Cheat days



  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I guess tomorrow is a cheat day for me.

    I'm so far 800 under for the week. I know I'll be over tomorrow from drinking and eating out. Do I care? No. I have 2200 to gobble before any exercise I may do, before I start to be over for the week. :drinker:
  • RickyN29
    RickyN29 Posts: 69 Member
    I think it is not only great for the mind, but great for the body.

    Every Wednesday night, my friends and I go out to dinner. I'll get like a half pound burger, with cheese, bacon, fries, etc. Usually about 1000 calories over my "daily limit". However, this satisfies all my cravings for the week and I really really enjoy my meal.

    I absolutely believe it tricks your body and keeps your metabolism up. I cheat Wednesdays and usually post my biggest losses of the week the following morning.

    My body goes "uh oh, uh oh....not eating a lot....conserve! conserve!" Then Wednesday comes...."holy crap! Our favorite foods! Party time! Party time! Light up the furnace and kick up the metabolism" and it always works.

    I weigh in daily and also tend to drop 2lbs the day following my cheat night.

    So my calorie goal is currently 1700 per day (to lose 2lbs/week) and my cheat day is usually about 2700-3000 and I still meet the 2lb/week goal.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    to me, cheat (or treat) days continue the emotional message that food carries. if i let go, i go over on carbohydrates, not a good idea in my case, so I stick to a way of eating that makes me feel good. hence, no cheat days. i find they're not worth it, and they re-awaken cravings I am controlling nicely otherwise. so, it's not a solution for me. also i think the body can't "guess", or be "tricked". we "trick" ourselves, in "cheating". that's something I am no longer prepared to do.
  • Forensi
    Forensi Posts: 56 Member
    I have once used a program called Cheat your way thin ( The program teaches that you body has a hormone called Leptin. This hormone has a direct correlation with the way your metabolism functions. It talks about how when you restrict your body of calories and go on a diet your body goes into what is called a starvation mode and this slows your metabolism and lowers your leptin levels. This process normally takes about a week to happen.

    The author Joel Marion suggests (based on proven tests) that you can make your letpin levels rise back to normal fat burning levels within 12 hours. He suggests that having a cheat day once a week is actually a very good idea as long as you don't gouge yourself to the point of vomitting.

    His suggestions are that you eat food you crave (pizza, cake, coke, etc...) from when you wake up to when you go to bed on your designated cheat day. The concept is to raise your leptin levels so that you can continue to burn fat at optimum levels.

    You can visit his site at

    I personally have tried this product and it works!!!
  • Jayshelle416
    I'm very extremely strict on myself. I eat healthy mon-sat and sunday I splurge. so its ok to have one day where u dont behave it doesnt hurt anyone. but i will be trying the diet mentioned above thanks for the heads up on that one
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    I cheat every Saturday. I allow myself 1,000 calories above what I typically eat. That's about 500 above maintenance.
  • ballwebhost
    ballwebhost Posts: 26 Member
    What I did while on my weight loss journey last year (from February to November) was each day I stuck religiously to having only 1310 calories which was my target each day, most days not reaching this. I used to drink alot of coffee and skinny lattes / cappuccinos however cut this to limit myself to two per day while losing weight. My cheat days were two in a week on a Wednesday and Saturday, which were usually the same. On wednesday I would visit "Abrakebabra" here in Ireland which is a Kebab takeaway (only reason is they have a midweek €5 per meal offer!) and would have a Doner Kebab and Chips (Fries) or a Chicken Baguette (loaded with Mayo and chilli sauce) with garlic mayonnaise on the side... and I also allowed myself to have as many coffees as I liked on these days.

    On a Saturday I would normally have went to a chinese or indian restaurant with my partner and had a huge meal, sometimes starter main and dessert , sometimes only main etc but I would usually splurge out. I have still lost almost 5 stone by utilizing this, and it seems to work. I think its because you work so hard all week, and lose the week, but if your gaining say 2lbs by having two cheats or whatever, your loosing an extra two by the rest of the week.

    I dont know how exactly this works, but for me it did.. And even though I'm not as conscious of how much I eat ( i still do log alot) while now im trying to maintain my weight, I still do tend to have two breakout meals per week, or even have an extra fish and chips takeaway during the week if i feel like it.

    I dont like calling these cheat days or meals, instead i call it my "Breakout day"
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Has anyone here really ever gorged themselves until they were sick??? That seems...well, bizarre! I get sick if I eat white bread and pasta these days, but it's pretty instant - 3 pieces of macaroni = vom. Beer does that too, even a tiny amount. I think I may have a wheat or yeast problem!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I have a "cheat" day at times. What day it is varies. I had Burger King last night because it was on the way home from the vets, quick and I wanted it. It put me over my calories for the day but I'm not going to worry about it. I figure if I eat healthily the rest of the time the occasional rubbish isn't going to be a problem. Thoughts of a life where I can never have cake make me a sad panda :frown:
  • jabsmckee
    jabsmckee Posts: 30 Member
    I try to use cheat meals to my advantage. When I have them, I feel so guilty for a couple days that I eat properly!!!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I will have a cheat meal maybe once a month. But it really isn't a cheat at all because I will plan for it the whole week and be under my calories enough each day to make up for my possible overage. I do not make it a habit because I do not want to allow myself to get out of control and go right back to where I was. I've come to far now. But most of the things that I used to think were so amazing, just do not appeal to me anymore.

    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    I plateaued a couple of months ago and I started giving myself two "cheat days" a week and I am now losing again. I follow a very strict 1200-1300 net calories a day Mon-Fri and then Sat and Sun I just don't log my food. If there's something I've been wanting, I eat it.....but no, I don't pig out until I make myself sick lol! Sat and Sun is also when I allow myself to have alcohol...I don't usually drink but occasionally on the weekend I'll have a drink or two. Try it for a couple of weeks and see if it works for you.