What if I don't hit my goal in time?

So I started my weight loss journey in April 2010 at 245 pounds. I am currently down to 174 pounds and my goal weight is 160. Since I started, my goal has been to be at my goal weight by my 25th birthday, May 20th. That is 14 pounds in 5ish weeks that I still have to lose. I am struggling with the idea of accepting that I may not be there by then. That's a lot of weight to lose in 5 weeks. Any advice? I try to tell myself that it doesn't matter if I don't meet my goal by then, because I will meet my goal at some point, but I feel like I will be a failure if I can't do it.


  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    I would hardly call losing 71 lbs in a year a failure! I think you should keep your eye on the goal, but dont stress about it, since you've done awesomely. Remember, stress produces cortisol. :)
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Change your goal. For example, instead of focusing exclusively on the scale, go back through your diary for the last month or two and look for two things you can do to improve your diet; or look at a way you can change up your exercise routine.

    You've been at this a long time and have not only stuck with it, you've been highly successful! That's a lot to take pride in! If you don't think so, go to the supermarket and pick up two 35lb bags of dog food. See how far you can carry them around the store (no using a cart!). You used to carry that EVERY SINGLE DAY!

    I don't really understand why people put 'end dates' on their weight loss goals. To me, it seems counter-productive as it can force people into making poor decisions which will adversely affect their ability to keep the weight off. I think it's far more beneficial to focus on the behaviors that you know will lead to weight loss.
  • authson
    authson Posts: 233
    Just think of all the pounds you have lost. I am jealous of that. Even if you don't make your goal, you will be close and it is a huge accomplishment, you should be proud. I know you may feel disappointed that you didn't make the goal but believe me alot of people would be happy with what you have done. Great job and keep it up for your last few pounds.
  • wagn27
    wagn27 Posts: 65
    You're right- 14 lbs in 5 weeks is a lot of weight, especially since you are close to your goal. But don't forget you LOST 70 lbs! So what if you don't quite make it by May 20th as long as you don't give up trying. Weight loss isn't a race so it's ok to take longer than you thought.
  • lisazags
    lisazags Posts: 27 Member
    You look so amazing and 71 pounds is amazing. I am having to retrain my thinking to inches rather then weight right now. I too have a goal to lose weight by my birthday- the 22nd.

    I am trying to really watch my calorie intake and doing a modified low carb diet, which has helped me in the past! That might get you closer a little sooner.

    If you stay on your same path, you should be able to lose at least 10 pounds, which would only make you 4 away from your goal. I am sure those last 4 pounds are in your boobies, water and intestines! (lol)
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I avoid specific dates for that reason! You are doing So WELL> don't let one date hang you up! You are going to meet that goal long before you are 25.5 yrs even- so i consider that a huge success! You are stil meeting it while you are 25!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    First of all BIG CONGRATULATIONS on the weight that you have lost that is a big accomplishment.

    Next do not look at this a timeframe to get to a certain weight by such a date. I used to do that all the time to be at a goal weight by the summer. Or I wanted to get at least 10 lbs by this June before my vacation. I've come to realize that all i am doing is putting so much stress and pressure on myself. And I was depressed when I didnt reach my goal.

    I had to change my way of thinking that this is going to be a lifestyle change forever. Yes I will reach my goal but it might take a little longer to get there. And when I get there does it mean I go back to my old ways. No. I have to continue on the path of healthy living.

    So don't stress about a date. Celebrate what you've accomplished right now! You've done great!!
  • LyndseyMcKnight7
    Thanks everyone, for the support and encouragement. I know I will meet my goal, and whether or not it is on my birthday or two months later, I will be there!!! I will definitely avoid giving myself deadlines in the future because it is just depressing. I'm losing it and that's all that matters! Thanks again, friends!
  • Peanutmanda
    Peanutmanda Posts: 103
    I really needed to read this. I've been so depressed all week because my goal was to be 160 by my birthday (June 4th) {im 5 71/2 so that me at a "normal" weight} and im still 175. So 15 pounds in 39 days. Nearly impossible. : ( Thank you for posting this.
  • Omibritt5
    Omibritt5 Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulation on the 71 pound loss, you should be proud of that accomplishment. Instead of 14 pounds in 5 weeks go 5, you can make that goal and after your birthday set a new goal. You are a winner and the last 10 pounds are sometimes the hardest to loose, never give up and go one day at a time, I know you will reach your goal in no time, just think of how far you came, it's aresome. Great job!!!!!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    If i don't reach a goal in time, i re-evaluate the goal, see why I didn't hit it, and adjust it accordingly.

    Sometimes we're too optimistic, or something occurs that pushes our goal out of the way. Nothing wrong with taking another week or two to get there.

    Just don't give up.