional methods. I am now under a doctors care and have a personal trainer to avoid any further injuries. I have absolutely no side effects from the phentermine, though I am on a low dose and have no plans to increase it. I do 5 days on 2 days off and will take a 30 day break at the end of 90 days depending on how much more Ive lost.

    Be at peace on your journey and support those you can but dont scold or look down on those you cant

    eta: I should add that I do have absolutely no appetite but am sure to eat 3 smaller meals a day incorporating all the food groups along with a vitamin, plenty of water and I keep moving. I have no hyper tendencies from this, no jitters, no bad taste, nothing.
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    I thought this was banned by the FDA? Phin phen?
  • jschwend1
    jschwend1 Posts: 15
    My husband and I both decided we needed to change what we were doing, and we both were very overweight (over 100lbs each to lose). We went to a nutritionist who prescribed 30mg for both of us. I have to say, for the most part, I have not appetite, and it is very easy to skip meals. I am also on a 1,200 calorie diet, my hubby is on 1,500, and we started an exercise plan. We have been doing this for 5 weeks now, and both of us have forgotten our pills a few days, but we haven't experienced any of the negative side effects at all. We had our weigh ins yesterday, and I am at 22lbs for 5 weeks, and my husband is at 43lbs for 5 weeks (he works a very physical job, so he is way more active than I am). I don't plan on staying on this more than 4 months before taking at least a month's break. I am confident that if we stick to the dietary changes we have made and the exercise plan we have incorporated, we will be able to keep the weight off without the help of the pills.
  • teepo80
    teepo80 Posts: 1 Member
    I am on it right now. I do feel jittery at times. I only have about 20lbs I want to lose. I am taking it because I had with eating at night or snacking. I have lost 6lbs in 6 days. I always work out anyway so I believe once I finish I will be on the right track. I have been holding onto this weight for about 2 years now.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    It's a drug. Needing to use a drug for weight loss, teaches you NOTHING about how to eat correctly.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    Why are we still responding to a thread this old?
  • shexy16
    shexy16 Posts: 68
    My old boss used phentermine, and as a result she has a permanent heart condition that she has to take medication for the rest of her life. NOt worth it.
  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    I lost 30 lbs in 3 months. Love that med!
  • anitathedancer
    bmeggers wrote: »
    Does anyone know anything about phentermine?
    It works!