My first 5k... C25k...

So Saturdays my first 5k... And I'm super excited. Last year I told myself i was going to run the Komen Race for the Cure, and well here it is. I'm going to try to run it all. Ive been doing C25k. The race happens to be on the last run of week 5, so a full 25 min.

I know I'm cheating a bit. and if i don't make it its fine. I'm going with a few friends we have all been doing C25k I'm excited to see what will happen.



  • angdrusso
    angdrusso Posts: 42 Member
    Good luck - I have been thinking about starting the couch to 5k! and now I think I will! x
  • mejustmichael
    mejustmichael Posts: 109 Member
    It is amazing... the music could be better... lol

    but its really cool to see how your body changes and develops the endurance.
  • StephanieJ82
    Good Luck!!!
  • foxknowe
    foxknowe Posts: 13 Member
    Hope it goes well, remember to let us know how you got on
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    How exciting - I do wish you well for the race.

    I started C25K over 3 weeks ago and yesterday, at last, finished week 1 fully. I am so much more unfit than even I realised. Tomorrow sees me try day 1 of week 2 - let's see how many weeks that one takes me!

    Good luck again for the weekend.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Good luck with it, I'm sure you'll do it all! And yes, do let us know!

    I'm starting C25K on Thursday (because that's when I get my running shoes - at the moment I don't actually own any trainers!), and my partner, being the uber-supportive man that he is, is going to accompany me! It's a bit scary TBH - I've never been a 'runner', even when slim!
  • mejustmichael
    mejustmichael Posts: 109 Member
    How exciting - I do wish you well for the race.

    I started C25K over 3 weeks ago and yesterday, at last, finished week 1 fully. I am so much more unfit than even I realised. Tomorrow sees me try day 1 of week 2 - let's see how many weeks that one takes me!

    Good luck again for the weekend.

    I had to do week 1 for 2 weeks too... dont worry it gets easier. just remember to push yourself. its worth it.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Good luck! I'm really interested to hear how it goes.

    I'm doing C25k myself (starting week 4 today) in readyness for my first 5k in June. The improvements been amazing but it still feels like running a whole 5k continuously is a long way off.
  • jesster64
    jesster64 Posts: 109
    I'm also doing my first 5k in june. I've been jogging now a few months and hope to not make a fool of myself. Was thinking of doing c25k, but decided to do it on my own. Goof luck and let us know how it works out.
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Good Luck! I think you'll make it. I remember when I got to like 25 minutes I was so close to 3.1 miles that I tried to just push for it on my training run. I think I made it, but I don't remember now!

    Also- I got to where I just started looking up the times and taking a timer/watch out with me and listening to my own music. That stuff got on my last nerve eventually- just an idea for people with specific tastes who want to do C25K.