"H20" Exploding the pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 1



  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    I actually had some quiet time while daughter was sleeping today and sat down and made a spread sheet for this challenge for myself. I thought I would share. You wont be able to edit or anything like that but maybe highlight and copy and paste if you want to use it. I don't mind. It might help some people out. There is more tabs at bottom but not all are filled out right now cause its not time for those yet. :) Enjoy. Hope it helps someone out or even gives them an idea. I like to do this sort of thing to keep me accountable.


    Thanks for the spreadsheet - I copied and pasted some of it, and used it as the basis for my own tracking system in excel. I really like your system! Thanks for posting it for us all to see :)
    Not a problem. Im glad it can help someone out. Even if its just bits and pieces. If anyone wants me to email it to them I am willing to do so too. Just send me a message with your email. It seems to be helping me stay on track. I will be updating each week on the tabs if you want to check back and use mine or just use for ideas.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    JustJenn419 - Do or do not, there is no fail. Er, try. :laugh: But seriously, this challenge isn't something that you can fail. You can only be successful. I really do hope that you decide to stay with the group, we'd love to have you.

    autumn_lea85 - Good luck with your 10 pound goal! PNW...I was up there last summer for vacation, we visited Portland and Seattle. I'm jealous of your area! It is absolutely gorgeous up there. There are shades of green up there that don't evn come close to existing down here in SoCal.

    annalobdell - It is NEVER too late to join! We're an easy going open group. Welcome! :)

    cenedria235 - YAY you're back!! :D

    ChantalC - Very glad to see you in here again. You were always so inspiring with your consistent losses, I'm sure you'll find a way to kick those temporary pounds to the curb and get right back into your awesome groove.

    AprilVal - I'll be sure to give you some tough love when it looks like you're floundering. *cracks whip* LOL

    AprilDauer - Wow, that spreadsheet you made is absolutely killer. I love it! For those who want to save it for themselves, if you go to "file" and then select "download as", you can save the file to your computer and update it to your personal heart's content.

    Hope everyone had a very nice Tuesday! Are we going to post our three daily happy things? I think we should, it is a great thing!

    1) Had fun at the track, ran my furthest one-fell-swoop distance (5 laps without a break)
    2) The weather was absolutely perfect today.
    3) I got my favorite Easter candy...really more like most favorite candy ever (mini Cadbury eggs) on clearance for $1.75 at CVS today. They're like crack to me! :laugh: I'll be good and won't eat more than a few every now and then.
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    found the Pilates Workouts on On Demand - YEA! 40 minutes done!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    found the Pilates Workouts on On Demand - YEA! 40 minutes done!

    yay.. I figured you would if you had on demand.. :) hope you enjoyed it.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    JustJenn419 - Do or do not, there is no fail. Er, try. :laugh: But seriously, this challenge isn't something that you can fail. You can only be successful. I really do hope that you decide to stay with the group, we'd love to have you.

    autumn_lea85 - Good luck with your 10 pound goal! PNW...I was up there last summer for vacation, we visited Portland and Seattle. I'm jealous of your area! It is absolutely gorgeous up there. There are shades of green up there that don't evn come close to existing down here in SoCal.

    annalobdell - It is NEVER too late to join! We're an easy going open group. Welcome! :)

    cenedria235 - YAY you're back!! :D

    ChantalC - Very glad to see you in here again. You were always so inspiring with your consistent losses, I'm sure you'll find a way to kick those temporary pounds to the curb and get right back into your awesome groove.

    AprilVal - I'll be sure to give you some tough love when it looks like you're floundering. *cracks whip* LOL

    AprilDauer - Wow, that spreadsheet you made is absolutely killer. I love it! For those who want to save it for themselves, if you go to "file" and then select "download as", you can save the file to your computer and update it to your personal heart's content.

    Hope everyone had a very nice Tuesday! Are we going to post our three daily happy things? I think we should, it is a great thing!

    1) Had fun at the track, ran my furthest one-fell-swoop distance (5 laps without a break)
    2) The weather was absolutely perfect today.
    3) I got my favorite Easter candy...really more like most favorite candy ever (mini Cadbury eggs) on clearance for $1.75 at CVS today. They're like crack to me! :laugh: I'll be good and won't eat more than a few every now and then.

    Yes, we are going to do our 3 happy things. I forgot to add it to this week.. ;)
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Good Wednesday morning awesome ladies! Welcome to the newest newbies. Hope you are starting your day in the positives! I stayed up late last night, hoping my Blackhawks would win but they didn't. It is ok though, the goalie was awesome!

    It is raining here this morning...well it has been for awhile. Hoping for a break so I can go for a walk. Love seeing all the green!

    My daughter decided to do the Warrior Dash with me in Jun since my son has to work. I was looking forward to doing it with him but that's ok...my daughter will be fun too. She will dress up with me for that! We will have to see what crazy outfit we come up with...pinky knows what I am talking about! I am not worried about a great race time...just wanna finish it...Looks to be a really good time!

    Happies for today....

    Got a little 'quality time' with hubby this morning. That can ALWAYS start a day good!:love:
    It is a day off work! Can't beat that happy!
    Spending some time with my mini me today...she cracks me up!

    Have a beautiful day...let's tack on some miles, stretch our bodies, hydrate, and rock this!

    Love ya!

    PS....Thanks for the spreadsheet aprild...definitely gonna use it!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    So I am at home again today... nursing pain from an extracted molar yesterday. Doubt I will even make my calories today... Feel like I can't eat anything. Only cold, soft foods... and Percocet! :bigsmile: Tomoz will be better. I was told not to work out for a week. I explained I can't do that... I HAVE to go to the gym! The oral surgeon responded: "give me at least 2 days". I agreed. :happy: Weird... there was a time when I would've been doing a happy dance for an excuse NOT to work out!! Progress? :wink:

    I am waiting for my Muesli to get soft... If I wasn't so out of it yesterday, I would have made some crock pot steel cut oats. I could eat that cold with milk. :happy: But since I didn't - Meusli it is! (I like it just as much!)

    JustJenn419: We have all been where you are. And sometimes, we go back to that place and stay there awhile. If you give up everytime you "go off " your eating plan... it's true that you will never meet your goals. The thing is this - when you are REALLY ready to lose the weight, you will. Something will trigger a wake-up call for you. I will tell you, I once weighed in at 335#. I am only 5'2"!! Was that an embarrassing number? YOU BETCHA! It took me 2 years to lose 170#, the hard way! (no surgery) That was about 12 years ago. I managed to eat my way back up to 235# and decided it was time to get back to a healthy lifestyle or I would be 335# again ! After all the work I put in, I KNEW I didn't want to do that! So here I am. I was SO blessed to find this amazing group of women! Maybe we can bring you some of what we receive. But to give up before you try... you have to stop doing that!! :smile:

    About the challenges...
    They are always awesome. I pick and choose what will fit in with my current plan. Sometimes I add them, sometimes I replace old with new! It's up to me. I started doing planks... so I am not going to do the pilates. Again, it's all up to me! I love that about this group! YAY! :bigsmile:
  • Kayceeg27
    Kayceeg27 Posts: 10 Member
    This looks great. I would love to get in on it.
  • autumn_lea85
    I weighed in this morning and lost two pounds! The scale has been stuck for a couple weeks so I'm feeling very happy right now just had to share! I'm off to do some crunches....
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Ok, I'm in! Set myself up on the website and in the spreadsheet. I am using Aprild's AWESOME excel sheet to track everything. I am currently training for my first 5k on June 12th so I added my miles from Monday and Tuesday and I'm already at 6 out of the 150 :) Yay! (If anyone is in the NY/NJ area and wants to join me for the 5k, let me know.) I have had asthma since I was about 2 years old and my lungs have never let me run for anything but my life, lol. The first day I tried to jog, I had to stop after just a minute. I am working my way up and up and I can comfortably jog for 6 straight minutes before I have to bring it back to a walk to get my breathing regulated. I am trying to build my stamina and endurance before I start worrying about my time for the 5k. I would love to be able to do the full 5k without walking but I'm not banking on that just yet. Hopefully this challenge helps.

    Everyone here is so incredible. What a great bunch! Thanks you so much for the encouragement to join and I am going to do my best to stay with it. I even set myself up with a ticker and the awesome graffic nursee provided.

    Quick question though (and I feel silly asking)... What are reverse crunches?

    Daily Happy's?!? I LOVE THAT!!!!
    1. I ran for 10 minutes straight on Monday for the first time
    2. I usually run (jog) at 4.5 mph but last night I managed to pull out 2 full minutes at 6.3 mph
    3. If the weather holds out this afternoon, I am going to take my little one to the park for a little bike ride :)
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    This looks great. I would love to get in on it.

    Well, c'mon! We love new people! Welcome!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I weighed in this morning and lost two pounds! The scale has been stuck for a couple weeks so I'm feeling very happy right now just had to share! I'm off to do some crunches....

    Great news! Keep up the good work!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    So I am at home again today... nursing pain from an extracted molar yesterday. Doubt I will even make my calories today... Feel like I can't eat anything. Only cold, soft foods... and Percocet! :bigsmile: Tomoz will be better. I was told not to work out for a week. I explained I can't do that... I HAVE to go to the gym! The oral surgeon responded: "give me at least 2 days". I agreed. :happy: Weird... there was a time when I would've been doing a happy dance for an excuse NOT to work out!! Progress? :wink

    Hope you feel better! Tooth pain is no fun...and I have had my share of dental visits!

    PS...Thanks for the inspiring pep talks...they really do help!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I've tried to do some of the exercise challenges, but my back won't let me do some of them. So instead I'm going to commit to my own little challenge (sorry guys!)

    1. Dance my sillies out for 15 minutes a day - yesterday I did a Hula Video and was so sweaty at the end....
    2. Joining Cazzi on the planks challenge - Want to do 90 minutes by the end of the challenge
    3. Squats, Lunges, Modified Push Ups, Woodchops - want to do 1000 of each by the end of the challenge
    4. Resistance Bands - 10 hours by the end of the challenge
    5. Walking - 150 miles by the end of the challenge

    Hopefully that will make up for the ones I can't do (like the pilates and the videos) that are too hard on my back....
  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    I weighed in this morning and lost two pounds! The scale has been stuck for a couple weeks so I'm feeling very happy right now just had to share! I'm off to do some crunches....
    Awesome!!! I was glad to see some of the same thing this morning. Mine wasnt 2 pounds. Your doing great keep up the great work!
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    I have lost 3 pounds!!! Woo-Hoo!!! Just walked 1 mile. Thought it was gonna kill me, but I did it.
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Okay, Ladies, need some serious help here.

    Our computer charger is dying AGAIN - this is our 4th charger and the computer people are no help with it. :grumble: They are happy to sell me a new charger for $72 and we JUST bought one not too long ago! :noway: Anyway, so I haven't been able to get online to track my food and I'm just wanting to give this whole thing up - HELP!!!!!

    I can't get on the computer to workout, so therefore, I want to just throw in the towel - NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

    Cazz, I need one of your pep talks. :laugh: I CAN'T give up! I MUST keep going!!!!

    Tracking my food just helps me so much and then the computer won't stay charged long enough for me to get a workout in and I'm just kind of frustrated!!!!!! :grumble: :grumble:

    Well, I need to snap out of it - thanks for letting me vent! ANY kicks in the backside would be helpful. :laugh: :laugh:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have lost 3 pounds!!! Woo-Hoo!!! Just walked 1 mile. Thought it was gonna kill me, but I did it.
    Awesome work :D
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay, Ladies, need some serious help here.

    Our computer charger is dying AGAIN - this is our 4th charger and the computer people are no help with it. :grumble: They are happy to sell me a new charger for $72 and we JUST bought one not too long ago! :noway: Anyway, so I haven't been able to get online to track my food and I'm just wanting to give this whole thing up - HELP!!!!!

    I can't get on the computer to workout, so therefore, I want to just throw in the towel - NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

    Cazz, I need one of your pep talks. :laugh: I CAN'T give up! I MUST keep going!!!!

    Tracking my food just helps me so much and then the computer won't stay charged long enough for me to get a workout in and I'm just kind of frustrated!!!!!! :grumble: :grumble:

    Well, I need to snap out of it - thanks for letting me vent! ANY kicks in the backside would be helpful. :laugh: :laugh:
    omg!! CrystalS!! :sad: Of ALL people!! YOU? GIVING UP? I refuse to even listen to it!! <fingers in ears> lalalalalalala Do you have a smart phone? I track almost all of my calories on the MFP app on my Droid. Mostly because it's convenient. You could always track them the old fashion way! WRITE THEM DOWN! :tongue:

    In any case, I hear your frustration! I have never heard of a computer CHARGER going out... ever!

    My guess is you know the exercises you need to do. While it 's easier to have someone talking at us all the time, setting the pace and counting off... it really isn't necessary, is it? Nope... you can't give up!! You MUST keep going!! :bigsmile:
  • lulusland
    lulusland Posts: 21 Member
    I know I am I am late but i really want to do this ... this is my first challenge but i need help getting motivated hope it works.... i need to lose weight to fit into my wedding dress


    and advice and help is greatly appreciated