I can't believe I'm confused about this, but . . .

When I was losing weight, I completely ignored the whole eat/don't eat your exercise calories debate. Now that I've been stuck at 20 lbs lost for 4 weeks, I realize that I have no idea how to solve the problem. I've tried a lot of different exercise-related solutions and nothing has made any difference, so I have to assume the answer is something related to calories. My gut reaction is to eat less, but nothing else my gut has suggested has made any difference, so now I'm doing what I should have done in the first place and asking the experts.

Any ideas?

My food diary isn't pretty, and it reveals a serious, long-term relationship with Starbucks, but it's honest, and my exercise diary is as accurate as my HRM.


  • Ashtrizzle
    Oh goodness. I cannot really speak for the starvation mode argument, but you are eating too much sugar. Make sure you include some veggies so that you are getting fiber. Fiber makes losing weight worlds easier.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    "Eat your exercise calories."

    You're in starvation mode. The only way to get out is to properly fuel your body. Your goal weight is 137. Mine is 135. I'm *NETTING* 1200 calories per day. Once I hit 135, I will bump my net up to 1350 to maintain. I suggest you do the same. Try it for a month and I bet you will start seeing results.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I think eating cleaner will help your cause quite a bit....

    Here's how to get started:


    Make sure you are NETTING at least 1200 calories after you subtract your exercise calories from your consumption for the day. That ought to kick things into gear. But it will take a month or so for your body to adjust.

    Also, try HIIT, if you are not already implementing that in your cardio. Google HIIT if you have no clue what I'm talking about.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Do you not like just regular coffee? It's only about 2 cals per cup, plus any cream/sugar. Way less than 180 calories for a Frappuccino.
  • mrsholleywood
    NO MORE STARBUCKS!!! My mom was a "Starbucks Junkie" lol and once she quit she started dropping the pounds. Stay away from salt as much as possible. Limit your carbs. I am on a new diet called 'The 17 Day Diet' its a diet written and developed by Dr. Mike Moreno and it working great for my aunt. She has lost 11 pounds in 10 days. I have lost 4 pounds in 2 days. :) Good luck to you!!
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    I agree with the sugar post - change what you are tracking ( I track calories, carbs, sugar, proten and sodium)...sugar and sodium can reek havoc on your wieght loss if they are out of control....I don't really bother with the fat, because my diet is low fat....but I watch my sodium and sugar like crazy.....try switching your diary up so you can see these number...I also agree on the fiber - the more the better and the fuller your feel....not to mention you are very regular..lol.....( I am to exceed my fiber and protein each day)...I like those numbers to be over....
  • jen11232
    jen11232 Posts: 59 Member
    I agree with Ashtrizzle - seems like a lot of sugar. I commend you for your honesty! I'm not following Atkins, but I've found that I'm super full after a meal with some lean protein and some high fiber vegetables (ie: grilled chicken breast with broccoli and carrots).
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You probably need to be eating your exercise calories now. I would leave most of mine for awhile and lost but once I hit about 20 lbs with 20 lbs left, I couldn't lose anymore. I can only lose if I eat all my calories now. My body requires more calories.
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member
    It seems that you have very good workouts, but your body isn't getting enough fuel both in terms of general calories and the kinds of calories you're eating. Try to focus on more protein (esp. right after you work out), whole grains, and fresh fruits and veggies to refuel your body. A lot of your calories seem to be coming from sugar, which aside from being bad fuel can also can make you hungrier or lead to cravings.
  • jmamahawk3
    I would try some small changes ...substitute Truvia for sugar, less carbs after 2:00, maybe try a light Starbucks, skim milk. Good luck! It is a battle worth winning. I am doing the 17 day diet and it has been a saving grace for me!
  • paperbagprincess
    Starbucks IS evil! I would say take a look at the calorie count but I'm sure you have and the numbers are insane. Although everyone has their vice... you just have to figure out how to deal with yours. Mine is chocolate/ice cream. So I buy skinny cow pops that are only 60 calories or chocolate pudding snacks that are low calories as well. I'm very lucky with coffees and such cuz I don't care for them much.

    Try to limit urself to the amount you have in a wk. Baby steps might help a lot :)
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I agree with what others have said about what you are tracking. I would be more concerned with calories, fat, sodium, carbs, protein, and sugar. You are drinking alot of your calories, Starbucks should take a back seat. Why waste all of those calories on such a high calorie drink? If you like yogurt try the Fiber One yogurt, peach is gross, but the key lime is heavenly. There is only 4 sugars in one serving compared to yours. Sugar is a huge detriment to losing weight if you are going over. You are really going over. (Sorry, but it's true.) Not much in the line of veggies in your day, but there are alot of processed foods. I would switch it up a bit. I don't like salads, but if you throw lettuce, tomatoes and peppers in a low cal wrap with a six slices of Oscar Mayer lunch meat you can get your veggies and actually like it. Hope you get over your plateau soon. Don't give up.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    I would say, cut back (not OUT) the sugar and sodium, and up your water intake. You're probably suffering from dehydration and malnutrition.
  • jpeebs88
    jpeebs88 Posts: 81
    Rather than completely cutting out something that you seem to love (starbucks) try switching to a lighter version - an Iced coffee with skim milk and sugar free vanilla syrup has just about as much calories as the milk, and still tastes yummy. Lattes (with skim) are a lighter option too. Don't cut out everything you really like - then you're more likely to "screw up" and binge, and be worse than when you started. Definitely try to eat back your exercise cals as much as you can. If you're really not hungry, try adding something like almonds into your day - they won't fill you up but they do supply good cals and fats. Veggies and Fiber definitely help, too.

    The biggest thing is to remember that you're doing this for you as a lifestyle change, not as a "diet." There are no miracle cures or overnight weight loss, this is a Journey!
  • vaughny
    vaughny Posts: 145
    i would have to say it's the sugar too, Those meal bars sometimes stall me I now have to look at them as a snickers bar so I won't eat them I usually eat one everyday b/c I work in a vitamin store and i get hungry but for me i just have to view them as candy so I can stay away from them.
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    "Eat your exercise calories."

    You're in starvation mode. The only way to get out is to properly fuel your body. Your goal weight is 137. Mine is 135. I'm *NETTING* 1200 calories per day. Once I hit 135, I will bump my net up to 1350 to maintain. I suggest you do the same. Try it for a month and I bet you will start seeing results.

    She can't be in starvation mode. Yes she is below 1200 about half the days (although still at least around 1000), but the other days have plenty of calories. Plus, plenty of sugar means your body isn't likely to be eating your muscle to feed your brain which is effectively what starvation mode is. I think the problem has more to do with the excessive sugar and fat (that mocha frap has an indecent amount of fat) although it wouldn't hurt to balance out the calories so you don't have high and low days. Protein drinks and bars also have more sugar than you need. So here are some suggestions:

    1. Cut the mocha frap from your daily menu, make it a rare treat maybe once a week.
    2. Go to coffee with cream and sugar, slowly reduce the sugar/cream over time until you can enjoy it black. (This takes a long time, more than a year for me and I still like to have a little splash of milk)
    3. Like rvanreken mentioned, more protein! Your muscles need fuel! Protein also helps you stay feeling full for longer than carbs or fat.
    4. Instead of the protein bars, go for nuts, fruits, and veggies.
    5. Make your own protein drinks with powdered whey protein (cheaper than your slimfast!), frozen fruit and low-fat yogurt (another acquired taste, I can't handle non-fat but I like low-fat well enough now)

    I know this looks like a lot to change and a lot to give up. You don't have it do all of it and certainly not all at once. Pick one thing a week to work on. If it really stresses you out or you find you don't want to make that change, try another one. Even a few of these changes will help you live healthier (and lose weight!).
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Thanks to all of you for your thoughtful comments and good advice. I feel much less confused and helpless now that you've shown me some really obvious (now that you've pointed them out) things about the way I'm eating.

    I will learn to love vegetables and coffee with (gulp) milk but no sugar. :tongue: