cottage cheese legs!!!

I am soooo frustrated. I am 5'6 166lbs and have a very curvaceous figure. I have a big behind and thick legs. I also have cottage cheese legs. I am doing everything in my power to help eliminate that, but I'm getting frustrated. Summer is right around the corner and I really want to wear shorts. Do any of you have that problem or have had and were able to fix it? I had a friend tell me not to run, that it wont help it only makes it worse. I enjoy running and would hate to stop but could she be right? I currently do plenty of lounges and leg work. Is there a specific exercise that might help? What about lotions?? Help!!


  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Running isn't going to make it worse.

    No specific excercise will help, but doing lunges and squats will help build muscle in your legs and make them look firmer overall.

    EST makes a product called sculpted abs that you can apply to trouble areas. I haven't used it, but I've used some of their other products and am a fan of the company.
  • Malrich
    Malrich Posts: 2 Member
    I agree, running isn't going to make it worse. I am a runner and I share your sentiments as I have some cottage cheese on my legs and butt. I truly believe that running helped mine gain the tone to help with the cottage cheese look. Not only that it gave me a lot more confidence. I also agree that strength training can help, the more muscle the more firm your legs will look. Don't give up!
  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    try to reduce your sodium intake, I've read that can help reduce cellulite. good Luck! (min sodium is 500 that you need, everythng else can be eliminated)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Running isn't going to make it worse, but it won't make it better.

    For a couple of years I was skinny fat (105 pounds or so) and I had it on the back of my legs. I started lifting heavy, gained a few pounds, and low and behold, it disappeared. I credit a good diet and lots of heavy lifting (i.e. deadlifts, squats, lunges, step ups) for helping.
  • heathera1980
    I don't know if this works for sure because I've never tried it before but I once read in a Glamour magazine that while you're in the shower, you are supposed to massage your legs in a circular motion that will help break up cellulite. You know those wooden paddles with the wooden pegs (think hairbrush but wood), if you buy one of those, those are supposed to help. (You can find them in the beauty/spa section at any major discount store.) If you're thinking free....fingers work too, they'll just get tired! :smile: I hope it helps!
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    Take measurements of your thighs. Then for the next six weeks, go real intense on lunges, squats, the stair master and the run. Then retake your measurements in six weeks. You need to probably do leg workouts for at least 45 minutes at least 3 times a week, or every other day if you can handle. I do have to tell you that even if you are your most fittest, your legs may carry most of your weight.

    Good luck!
  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Running isn't going to make it worse, but it won't make it better.

    For a couple of years I was skinny fat (105 pounds or so) and I had it on the back of my legs. I started lifting heavy, gained a few pounds, and low and behold, it disappeared. I credit a good diet and lots of heavy lifting (i.e. deadlifts, squats, lunges, step ups) for helping.

    I agree...ladies, lifting is not bad. It actually works toward a benefit like this one. Rather than just doing cardio, participating in a strength training regimine will help.

    Try will do wonders.
  • skinnyjeans13
    The only product that I've heard that makes a difference for most (not all) people is FatGirlSlim by Bliss. They sell it at Sephora. You are supposed to massage it into your problem areas for 30 seconds and apparently people really do see results! (You can read reviews on the Sephora site.)

    They have a daytime one and a nighttime one but you don't have to do both.
  • angiezee
    angiezee Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you guys for the feedback. I think I just need to do more weight training. I know I cant change my whole body in three months but I dream of skinny beautiful legs all the time lol (which wont ever happen, just not by body type).
  • edenman34
    Continue with your running since you enjoy it. It's a great exercise for the body and will definitely not make the cellulite worse. Also continue doing lunges and squats and throw in bike work, hip adductors, hip abductors and lying leg curls. Muscle tone will help decrease the amount of "cottage cheese" fat in your legs. Most importantly, drink LOTS of water.
  • kimkimchi
    kimkimchi Posts: 58
    I'd suggest weight training, running, and drinking lots of water! I was starting to get slightly bumpy on my bum/back of my thighs and losing just 5lbs with the aforementioned really, really helped!
  • Sarahdangerfox
    Every body is different, but I've been doing a 1/2 hour on the elliptical on high intensity interval settings 5 days a week, plus some leg presses, lunges, squats, etc. I've noticed that the cellulite in my bum has pretty much disappeared, so maybe this will help you too?
  • grstorm
    grstorm Posts: 28 Member
    After gaining the weight my legs have cheesy looking parts and these pressure sometimes gives me knee pain so I can't attack some of the leg exercises like I used to in my fitter and younger days. Some of the old-school exercises also work well without hurting the knees like the fire hydrant on all fours and kick backs and lying on your side and doing leg lifts.