Really needing a push!!:)

I'm a nursing student with a busy family and I've really let my weight get out of hand! I would love to find a buddy similar to me who can hold me accountable for my actions (or in my case, inaction!)


  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Hey, Busy mom here too. If I can do this anyone can! Happy to help encourage. Feel free to send me a friend request!
  • molls77
    molls77 Posts: 3
    I can totally understand that, as a nurse I can tell you that nursing school alone is enough stress to make anyone overeat!! It was the beginning of my weight gain!! Being a mom on top of that is certainly difficult and I give you a ton of credit!! If you need some extra moral support feel free to friend me, I will help you along the way!!