Sugar, sugar, sugar!!!

lnfowler887 Posts: 18 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, I love fresh fruit. LOVE!! I could eat a bajillion apples a day.. ok maybe not a bajillion, but you get the point. I also know fruit has a lot of sugar.. I've been told that the sugar in fruit is way different than sugar in my favorite donut or in my beloved Snickers bar and that its ok to eat as much fruit as I want. Is this true? Because I'm craving an apple as I type...


  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    useful info re sugar in fruit *S*
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Sugar in fruit IS different, but you still need to make sure you don't eat too much.
  • olo567
    olo567 Posts: 50 Member
    It's still sucrose (sugar), same as cake and donuts. However, fruit is still much better for you than other sugar sources because of the fiber and vitamins.
  • JizWiz
    JizWiz Posts: 57
    Just eat it in moderation. I am the same way! Replaced my ice cream with apples and bananas. Good Luck!
  • It's still sucrose (sugar), same as cake and donuts. However, fruit is still much better for you than other sugar sources because of the fiber and vitamins.

    Not quite, there are definite differences between the sugar in sweets and cane sugar for example and that which is in fruit. I'm suer someone here can explain better than I but basically our bodies process each of those in different ways.
  • HollyHask
    HollyHask Posts: 18 Member
    nice web link....thanks!
  • HollyHask
    HollyHask Posts: 18 Member
    useful info re sugar in fruit *S*

    nice web link....thanks!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    All sugars are simple carbohydrates. Simple carbs provide quick energy, and require very little digestion. Thus, they do not keep you full for very long.

    Some sugars are more simple than others. Table sugar (sucrose) is very simple - you digest it as fast as you can eat it (actually digests in your mouth). This causes spikes in your blood sugar ... and cavities.

    Fructose (found in fruit) is not quite as simple - digestion takes longer, so you are not a prone to blood sugar spikes. I love apples too. The good news it that they provide lots of fiber. Fiber does help you stay full longer.
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