Anyone else need Plateau support?

melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
I thought it wouldn't happen to me. WAAAAAHHHHH. But here I am, in full blown plateau mode. I have been bouncing around between 159 and 161 since April 8th (I weigh daily). I had a suspicion that I wasn't eating enough calories, so I went from 1200 to 1350 for a week. No change, so I upped my calories to 1450 yesterday and am hoping something gives! I already do a zig zag of sorts with my calories. I don't have any more time to devote to exercise so I am hoping this breaks with diet changes.

Anyone else want to join my plateau pity party?


  • kamechaf
    kamechaf Posts: 87 Member
    MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Been at the same number for about a month now! I thought if I've started eating my exercise cals then I would lose... but nope!!!!!!!! Now up 3 pounds this am!!! What to do what to do!!!???!!!
  • corinnak
    corinnak Posts: 51 Member
    Sometimes I think it is just a waiting game. Our bodies do stuff in their own time. It's frustrating, and changing things up can't hurt, but the most importan thing is that you keep on going, keep trying new things and keep your spirits up! I hope it breaks soon for you!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I have been at a plateau for 6 weeks and running. I just started the Jackie warner DVD and eating like she recomends. I am hoping this will kick start things for me. A change in the type of food and type of work out is what everyone sais will work. We will see.
  • dywtd
    dywtd Posts: 14 Member
    Yeah... I am completely stymied. I was 420 lbs in 2010, got down to 300 lbs, and it has taken me since January 1st, 2011, to get to 295.

    When you are staring down a 100 lb goal, five pounds in nearly 5 months is pretty darned tortoise, could use some hare.

    I exercise reasonably, I eat well... I started doing Yoga in the mornings, walking at night, and I bought a human-powered mower which kicks my butt twice a week in my overgrown Floridian yard. Even with that, the weight stays the same. I am pretty sure I need to add something more impactful, but I have to take it easy on my joints.

    Gotta light a fire. Maybe hang a heavy bag, or beef the yoga up with weights. I just don't want to add a fad that I won't stick with forever.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I'm at about a month - I hit a 160 plateau about three months ago and it took about a month to move. Now I've hit a 150 plateau and I'm trying to be patient. The closer we get, the longer it takes -- but it WILL happen! :smile:
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I'm at about a month - I hit a 160 plateau about three months ago and it took about a month to move. Now I've hit a 150 plateau and I'm trying to be patient. The closer we get, the longer it takes -- but it WILL happen! :smile:

    fenestraria- did you do anything different to break the plateau or just kept chugging along doing what you were doing?
  • jacquie2006
    I feel your pain!! I have been in FULL BLOWN PLATEAU MODE since February :( I have been bouncing between 136-139 for the past 3 months! I usually eat 1000-1200 calories a day and exercise at least 5 days a week. I just recently started forcusing more on strength training instead of only cardio so hopefully that will help.... SIGH! I have a trip to Southbeach (Miami) in 4 weeks so I am trying to reach my goal of 125 by then (which seems to be impossible!!!) I am currently at 137 and can't even loose an ounce for the life of me :/

  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    fenestraria- did you do anything different to break the plateau or just kept chugging along doing what you were doing?

    I did one week of zigzagging - I think out of seven days I upped two days to 1800 net calories and the rest were 1100-1300 (my goal is 1400/day so weekly was still 9800 cal).

    I'm about to try it again - if it happens twice, maybe that's what worked (I'll still never know!)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    fenestraria- did you do anything different to break the plateau or just kept chugging along doing what you were doing?

    I did one week of zigzagging - I think out of seven days I upped two days to 1800 net calories and the rest were 1100-1300 (my goal is 1400/day so weekly was still 9800 cal).

    I'm about to try it again - if it happens twice, maybe that's what worked (I'll still never know!)

    Interesting, I zig zag a bit but not that big of a swing. If this week of eating 1400+calories doesn't work, that will be my next move!
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
  • mzayed
    mzayed Posts: 27
    I feel your pain. I havent lost any weight in 4 weeks now and ive been trying everything. This happened before and it just happened, where i lost a few pounds one week. I think you have to keep trying and not give up which is easy to do when you dont see consistent reward. I switched from WW to south beach diet and lost a few pounds and then plateaued again. so ive switched back to WW to see if that will help.
  • amysambora
    amysambora Posts: 219
    I plateaued for about three months! I think my problem was that I wasn't really focused - I had the healthy, determined mindset but I didn't have a plan. I sat down and devised a new workout regime, including cycling which I hadn't done before, and I upped my calories. Given I only have another 5lbs or so to lose, I changed my goals to 0.5lbs per week which scared the hell outta me! But it worked. After about three weeks of a temporary gain (probably my muscles retaining fluid whilst they healed from my new workouts, and my body getting used to the increased food intake), I finally dropped 1.7lbs. That was four weeks ago and I haven't lost any more since, but I haven't gained either which is a first for me. I know these last few pounds are going to be slow, but that's OK :) As long as they come off eventually!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I weigh daily and looked back in my history and see I have been doing the bounce from 158.6 to 161.8 pounds since April 5th. No surprise, but I weighed in this morning at 159.6. Right in my bounce zone! However, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy to see the 150s appear again. :blushing:

    Because I tend to be a bit hyper-organized, I log in my food diary the night before for the following day since my husband and I usually plan dinner the day before so we can defrost things as necessary. Looks like I have to find me just under 200 calories with as little fat as possible to keep my calorie count up for today. I am really trying to hit that 1450 calorie mark every day to see if that gets me losing again.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am using this thread as my personal complaining device.

    Still no change in my weight. I was at 160 this morning, exactly where I was one month ago. I leave for vacation at the end of this week, which is probably good timing. I will have spotty internet, so no MFP. I will be active on vacation (Caribbean island-lots of swimming, snorkeling and walking) but I will also likely be consuming more calories...then there is the alcohol. :drinker:

    I am just going to enjoy my trip, keep my portion sizes in check, stay active and hope when I get back my body decides to start losing again. Maybe I will find out that I need a vacation every time I hit a plateau!
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Enjoy yourself! ...and I hope it turns out that vacations are plateau-breakers!
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    I am so glad to hear I am not alone! I too am trying the increased daily net cal for a week or so to see what happens. I've been doing a lot more weight training as well so am hoping that helps soon!
    On the up side, we should all be thankful we have hit a plateau in the 1st place, it just goes to show that we have been LOSING :smile:
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am back from my 8 days of vacation. I didn't count calories but I did try to make mindful choices. I surely ate and drank more calories every day than I would at home. I braced myself this morning when stepping on the scale to see what damage I had done. Prior to vacation I was bouncing between 158 and 161. I stepped on the scale, held my breath, and then I saw it. 160. I am still stuck and somehow not only can I not lose weight, I can't gain it either!

    ARGGGGHHHHHHH. So about 6 weeks of plateauing. This is so frustrating, especially when I log every single thing, eat well, etc.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am still here, lol!

    I think there *may* be progress. I weigh daily but log it on MFP once a week. I have not been able to get below 158 but on Saturday and Sunday I was at 156. Of course this morning I am back at 158 but there was movement to a low I have never seen before. I have a glimmer of hope that the scale will move again!

    I hope all of you have had some success breaking through your plateaus.
  • bambis
    bambis Posts: 75 Member
    I have been stuck at 165 for the last month, so no success here :( i even started doing the 30 day shred, but it doesn't seem to help...

    Congrats on 158 :smile:
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Even though half of the replies on this thread are from me, I felt the need to update. Plateau = BUSTED! I posted about it this morning: