Need friends!

I know there's a previous post about friends, but I need some! I'm also a motivator, but I sometimes need motivation too, so I'm hoping for some adds!


  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    There are scads of posts about friends silly!! May I suggest heading to the forums and reading some stuff. Lots of great people here!!
  • catnav
    catnav Posts: 5
    I am new to this and I need friends. I also need motivation and I try to motivate others. I am going to try to add you. :happy:
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    friend request sent.....we can all use all the help we can get!!!!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Sent add. Lots of great support here.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like. Also, the more you post in the forums the more requests you will get!
  • funsiiz
    funsiiz Posts: 246 Member
    I would like to be your friend:happy: I have switched from Facebook to myfitnesspal, so I dont have many fitness pals.
  • Catz15
    Catz15 Posts: 19
    Hey Carol , add me :)
  • adecker2007
    adecker2007 Posts: 10 Member
    HELLO!! I'm new to this site! Just signed up a few minutes ago! I need friends too! And we are starting at around the same weight! I know personally i"ve attempted several diets, and failed at them! Then I gain the weight back PLUS some :) booo, thats not any fun! I just bought a wii, I"m a stay at home mom and I"m getting ready to start a nursing program through penn state, I don't have much time to ge tout and get to the gym so I figured I'd start at home, I have Zumba and Just Dance 2! I promissed if I bought myself a wii, it was on! I dont have any summer classes so it's time to focus on me!!!! lol, anyway, There is a bit about myself, how about you?
  • Dibbyt
    Dibbyt Posts: 1
    I need motivator to help me to reduce my weight. It is more fun to control it with friends ;-)
  • Chikeebabe
    Chikeebabe Posts: 41 Member
    Would love a new motivating friend. Go ahead and add me! Good luck!