how much water?

Hi all,

I'm new here, and just getting used to using MFP. I have a question about the water intake. When they say you should drink 8 cups of water, does that mean 8 cups (like measured with a measuring cup), or just 8 glasses of water. I ask this because I drink a pint of water every morning (which is 2 measured cups), and I just want to know if I should track it as 1 cup or 2.

Also, if I drink coffee or beer, should I increase my water intake to compensate?

Thanks for the help!


  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    2 - generally go with a measured cup but I tend to under estimate if I am drinking a glass (unless it is clearly 2 cups)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    A glass is a cup. A pint is two glasses. Yes drink 8 glasses of water minimum. Just don't count the beer or coffee as a water. Beer (and coffee for that matter) dehydrates you. More water would be good.
  • Mark330
    Mark330 Posts: 75
    Aim for your body weight in oz of water. ie if you weigh 100 lbs, drink 100 oz of water.

    Cup is "measuring cup". Most water bottles give you 2 -3 servings (Says on the label).

    Good rule of thumb is clear pee.
  • gally619
    gally619 Posts: 5
    1 serving of water is usually 8oz. I read somewhere that for every 25 lbs you are over to add another serving of water. But the more water you drink is usually better, but be careful to not over do it, since you can flush all of your electrolites out and that is really bad.