Seriously considering going vegan

So I'm sitting at home..I look around and what calls to me, some fiber one yogurt, ok. Some cottage cheese..ok..A glass of milk..Now I feel sick. Truth is I'm lactose intolerant..yet I have this love hate relationship with dairy. I dont eat red mean(for the most part), dont care for most pork(with the exception of bacon and ham). I think I should go vegan for my own health but find that alot of vegan food is just as mass prepared and unhealthy as meat.

Help and healthy and happy Vegans?

I dont want to look like death warmed over but I'm thinking its something i need to do, if only for a little while


  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    I wish I could also become a vegan but I like my chicken/fish/turkey too much and don't enjoy many vegetables although I'm exploring more and finding more I like. Hopefully someday soon I'll be able to...meanwhile it's baby steps. Check this trailer for Forks Over Knives Documentary and you'll be more inspired to.
  • juststaystoked
    i'm a fairly recent vegan and i LOVE IT.
    you have to be in it fully, otherwise it won't stick. i would suggest doing some research about the meat and dairy industry (ESPECIALLY the dairy industry, as it is so often overlooked).
    i honestly don't even touch processed foods - my diet is healthy grains, a TON of fruit and vegetables, legumes, beans, oils, etc..
    you won't look like death warmed over if you're healthy! the sickly little vegans are the ones who don't care for themselves!
    if you have a well stocked public library, there are a TON of vegan resources out there -- if not, there's the internet!
  • SJHiker
    SJHiker Posts: 32 Member
    Hey, check out zackerybinx's link to Your Fitness Pal. There's a trailor for "Forks For Knives" and info about a discussion on Dr. Oz. Read "The China Study" for good reasons to go vegan. Good luck!
  • jemmur
    jemmur Posts: 57 Member
    I think I should go vegan for my own health but find that alot of vegan food is just as mass prepared and unhealthy as meat.
    it doesn't have to be! like anyone else, you can live off junky, overly processed foods or you can cook your own healthy, wholesome stuff. or look for a sensible middle ground ;)

    the temptation for me, initially, was to look for striaght-up vegan substitutes for foods i was already familiar with, so i ate a lot of questionable food. it was only after i started moving out of my comfort zone, cooking more adventurous dishes and experimenting with new ingredients, that my diet got a lot healthier (and tastier!). vegan blogs are great for pinching ideas from, imo - my current favourite is this one:

    i still eat things like tofu - and very occasionally fake meats - but they don't consitute anything like the bulk of my diet and you needn't eat them at all, if you don't want to. it'd just take a bit more time/effort/learning than a lazybones like me can muster!
  • SuziScott
    SuziScott Posts: 57
    Check out Dr Fuhrman's Books. Eat to Live, Eat for Health, etc. If you are going to be vegan you need to try to eat the highest nutrient foods available. Not eat fake meats and cheeses because those are all loaded with sodium and chemicals and don't make you healthy. You can check out my food diary. I have been vegan for over 4 years now. I did add in a few boiled eggs a couple weeks ago because I am doing the Insanity workout and I thought I would see if it gave me any energy or how it would make me feel. I didn't really notice any difference at all, but I am not opposed to it. My energy levels have actually been great even through this intense workout program!
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    I think if you're lactose intolerant you should just go dairy free but not vegan. Meat is good for you if you buy the organic, the no-nitrates stuff, the "no hormones" brands. Eggs are too. More and more studies are coming out in favor of meat and eggs, I actually just posted an article 2 minutes ago. Do your research. Meat and fat aren't the "boogeymen" of diet that society has made them out to be previously, and you're going to continue to hear more about it.

    Why not just skip things that make you sick- the dairy.

    I also read that people who have lactose intolerance can actually consume "raw" dairy. (Just goes to show you food is not always bad itself, it's the crap people do to it) Unfortunately many states don't allow raw dairy but I've had raw milk and cheese and it's great. Give it a shot if you ever get the chance.

    I was a vegetarian for 10 years and I'd never do it again. I wasn't healthier or more fit than I am now eating meat. Actually I was less healthy and I was chubbier even though I jogged.
  • ddsety
    ddsety Posts: 2 Member
    I watched the movie trailer. Great motivation. I have been vegan for a year and agree with you that the processed stuff is no better than any other processed food product (probably). I'm not a big cook, so I do buy Amy's entres, but i also eat at a lot of buffets. I especailly like Chinese and Indian. Be careful not to go overboard on carbs, though! I really enjoy Blue Diamond Almond Milk (can't tell the difference from 2% unless you get the vanilla flavor and then it is JUST LIKE EGG NOG). I do not like the ice cream in pints, but they make delicious ice cream bites. You can also get vegan yogurt. Try several to find one to your liking. I haven't seen vegan cottage cheese, but i'm sure its out there somewhere. You will feel good, you will sleep well, and you may get healthier!
  • farmgirl88
    farmgirl88 Posts: 91 Member
    I think if you're lactose intolerant you should just go dairy free but not vegan. Meat is good for you if you buy the organic, the no-nitrates stuff, the "no hormones" brands. Eggs are too. More and more studies are coming out in favor of meat and eggs, I actually just posted an article 2 minutes ago. Do your research. Meat and fat aren't the "boogeymen" of diet that society has made them out to be previously, and you're going to continue to hear more about it.

    Why not just skip things that make you sick- the dairy.

    I also read that people who have lactose intolerance can actually consume "raw" dairy. (Just goes to show you food is not always bad itself, it's the crap people do to it) Unfortunately many states don't allow raw dairy but I've had raw milk and cheese and it's great. Give it a shot if you ever get the chance.

    I was a vegetarian for 10 years and I'd never do it again. I wasn't healthier or more fit than I am now eating meat. Actually I was less healthy and I was chubbier even though I jogged.

    Agreed. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Listen to what your body is craving. If you're craving dairy, maybe your body is telling you that you need calcium. Try eating dark leafy greens or taking a supplement and see if your cravings subside. And if you like eating some types of meat, don't feel like you have to give them up to be healthy. I think having a balanced and varied diet is best. But that is my opinion :smile:
  • ddsety
    ddsety Posts: 2 Member
    how do i find suziscott's food diary?
  • SuziScott
    SuziScott Posts: 57
    If you click on my name does it not come up? i made it public so you should be able to view it.
  • veganhoneys
    I challenge you to go vegan for a month. If after a month of healthy, vegan eating you feel deprived and crappy go back to meat. But in my personal experience, my body has never felt better than on a vegan diet. Meat will always be there if you change your mind- why not try something new for a while and see how it goes?

    Food groups= whole grains, nuts & beans, fresh fruits, fresh veg (get ready to cook!)
    Processed soy, frozen junk, sugary stuff= few and far between treats

    Great starter resources:
  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    You can check out my blog and food diary as well. Vegan here. Writing my thesis on it currently. Never been healthier, had more energy, or been more involved in my health then since I became a vegan.

    Anyhow. Anytime you take saturated fats (READ ANIMAL FATS) out of your diet, you do your body a huge favor! Plant proteins, and unsaturated plant fats are the key to heart health. Weight loss. Preventative medicine.
  • cupajoe
    cupajoe Posts: 155
    You don't have to go all or nothing right away. Maybe try cutting dairy and red meat out of your diet first. Try some vegan dishes. It's not like you can't add things to or take things out of your diet at any given time. See what works for you. Good luck.