New and need some motivation/support

PegPolkadot Posts: 4
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself

I downloaded the myfitnesspal app back in January and followed it for about 2 weeks then stopped. I found it was really good to focus on how many calories you eat without realising. It certainly stopped me having a custard cream with my cup of tea mid morning!

That is it now. Easter is over and I need to focus on losing weight. I daren't even get on the scales but suspect I have now tipped 13stone. Ideally I would like to be 11 stone.

I could really do with some friendly motivation to keep me going!


  • l13are
    l13are Posts: 11
    Hi and welcome.

    when i started i was near enough 13stone with mfp i have lost 5lb, its so much fun and all the people give you so much support and advice.

    good luck in your weight loss
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    I was 13st 6lbs when i started now 12st 11lbs on a good day lol. Its slowly working and can work for you i'm aiming for 11 st too.
  • bethy1983
    bethy1983 Posts: 11
    welcome back to MFP, feel free to add me as a friend to try and help encourage you to keep going because after all we are in this together :)
  • Just came out of denial and weighed myself. I was 12st 4lb. I want to be at least 11st. So I am going to set 20lb to lose as my first target.
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