Eating breakfast makes me hungrier! HELP!



  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    eat a four egg omelet with spinach in it and mushrooms. Eggs will hold you over for a long time. More fiber should help too. push through and your body will get used to it eventually. I just hope it wont take too long.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    Breakfast jump starts ur metabolism! making u hungry....BUT eating breakfast helps with weightloss, if u skip breakfast u slow down ur metabolism. The best thing to do is drink plenty of water, especially when feeling hungry to subside the hunger. Water will fill u up before lunch and u won't be as hungry, and won't eat as much. dont skip breakfast! :)

    Eating breakfast does not aid in weight loss. That is a myth.

    Thats the first I have ever heard...why is that a myth??
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Also has a lot to do with what you eat. You need to stick with foods that are heavier like whole grain breads, oatmeal, etc.. It takes longer for your body to break these down and you won't feel as hungry. Also try to have a full glass of cold water before you eat. It will keep you feeling full for a bit more.

    Than take a small snack or two, like almonds like blakjac6 suggested, to offset your hunger. I love raw almonds. They keep me full to the point where I think I could skip lunch if I wanted to. :)
  • rastagrrl
    Don't forget to eat your snacks. I usually eat at about 7:45 a.m., have a snack at 10:30 am., lunch about 11:30 a.m., workout at 1 p.m., snack again at 3 p.m., dinner around 6:30 ish and then a final snack around 8ish or so.

    I find that eating smaller, more frequent meals really works for me. For instance, breakfast might only be a cup of coffee and a half a bagel with peanut butter, followed by a snack of a fiber one bar a couple of hours later.

    Hope this helps!
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I'd recommend moving to five smaller meals a day if you are feeling hungry come lunch time.

    One of the first things I did when I started this program was making a switch to smaller meals more often throughout the day, and it has helped me so much. Definitely has cut down on my headaches, since my blood sugar isn't swinging around.

    I agree. 5 or 6 smaller meals really works.
  • sweetsexy43
    sweetsexy43 Posts: 99 Member
    I never liked breakfast..but since ive been eating it..i noticed a change in my weight. I usually try to eat more in the a bowl of oatmeal and turkey bacon. I keep snacks/fruits..etc. at my addition just because your stomach growls..doesnt mean your hungry. Try drinking a bottle of water when you feel hungry and then see if you have that same feeling after. If you were just thirsty..if you feel the same..grab some nuts or fruit.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,245 Member
    Looking at your breakfast today, and I didn't go further back, you do not eat nearly enough fiber. My breakfast usually has about 26 grams of fiber. That along with about 24 ounces of water keeps me full for a very long time. As for eating 5-6 meals a day, there is no scientific evidence that it helps your metabolism or weight loss from any physiological effect. It may help some people mentally, but for others it will make them eat more. In fact 3 larger meals a day will keep your blood sugar at the lower end of the normal range through the day than 6 small meals. There is a whole way of eating which you can find at where people following it don't eat morning breakfast at all. They continue their overnight fast to 1PM or so, then fit all their calories in 3 big meals between that time and 8PM. It allows people to take advantage of the physiological benefits of being in a fasted state for about 18 hours every day. You may want to look into that.
  • 78_kasia
    78_kasia Posts: 27
    For me it depends on what I eat. If I eat something with protein in it I do better. If I have cereal then I'm starved to death all day.

    Completely agree that I stay fuller longer if I eat something with protein like egg or egg white for breakfast.
    Also, I have small snacks (fruit or granola bar) between breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Helps me get through the day.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I find that if I eat some protein for breakfast, like a hard boiled egg, I am less hungry by the time I eat my mid-morning snack. I usually eat a piece of fruit around 10 am which holds me over until lunch. I'm never really hungry between lunch and dinner, but if I miss my 10 am snack, I am starving by lunchtime. I really think it just depends on your body. Some people are morning eaters and some are night time eaters.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Breakfast jump starts ur metabolism! making u hungry....BUT eating breakfast helps with weightloss, if u skip breakfast u slow down ur metabolism. The best thing to do is drink plenty of water, especially when feeling hungry to subside the hunger. Water will fill u up before lunch and u won't be as hungry, and won't eat as much. dont skip breakfast! :)

    Eating breakfast does not aid in weight loss. That is a myth.

    Well, everything I have found in my quick search says that if you want a more effective metabolism, start with breakfast. It may not contribute to weight loss itself, but if your body is running more efficiently, it has to help. I eat breakfast daily, and have at least 2 healthy snacks a day. When I didn't eat breakfast, I was way more likely to grab an unhealthy snack because it was quick and handy (like donuts/cookies/chocolate).

    I didn't post links, but if you search the internet, and look for reputable sites, you should be able to draw your own conclusions :smile:
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Oops, double post :wink:
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    I am the exact same way. If I eat breakfast it triggers my hunger and I eat more during the day. It drives me crazy but I've always been like this. I don't know what to tell you. They say if you eat a small breakfast it keeps your body out of starvation mode and actually helps us lose faster. If you look at it from a strictly calorie way of thinking it would only make sense for people like us to skip breakfast. Or have breakfast for lunch. It is just after 11AM and I haven't eaten yet. I'm about to eat now and I pray I have the will power to stay in control. I have found if I stick to 1200 calories per day I lose weight. I'm hungry all the time though, however it is working. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    I agree with the idea of eating some almonds (or other nut) as an snack. I do wonder what you're having for breakfast. For myself I get a balance of protein, complex carbs and fat in order to feel full and energized. The breakfast foods I eat are eggs, cheese, oatmeal, toast, kashi cereals, fruit, yogurt, and sausage. I mix and match all of these and end up with enough variety not to get bored, but still a substantial start to the day. Maybe try adding a bit more fat into your breakfast, as this has been known to increase satiety. Maybe instead of low fat milk, yogurt or cheese, use regular. Or put a teaspoon of butter on your toast.

    For me I have found that it is really important I get all three to feel satisfied. Since I have gotten into the habit of having a HUGE breakfast (400-500 calories) I have noticed a significant drop in appetite the rest of the day, and generally feel better overall. Of course it was hard to adjust to in the beginning.

    I'm also wondering how you don't feel this way between lunch and supper. Do you eat significantly more for lunch? It could be that your body has grown to expect the first day of the meal to be a rather robust one. Why don't you experiment with giving more of your days calories to breakfast than to lunch or supper (So maybe 30% breakfast, 25% lunch, 25% supper, 20% snacks throughout the day).

    Just some thoughts :)
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    I'm also wondering how you don't feel this way between lunch and supper. Do you eat significantly more for lunch? It could be that your body has grown to expect the first day of the meal to be a rather robust one. Why don't you experiment with giving more of your days calories to breakfast than to lunch or supper (So maybe 30% breakfast, 25% lunch, 25% supper, 20% snacks throughout the day).

    Just some thoughts :)

    I am very busy at that time playing sports. Yes, I am hungry but most of the time I'm on the softball field and cant grab anything to eat. So, I've gotten used to that, and have learned to ignore it because I'm so busy.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Eating breakfast does not aid in weight loss. That is a myth.
    lol there is always a few naysayers, if what you are doing works for you stick with it, but I can tell you right now that every single person who asks me about this and then tries it sees an almost instant increase in metabolism within 1 week of doing this. Funny that if its a myth why do they start dropping more weight so quickly?
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you should be eating closer to 400 calories. Make sure you are getting protein in those calories as well. Breakfast gets your metabolism going so you will be hungrier.
    You should also be eating a snack a couple of hours later, and not just a snack full of carbs!
    You should be eating between 1200-1400 calories daily, do not drop below 1200. I also have a 1400 calorie goal and I make sure my breakfast is around 400 calories, dinner not above 400 calories, lunch around 300 and that leaves about 300 for snacks, which I usually have a yogurt (100), orange (80) & a hard boiled egg (70)
  • SkinnyMrsQ
    SkinnyMrsQ Posts: 1 Member
    I find that eating a well-rounded breakfast keeps me so full I have to make myself eat lunch. I eat a meat, grain, dairy, and fruit. Examples include scrambled egg sandwich w/ light bread and Borden's fat free cheese slice w/ a side of grapes or a banana. Another is oatmeal, pre-cooked bacon (believe it, or not it's actually rather low cal because most of the fat has been cooked out), baby-bel or string cheese, and a fruit. Cereal is the least filling, but when I eat it, I eat one w/ a lot of fiber like frosted mini-wheats, milk, and a fruit. (For that one, I count the milk as a protein and dairy.) Combining these food groups might be just what you need to fight off early hunger!!!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Breakfast jump starts ur metabolism! making u hungry....BUT eating breakfast helps with weightloss, if u skip breakfast u slow down ur metabolism. The best thing to do is drink plenty of water, especially when feeling hungry to subside the hunger. Water will fill u up before lunch and u won't be as hungry, and won't eat as much. dont skip breakfast! :)

    Eating breakfast does not aid in weight loss. That is a myth.

    Thats the first I have ever heard...why is that a myth??

    After fasting overnight, your body releases your adrenal hormones to help release fatty acids from your fat cells for energy. This process increases metabolism by 3-10% depending on the individual. Also, growth hormone, a potent fat burner, is increased at this time. Eating breakfast does not speed up metabolism.