Any college students out there?



  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Working towards my Masters full time right now, along with a full-time job. Only four more courses and then my thesis. Can't wait till it's over.
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    I'm a Clinical Psych major (PhD) - feel free to add me! :happy:
  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    I'm a college student!! About to graduate though. My major is dietetics and I'm going on to become a registered dietitian... so I'm trying to follow my own advice and lose a few pounds lol!!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    junior here too!! and already counting down the days til graduation!!!

    add me if you want!!
  • So weird you posted this....I was about to post something like this too! I'm about to end my freshman year, and I (finally) decided on a major...Interior Design! We'll see how long I'll stick with it though...
    I'm trying to lose some pounds before school ends, and really bunker down this summer to get to my goal before I go back in August. It's so difficult with finals and classes though! Glad I found this. :)
  • rebelontherun
    rebelontherun Posts: 192 Member
    Hi :) My name is Megan and I'm also in college studying a variety of things. Right now I'm studying deaf studies and creative writing. But I definitely know all the hard work and failure that goes into trying to lose weight while keeping up with school and everything.
    I would love to be internet buddies with you though!
  • tiknik818
    tiknik818 Posts: 9 Member
    Hii, I'm a sophomore at a community college myself about to transfer to a 4 year university. It is ridiculously hard to keep the weight off with school being so tough and stressful. Seems like you can't study without chewing on something right? One tip to help you keep going is looking at the "Success Stories" board, they have some truly inspiring pictures.
  • swimmer23
    swimmer23 Posts: 70
    first year college student, creative writing major, possible anso minor! crazy! I know exactly what you mean about the school food--what I try to do is eat my own food 2-3 times a week for lunch in between classes instead of going to the caf. My mom really helps with that too, sending me back with loads of fruits and vegetables whenever I go home for a weekend.
  • tifjo
    tifjo Posts: 5
    Hi! I'm a junior fashion merchandising major. I'll send you a friend request! :smile:
  • I am exercising, I just have problems making time to do it so by the time I finish my work and other daily tasks, the day is basically over and I'm too exhausted to do anything.
  • Babydfosho
    Babydfosho Posts: 11 Member
    Yeupp! Senior in Biology about to graduate. It is hard to be able to eat on campus and maintain goals, but it is possible with a little bit of research! Add me if you'd like :D
  • mychirona
    mychirona Posts: 57 Member
    I'm about to be entering medical school after being out of college for a few years, I could definitely use some more student MFP friends :) Add me/I'll add you :)
  • bstiver
    bstiver Posts: 57 Member
    I'm a senior and graduate in less than 3 weeks, but I think I am going to work on my Masters pretty soon lol.
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    I am a full time student now after being laid off and going to school off and on for the past few years i decided to dedicate myself to school and go full time and just get it over with. So now i am enjoying the broke student life again.
  • nursekj
    nursekj Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Marlee I'm Karlee! Good luck with your study its always really hard to lose weight and exercise whilst in the books...the gym is great procrastination.

    To all the nursing will lose weight when you start work running around after patients but its easy for it to creep back on with stress relief eating. All the best with your studies and remember you will always be doing some form of learning and study when youre an RN!
  • Almost a sophomore! 16 days, baby. Theatre and English (Creative Writing) double major.
  • lexy83
    lexy83 Posts: 122 Member
    Helli, i am double majoring pre-law student at UW-Milwaukee! Add me!
  • Msreah88
    Msreah88 Posts: 3
    Im a college student! Right now im working on my pre-reQs for nursing hoping to get into an RN program Fall of 2012-- feel free to add me on here i am new to the site =)
  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    does it count if i start in the fall ?
  • Ugh yessss college complicates everything lol Im about to be a sophmore and Imma chemistry major
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