This has really been bothering me

timeforme23 Posts: 461
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
I just dont understand. Before I started school I went on a no/low carb diet, and I lost about 20lbs in a couple months. After being in school and no paying attention to diet, I gained it all back. Now that im trying to lose it the "right way" It just seems to be taking forever! Maybe I should stick to no/low carb and work out and meet somewhere in the middle? I dunno, please tell me.


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    No. No/low carb diets are fad diets and they don't work long-term. Do it the right way and you'll keep it off.
  • kiwi1855
    kiwi1855 Posts: 218 Member
    There is no such thing as a healthy, instant fix. Think of it this way - the weight did not appear overnight, and it will not be gone overnight either. Keep working at it, keep it healthy, and you will succeed!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Unfortunately there are no shortcuts to a healthy lifestyle. It's a daily commitment. Just get started, once you get there you'll look back and this day will seem like forever ago!
  • no or low carb diets are not good long term, but can have their place in your goal to get weight off..especially at the beginning. their purpose is to train your body to burn it's stored fat for energy in the beginning. once your body is accustomed to burning the right way, you can then transition into a more balanced diet of carbs/protein/fat.
  • Hbartels
    Hbartels Posts: 19 Member
    Every nutrition course I've taken in college has spent at least a week explaining why low carb diets are incredibly unhealthy for your body and cause decreased metabolism and ultimately more weight gain that's harder to deal with. Here's some additional info:
    Just remember, there's a reason we're told that 1-2 lbs lost each week is what we should aim for. That means we're truly doing it healthily, and that will last! Be patient and enjoy how great your body feels when you eat well.
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    I'm going to go against the grain here.......I'm a low carb diet fan! I'm with you I just can't seem to get the wt off without going low carb. I joined MFP in Sept and lost only 10lbs in like 4 months, I was excercising, logging everything, never cheating and my wt just sat there. I finally decided to go low carb again. (I did it once before about 7 years ago to lose wt before getting pregnant with my second child) Almost immediately I started seeing my wt move and I have been able to lose that 1lb a week ever since! I don't think going low carb is a FAD diet. I think that some people (like me) are somewhat insulin resistant and carbs just don't agree with their systems very well. The only carbs I do eat are veggie carbs, no grains at this time (although I will add them back in eventually) and no fruit (although I will add them back in eventually) I also watch the glycemic index of the veggies I do eat and try and keep it in the 0-54 range. I followed a thread on MFP about 2 weeks ago that was titled Low carb or Low Fat and the majority of people on that thread were pro low carb. I will say that even though I am Low Carb I still log my calories and don't exceed my MFP rec 1500 calories a day, and unlike the last time I was low carb I am sticking to MUCH healthier choices like nuts and avacado's then bacon and pork rinds. Supplemental protein shakes rather than McDonalds patties with cheese for there's my 2 cents worth! :flowerforyou:
  • rjsbailey
    rjsbailey Posts: 78 Member
    Oh! I totally am having problems with this today. A lady I know down the street and her mom went on a 30 day diet that is so restrictive it is a wonder they can function from lack of calories & nutrition, yet in those 30 days she lost over 20 lbs and her mom lost 40! They look amazing and healthy somehow. I have been busting my behind 6 days a week and making good food choices and making lifestyle changes so that this will not be just a "diet'- but I have only lost 4 lbs in 3 weeks (but overall 8 incehes which I am thrilled about). THEN I see this lady walking her kids to the bus stop right about the time I finish up another HIIT workout I get down and start to lose motivation :( I keep telling myself I am doing this the right way and I am doing it for my health- not just vanity. I don't want skinny fat and to gain it all back next winter, I want this to be long term, good role-model sort of way for my kids. With those goals I will keep pushing to be healthy and keep it up- each workout, and I will continue to see results I am sure- maybe not 20-40 lbs in 30 days but I need to have an attitude of gratitude for what I am accomplishing. Good luck to you all!
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