1200 calories



  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I am thinking the profile pic is a joke. And I am also thinking this is a woman, not a man - but I could be wrong.

    I agree with what others have said. Aim for 1 lb a week/not 2, since you are not obese. Also, exercise will help you be able to eat more. Protein helps with sustaining you so you aren't as hungry, or snack on low calorie foods like celery, cucumbers, grapes, apples - things like that.
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    2 lbs a week is unreasonable weight loss. Aim for a lb a week. I am happy if I manage 1/2 a lb. Sustainable weight loss isn't fast.

    I so agree. I Have the MFP set for 1 lb per week...if I get more great but I want real weight loss not just fast weight loss. I want it to be something I can stick with.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Yikes! sorry I just looked at your profile pic.

    thats not nice!

    I think she meant that she had assumed it was a male poster because the profile pic is of a man. But when you go to the profile, you see that the OP is female. I don't think there was any intention of criticizing the OP.
  • such great advice from everyone.. good to know that 1200 is really low for women as well.. I was thinking it was..
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Yikes! sorry I just looked at your profile pic.

    thats not nice!

    oh lord, really!??! obviously I meant I looked at the picture assumed the poster was a male, I was NOT commenting on the picture itself.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Yikes! sorry I just looked at your profile pic.

    thats not nice!

    I think she meant that she had assumed it was a male poster because the profile pic is of a man. But when you go to the profile, you see that the OP is female. I don't think there was any intention of criticizing the OP.

    thank you, that is what I meant. I didn't click in her profile, I saw the picture and just assumed she was a male and based my advice on that...hence, the yikes!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Yikes! sorry I just looked at your profile pic.

    thats not nice!

    I think she meant that she had assumed it was a male poster because the profile pic is of a man. But when you go to the profile, you see that the OP is female. I don't think there was any intention of criticizing the OP.

    thank you, that is what I meant. I didn't click in her profile, I saw the picture and just assumed she was a male and based my advice on that...hence, the yikes!
  • wowser3
    wowser3 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. Thanks for the replies. Maybe I will change my goal to a pound a week then. 2lbs a week on 1200 cals sounds good but is totally unsustainable for me, I end up going over calories then thinking, well I've gone over now so why not go over a bit more... Bad I know!
    Btw I am a WOMAN :)
    Yeah the profile pic is me :( & you're calling me a man :(
  • wowser3
    wowser3 Posts: 6 Member
    Ok so when I put an aim of 1lb a week that gives me calories of 1600, I could definitely stick to that. It may be slower but it's better than being even fatter in 6 months time because I couldn't stick to the diet and binged out of starvation!
  • Ok so when I put an aim of 1lb a week that gives me calories of 1600, I could definitely stick to that. It may be slower but it's better than being even fatter in 6 months time because I couldn't stick to the diet and binged out of starvation!

    It may not be as slow to lose weight as you are thinking. MFP is estimating 1 lb a week, but everyone is different. You don't know how your body will react to the change in food and exercise. Some people can lose weight very quickly and others are slow, don't worry about how many lbs MFP says, just focus on the day and your food consumption and exercise.
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