Reverse. Rewind. Thoughts on Exercise...Grrr!

I hate exercise! I loathe everything about it: the planning to do it, getting dressed, wearing tennis shoes, DOING IT, sweating, the aches and pains, the swelling and throbbing in my fingers after a good walk. I honestly am trying to convince myself that exercise is vital on this journey of weight loss (even allows me to eat some of the things I enjoy), but it is to the point I have to compare it to breathing air to do it....and that is desperate but the truth!

I have heard all the cliches out there: "it didn't go on quickly, so you can't expect the weight to come off quickly", "nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels"... BUT my problem is that nothing I did to put myself in this position of being overweight did I dread nor did it cause discomfort so why should it hurt to come off???? UGH......

Now that spring is becoming what I consider closer to summer time temperatures I am going to have to figure something out. This time of the year that is approaching is my least favorite, okay I'll be is equivalent to being cut open on the operating room table only to find that the anesthesia is wearing off....yay, it is that bad! I absolutely, with all my heart HATE being hot. I prefer cloudy, windy, dreary days over bright sunny, hot and humid ones. I would rather walk and play outside in the dark rather than the sun (hence why I am also vitamin D deficient). As you can see, I am a very finicky individually (surprised that I ever got married and stayed married this long!) Now that I am adding exercise into the mix, I have got to overcome all of this! this world of nutrition, healthy living, and EXERCISE (oh, the so much dreaded word)....I have got to figure out my plan! So far the last week has gone quite well, but as the temperatures have been getting warmer, I am noticing that I am reaching for excuses to NOT exercise! I even thought about not exercising and just restricting myself more with my calorie intake--which I could probably do, but that isn't healthy living! I even searched the exercise data base on MFP to find out if I can earn extra calories for cleaning, chasing my kids, and having SEX! As you can see......I have a bad case of logical reasonings to not exercise! UGH! Time to reverse my thinking....

Ok. I am committed. I am all in. Reflecting on my weight loss goals on my profile page, my inspirations, etc. I DESERVE THIS! I WANT THIS! Breath Alicia, exercising won't kill you....not exercising will! goal with ideas and insight on how to accomplish:


Short Term Exercise Goal: Walk 2 miles daily

*Walk before the kids get up or after the kids go to bed (early mornings are so peaceful, but I have to truly kick my *kitten* out of bed to do so. Late evenings I can talk my hubby into going with me and that we have some alone time!)

*Walk on my lunch break at work (fun to do with a friend and good to get some fresh air....not so good if it is HOT and SUNNY!)

*Walk after dinner with the kids (most likely WILL NOT HAPPEN!)

*During inclement weather, drive to local mall to walk (more planning and will need to leave the wallet at home!)


Long Term Exercise Goal: Begin jogging during parts of my walk

*by Fall 2011 or after I lose 30lbs (whichever happens first) start jogging 1/2 lap on the track, then walk one (easier to see the end goal, may be able to push myself harder)

*when in the neighborhood start jogging half a block, then walk the remaining half a block (every street in our neighborhood is different...I might die with the slopes!)

*Time myself for the jog at 90 seconds and then the walking part at 3 minutes and repeat (need to go shopping for a stop watch!)


Any other suggestions??????? Help.....times call for desperate measures!


  • DancingYogini
    I hate to exercise also!! I dance (hence my user name :smile: ), and found yoga in November. My body has totally changed since I started doing it....before I was lifting hand weights and using my elliptical machine (which I loathe with all of my heart). I don't feel like yoga is exercise at all, because I feel so amazing when I am done, and if I don't go at least 4 times a week, I get really down! Finding something you love is key, I think....I want to try Zumba next, because I never feel like I have exercised when I dance. So good luck, your plan sounds great....I also hate being in the sun makes me sick. I like hot weather, just not direct sunlight (I take a good Vitamin D3 supplement)
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    Don't look at it like it's such a chore! When something becomes a dreaded chore, it won't get done! That's why my husband never has ironed shirts! It's a dreaded chore!!

    Go out for a walk because it's a beautiful day! Sunny days, rainy days, foggy days, cold days, hot days....they are all beautiful days! Any day above ground is a beautiful day! I think you just need a little attitude adjustment :) ENJOY!
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    You really need to find your motivation/passion and it's all downhill from there. To me I no longer work out for the reasons I did when I started. I like most started for the selfish superficial reasons and then began to grow more mentally then anything through the process even just a few weeks in. By my second month I realized I owe it to the world to eat healthy for those who can't find a decent meal and are dying of starvation and I need to workout daily for those who are paralyzed/bed-ridden or without legs at all and wishing they could just take one step. That's my motivation...dig deep and find yours and yourself along with it.
  • cherish55
    Ok you have got that out of your system you can exhale now! too HATE exercise but I know it is necessary on our journey to be fit and beautiful! Good luck on your game plan. Me? I have Zumba tomorrow!...
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    How about swimming? The water would be cool and refreshing. Try walking at night after the kids are in bed.
    Do workout videos in your home with fans or a/c on.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I hated exercise, too, but then decided that I have no choice. I discoverd the Wii, and LOVED it.! I started out extremely slow -- just playng the balancing games and a little yoga, then moved up to strength exercises. I used to dread running a lap around the virtual island for 2 minutes -- now I choose to do a 30-minute free run.

    Start slowly and find something you love to do. Do you like bike riding? Roller skating? Dancing? (I have just started Zumba and Love it, too!) It doesn't have to be a chore. Once you get in the groove, you will really miss when you've skipped a day.

    Best of Luck!

    -- Fellow couch potato