Who has or had 100lbs+ too loose?

I really love seeing all of the BIG success stories and the BIG motivation to have great success. I myself have over 100lbs to loose and for the first time in my life am SERIOUSLY trying to shed it. I have been on MFP now for over a month and have lost 12lbs. Since I began my weight loss journey earlier this year I have lost 25 lbs all together.

What keeps you going? What excercise routines do you have? Are you watching your calorie/portion intakes, any adice is good advice. I know everything works differently for everyone but I'd like to hear what works for you!! :)



  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    Congratulations on your progress. Have a look at my blog, I've been documenting everything since I started in November. Feel free to send me a friend request if you wish to have a look at my daily diary. Take care, SSG.
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    I have 100 to lose. I started March 1st and have lost 18lbs so far...2 more to go till I am in the 250's...I am geeked!!! LOL!!!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I started with over 100 to lose and am about 2/3 of the way there. I also have a blog over at www.BrentGetsFit.com. I use MFP pretty religiously but with the understanding that I'm going to have the occasional bad day here and there. I started with the Power 90 workout DVD and have recently started the Power 90 Master Series. I also did the Couch to 5k program and recently ran my first 5k race. I find the small but noticeable differences keep me motivated. It's easier to tie my shoes, my shirts fit better, I'm not winded going up the stairs, etc. Now having lost so much, that in itself is motivation to finish the job and get to my goal. Feel free to friend me and good luck :)
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I have a total of 97 lbs.. is that close enough? lol I'm down to the last 2-3 lbs.

    My diary is public if you care to take a look.

    The biggest advice I can give anyone is to take this a day at a time and don't obsess about the end result. Constantly focus on your improvements and give yourself praise every step of the way.
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    I have over a 100 to lose as well! I havent had great success yet but Im totally focused now!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Tracking your Calories and Exercise--without stressing about the details--will work!!:flowerforyou:

    :drinker: Good Luck!!!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I started with 113 total to lose... I have lost 64.1 with 49.9 left to lose! haha. feel free to take a look at my oldest picture which is me and my hubby at his best friends wedding in June 2009. I started this 14 months after that, for the simple reason that I wanted an excuse to have my brand new iPhone out all the time. haha!
  • busymamaof4
    busymamaof4 Posts: 19 Member
    I started out wanting to lose 150 pounds. I had lost 90 before I found MFP. I have been on MFP for 15 days and I have lost 103 pounds as of today. I work out every day, maybe not vigorously, but I make sure that I at least get out and walk daily. I also use portion control. I read every label and count every calorie. Good luck to you!
  • neonpink
    neonpink Posts: 203 Member
    Well done with your weightloss so far you are doing amazing !

    I have more than 100lbs to lose aswell and have recently passed the 1/3 point, I just put my first progress pic on my profile today actually after hitting 50lbs lost.

    I gave up soda a while ago and now drink nothing but water, im sure this has helped with my weightloss, and with keeping my skin in an ok condition . I also really keep a close eye on my sodium intake.

    I measure everything I eat when i can and have been reducing my calories gradually. I started walking everyday at first to get used to exercising everyday, and now I am up to week 7 on the c25k programme and do a range of cardio such as kickboxing and I also do weight training.

    I wish you all the best with the rest of your weightloss

  • orbidlymobese
    I have 100+ to loose, I started April the 10th and have lost 12lbs so far (:

    I'm just thinking, it's been so easy so far and I'm basically a 10th of the way through, if I do this 9 more times I'm healthy!! (I know it won't go quite that easily but I think positive!)

    Everyone feel free to add me as a friend if you want positive support!
  • janecl
    janecl Posts: 121 Member
    Slapshotgolf:Wow, I saw your post on 100 lbs too lose and you are such an inspiration! I am 56 and have been heavy all my life. I have lost wait before and regain it. I, too, love to see and read all the success stories to keep freshly in my mind it is achieveable. This time I am going to work hard to make the lifestyle change so that I can do things that I haven't been able to do but want to do. The support we get from MFP is amazing and means so much because we all are going through it together and understand what it takes. Thanks for posting! Good luck Trisha on your journey! I too will read and apply any knowledge I can to help me on my journey!
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