Got Health?

DeathEmpr Posts: 17
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello there fellow MFP peeps, my name is A.C and I'd like to say this website is a fantastic tool, utterly awesome. I've been fiddling with it for a couple of days now and the food database is tremendous, finally I can get better estimates in what I eat. So, a little about myself I'm 6'0 and 265 lbs with a somewhat athletic build and I'm in my twenties. On my dad's family side we have a huge diabetes problem, I mean to the point my uncle got blind and some of my aunties past away because of this disease.

Recently, I've been having some sleeping disorders like sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome, so to say the least I headed to the doc's office for a check up. Obviously, the check up showed that I was going towards this same path (damn genetics!) and if I didn't do anything about it i'm bound to accept my fate. As of a week ago I mustered up all motivation, built a playlist, and started to believe. My goal is to reach 180 lbs and hopefully eliminate this issue through strength training and basketball. I swear to god though, portion control is KILLING me, but I know it'll get easier with time just need to find better filler foods. :laugh: Well then, I wish you all luck and lets get healthy people!:smile:


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