I've lost 9lbs and don't notice anything

As of this morning I've lost 9lbs, but I still look the same. I thought I would noticed something. I feel great though, I feel healthier, which is wonderful, but I would love to see some change in my body, even just a little.

I know they say that on diets you lose water weight at first, my question is how many pounds can water weight be?


  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I have this same issue. I started this program on the 19th of this month and am 8lbs down but I don't notice anything either. I'm frustrated that my clothes still fit the same! Very intrested to see what others have to say about this...
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am sure this all has to do with how much weight you have to lose, how you hold your weight, etc.

    I started MFP at 175, am now 160, and my clothes felt looser when I was nearing a 10 pound loss. At almost 15 pounds down, someone finally noticed that I had lost weight. It took longer than I thought to get to the point where my clothes were looser.

    Edited to add: it appears my initial water weight loss was in week one. I lost 3.5 pounds in one week. After that it was steady between .5-2 lbs. a week (always fluctuating).
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    They say 10lb is a dress size. Some people seem to lose weight, some people like me seem to lose inches.

    Stick with it, it will happen
  • MizzLisaj
    Ladies, like me, you just started. I don't want that to discourage you. I even said I wont even weight myself until i'm a month in so I wont sike my mind out and get myself disappointed.
  • Ogre77497
    Ogre77497 Posts: 17
    I went from 305 lbs down to 201 lbs last time. People didn't say anything because they figured I was sick .. to have lost the weight like that. Then I drifted back up to 264 lbs, and EVERYONE noticed (and told me about it.) :drinker:
  • TammyLanham
    TammyLanham Posts: 109 Member
    Took me losing almost 15 pounds before I noticed a difference in how my clothes fit and I lost 24 pounds before anybody started noticing. It'll come.... give it time.
  • LetsGoJen
    I've lost 7 so far and I feel slightly different...just a tiny bit of slack in my clothes....but babes do me a favor...if u have a 5lb bag of sugar around in your house or go to the store and pick up one...or a 10lb sack....that will allow you to FEEL just how much you lost! Stay on path!
  • shrinkinc
    shrinkinc Posts: 74 Member
    It takes me 20 lbs to drop a size in clothes. Your body is probably still readjusting. Don't give up!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Congrats on your loss!

    How much of that may have been water? Up to 6 pounds or so.

    Try not to get discouraged. 9 pounds is a huge accomplishment! How many pounds any individual needs to lose to see a difference varies tremendously by person, how much weight they need to lose, where their body lets go of it first, whether they're losing more fat than muscle, how tight their clothes were when they began, etc., etc.

    If you haven't done so already, I'd highly recommend taking measurements ( you can log them into your 'check-in' tab and no one but you will see them) and possibly even some photos.

    Good luck!
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Doh sorry I totally misread your post
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I didn't see anything until I was about 20lbs. down BUT after the first two weeks I was feeling way better. It's not all about the scale.
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks everyone. I haven't taken my measurements, I'll do that tonight.
  • bgmomof3boys
    I think that 1 gallon of water weighs around 8 lbs! stick with it and you will start noticing your clothes fitting better and then you will go down a size!
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    Losing weight is like unravelling a toilet paper roll. If you start off full and fluffy, then taking off a few sheets isn't going to diminish the roll much. Once you get closer to the middle of the roll, taking off 5-6 sheets will show up a bit more. Then when you get close to the cardboard tube, every sheet seems to make a noticeable difference.

    You're losing weight all over your body and likely in places where you didn't even realize fat was being stored (internal organs, wrists, neck, ankles, fingers) so you're going to lose a little bit here and there until the only fat stores left are the ones you really want to get at. When you get to that point you will change so fast it'll blow your mind.

    It'll take a while, especially if you're one of those double or triple rolls... but it'll happen if you're patient and stick it out.
  • Julesfame
    Julesfame Posts: 32 Member
    Keep at it and you will notice the change. One morning you will wake up and put clothes on that just hang on your body. For me, my body size shrunk but the shape i.e. the baby belly is still there. I have to do more strength training to get a bikini body. Everyone has to do some work to get the body shape they want. Keep plugging at it.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    That depends on lots of things - how big you were when you started, how much weight you need to lose, what your body composition is (fat to lean muscle mass ratio), etc. If you weigh 500 lbs, and lose 9, no one, incl. yourself, will notice. If you are only 10 lbs from your goal weight, and lose 9, that would be obvious.

    The first wk I started losing, I think I lost about 3-4 lbs, and I'm guessing that most of that was water weight, or at least 1/2 of it. Your body can retain an awful lot of water. Most people can probably lose around a lb. of actual weight a wk, more if they are obese, and less if they aren't (assuming they are eating enough).

    In any case, be proud that you are moving in the right direction. You'll see results soon enough. I always notice it in the way my clothes fit first, over how I think I look.
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    Losing weight is like unravelling a toilet paper roll. If you start off full and fluffy, then taking off a few sheets isn't going to diminish the roll much. Once you get closer to the middle of the roll, taking off 5-6 sheets will show up a bit more. Then when you get close to the cardboard tube, every sheet seems to make a noticeable difference.

    You're losing weight all over your body and likely in places where you didn't even realize fat was being stored (internal organs, wrists, neck, ankles, fingers) so you're going to lose a little bit here and there until the only fat stores left are the ones you really want to get at. When you get to that point you will change so fast it'll blow your mind.

    It'll take a while, especially if you're one of those double or triple rolls... but it'll happen if you're patient and stick it out.

    Haha, thanks for the analogy. I think I'm a triple roll....Charmin. :)
  • lkyeomans
    lkyeomans Posts: 52 Member
    Did you take your measurements? I was shocked when I took my measurements and had lost many inches even when the scale didn't show that much. Remember you are losing that weight everywhere, so it will take a bit to see results in your tummy area or your hips. If you haven't done your measurements I strongly suggest you do. Taking pictures and comparing them side by side may help as well. Keep plugging away, it will come. This is me almost 20 lbs lighter, not a huge difference but some.
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    That depends on lots of things - how big you were when you started, how much weight you need to lose, what your body composition is (fat to lean muscle mass ratio), etc. If you weigh 500 lbs, and lose 9, no one, incl. yourself, will notice. If you are only 10 lbs from your goal weight, and lose 9, that would be obvious.

    The first wk I started losing, I think I lost about 3-4 lbs, and I'm guessing that most of that was water weight, or at least 1/2 of it. Your body can retain an awful lot of water. Most people can probably lose around a lb. of actual weight a wk, more if they are obese, and less if they aren't (assuming they are eating enough).

    In any case, be proud that you are moving in the right direction. You'll see results soon enough. I always notice it in the way my clothes fit first, over how I think I look.

    My weight is in my ticker, I'm 230, well 221 now and my goal is 135. So I have a long way to go. Thanks for your encouragement!
  • monkeymomof3
    monkeymomof3 Posts: 107 Member
    Losing weight is like unravelling a toilet paper roll. If you start off full and fluffy, then taking off a few sheets isn't going to diminish the roll much. Once you get closer to the middle of the roll, taking off 5-6 sheets will show up a bit more. Then when you get close to the cardboard tube, every sheet seems to make a noticeable difference.

    You're losing weight all over your body and likely in places where you didn't even realize fat was being stored (internal organs, wrists, neck, ankles, fingers) so you're going to lose a little bit here and there until the only fat stores left are the ones you really want to get at. When you get to that point you will change so fast it'll blow your mind.

    It'll take a while, especially if you're one of those double or triple rolls... but it'll happen if you're patient and stick it out.

    I like this!! great way to word it :)