Cheat days

fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
Are they a good idea?


  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    depends on what you call a cheat day. If a cheat day is "stuff your face till you vomit" then no xD Haha some people think this is fine

    A cheat meal once a week is a FANTASTIC idea tho :D keeps you on track. Plus we want to live life happy! Yummy foods make me happy :]
  • swells123
    swells123 Posts: 17
    usually if i feel like having something i have it and just add it in my diary. when i have reached my calorie limit for the day thats it...You cannot deprive yourself all the time...I you want something have it just in moderation..
  • Nataliethin81
    I think a cheat "meal" is better then an actual cheat day. You definitely deserve a cheat meal if you work hard but don't allow yourself to go too off track if you decide to make it a cheat day.
  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    I don't trust myself to have a 'cheat day'...but if you have self control then do it! I find it healthier to treat myself every now and then instead of just making it one day a week. :)
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I'm pretty sure you said in a previous post that you eat what you want and don't obsess over it, so I'm not quite sure what a cheat day means to you.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have never had a cheat day or meal. What would count? Is it only worth while if you always eat super well the rest of the time? I just tend to graze and eat what my body wants.
  • ShellBelle76
    I don't think you need a whole cheat day.
    But I do think people should allow themselves indulgences(in moderation) to avoid binging.
    I usually allow myself a couple pieces of Dove Dark chocolate pieces everyday. I let them melt in my mouth so I can savor the chocolate. It helps me a lot.
  • Lesamay
    Lesamay Posts: 4
    I don't think you should call it a cheat day. Just put the numbers in and let it stand. You know that the next day you'll be more on track. Easter was too complicated for me to put in so I estimated and qick added 2500 calories for the day. I'm not going to feel like I cheated. I just move on.
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    My friend Chris was just telling me a few days ago that he and his other friend have a "Fat Tuesday" every week, and they don't go by there regular dietary restrictions. Chris seems to be doing very well on his weight loss journey.
    I definitely don't think you should go all out and eat absolutely everything you've been craving for the last few weeks, but I think a day of just less strict eating isn't horrible.
    Make sure, though, that you'll be able to wake up the next day be back on track. Don't let a cheat day be your down fall!
  • Crystleen
    Crystleen Posts: 81 Member
    I've come across the "Spike Diet" which you get to have a cheat day once a week to spike your metabolisim. Going to try it.
  • fat_beyonce
    fat_beyonce Posts: 133 Member
    ditto I have a cheat meal once a week and would suggest it as it helps starve off cravings or random binges.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I'm pretty sure you said in a previous post that you eat what you want and don't obsess over it, so I'm not quite sure what a cheat day means to you.

    You got there before me. Yes, I tend to listen to my body and eat what I feel it wants, so I am not sure what a cheat day would mean either! That's why I posted. Is it a day where you eat what you want? Or a day where you don't log?
  • fat_beyonce
    fat_beyonce Posts: 133 Member
    and a cheat meal is where you have one meal a week where you don't worry about calories
  • Nataliethin81
    I've come across the "Spike Diet" which you get to have a cheat day once a week to spike your metabolisim. Going to try it.

    It's good to keep your metabolism guessing! It totally works.
  • fat_beyonce
    fat_beyonce Posts: 133 Member
    and you are supposed to log your cheat meal I do
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I'm pretty sure you said in a previous post that you eat what you want and don't obsess over it, so I'm not quite sure what a cheat day means to you.

    You got there before me. Yes, I tend to listen to my body and eat what I feel it wants, so I am not sure what a cheat day would mean either! That's why I posted. Is it a day where you eat what you want? Or a day where you don't log?

    I don't have cheat days so I think it means something different to everyone. I think some people go all out and eat whatever they want, while others eat one meal or one item outside their regular diet. I allow myself to eat certain foods on ocassion that I normally wouldn't eat but I don't consider it cheating. I like to consider it rewarding myself. =D
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I guess my 10 days in Sicily where I drank 3 glasses of wine a night, was kind of a cheat 10 days? So maybe I don't need any more for a while!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    I eat twice my calories when I cheat so 2200X2 is = 4400 :)
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    The word "cheat" means that be dishonest and deceiful. It means that we are not truthful to ourselves and to our desire to embrace and continue in a healthy journey, so I think that we should call it a "treat" day, not a cheat day.

    It sounds better and it means that we are having something (in moderation...), that we don't have/eat every day.

    Anyway, that is the way I think and I don't expect that too many people will agree with me. Be happy!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I don't see the problem. I track my weekly cals, and as long as I'm not loads over at the end of the week, then I'm not going to gain weight, am I?

    I was 250 over the week before last, but lost 1.6. More than I did the week just gone, where I was under and lost 0.2.