Snacks (Or how you avoid binging...)

Quill78 Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
I've been really watching what I'm eating, but am now feeling a bit deprived. I'm hoping this will eventually be easier to cope with, but I think for now it will be helpful to know what kind of snack foods you use to get over a hump?
I've gotta find something that will satisfy without totally trashing the diet.
Help! I can't quit thinking about fried chicken, candies, and tortilla chips!


  • Haribo47
    Haribo47 Posts: 44
    I usually have yogurt, humous with veg sticks, or low fat crackers with a little spread. Also make sure you are drinking lots of water. It really does help. Good luck
  • Here is a thought, fat-free cherry pie filling with All Bran cereal. It is like a cherry cobbler with a lot less fat and calories. Make sure you watch your portion.
  • marthamae813
    marthamae813 Posts: 70 Member
    Dark chocolate almonds <3
  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    i eat popsicles. the water helps to hydrate. the sugar helps kick a craving. theyre low in calories. perfect for me! they'll be even better once the weather warms up!! Lol.
  • I also do the hummus with veg sticks, or a tiny bit of peanut butter... Also make my own salsa, which barely has any calories, and just watch my portion of tortilla chips. ;) And I find if I'm not drinking enough water, I feel hungrier. Hang in there!!
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I usually have a tablespoon of peanutbutter.. from a spoon. I love peanut butter so it works for me. Plus the kraft low fat stuff is only 80 cal. I usually have a piece of fruit at the same time.

    or fruit and a babybell cheese
  • WifedUpMartin
    WifedUpMartin Posts: 166 Member
    I bring Banana nut cheerios to work. They are filling (the serving size is 3/4 cup) and I can just graze on them for a while. If I take my time eating them they take the edge off of my hunger and get me through until lunch time! I eat a lot of fat free yogurt too, its healthy and has a ton of flavors so I can have a different one every day. Fiber Plus bars are pretty filling and not too high on cals.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I eat cucumber and humous or apples during the day. Today I have had a lot of yoghurt. I do feel like I need salt, though. That is what is missing from my healthier diet.
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I like to snack on fruits and vegetables, nuts, or a protein/fiber bar. One snack combination that I frequently have is some almonds, blueberries, and a "light" string cheese. Find some healthy foods that you enjoy and keep them stocked so you can grab a handful when you're hungry between meals (or pack them with you when you go to work). That really helps me avoid binging later, and it decreases my cravings for unhealthy foods.

    Edited to add: I think one of the reasons I like the combination snack above is that it's a bunch of little pieces, so it keeps my hands busy and it can take a while to eat. Eating more slowly often helps with feeling full when you're done.
  • mcogirl
    mcogirl Posts: 2
    I find that I need to find substitutions for the bad foods I really like - so that I can still have them and not feel deprived. Like instead of cake today I ate a deep chocolate vitamuffin - heated it up and topped with strawberries...... So I felt like got to have dessert too. Or I will do a 100 calorie snack pack of something. I like to avoid that kind of processed stuff.......but if I feel like I am just bad craving it - I still get to have it and not blow my whole eating plan...... Other ideas I do to substiutute are instead of reg pizza I will make a "flatout" thin crust pizza...... Grab a flatout for the crust (130 calories) - bake it to make it start to get crispy....... add pizza sauce, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, green pepper and reduced fat cheese and continue baking. Yummy pizza for very reasonable calories....
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    I find Clif Bar's are quite yummy, a large variety of flavors.. my favorite is the chocolate brownie!! YUM!! It has a good amount of proteins and carbs, low in fat and at the same time low in calories... it's not quite a meal replacement bar runs only 230-250 calories depending on which you choose to it can be eaten between meals rather than as one... hope this helps! :bigsmile:
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Try chewing spearmint gum- absolutely no other taste goes with spearmint, so while chewing it, it's really hard to be thinking about munching on a chocolate peanut butter cup or fried chicken....
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Another thing to try if you are feeling way too hungry is to switch to 1 or .5 pounds loss per week for a bigger calorie cushion.

    I LOVE dark chocolate covered almonds too!! :O
  • rainbowdarling
    rainbowdarling Posts: 9 Member
    Tortilla chips are reasonably easily replicated - get tortillas that aren't too high in calories or sodium (we used to get some multigrain ones that were great), cut them into pieces and spritz with lime juice. Sprinkle with salt if you want, then bake until they're crisp. I don't miss regular tortilla chips at all!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Tortilla chips are reasonably easily replicated - get tortillas that aren't too high in calories or sodium (we used to get some multigrain ones that were great), cut them into pieces and spritz with lime juice. Sprinkle with salt if you want, then bake until they're crisp. I don't miss regular tortilla chips at all!

    On this note, I made homemade potato chips that were really delicious (and easy to make). The satisfied my craving for something crunchy and savory (like chips), but without all the junk in store-bought chips. Here is the recipe if you're interested:

    2 russet potatoes
    1 tbsp olive oil
    garlic powder
    Italian seasoning

    Preheat oven to 400 F.
    Slice potatoes into thin circles. Put potato slices into a 1 gallon ziplock bag. Add olive oil, garlic powder, and paprika to bag. Zip the bag and shake/rub the potatoes until oil and spices are evenly distributed. Add more garlic powder and paprika if desired, and shake again. Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray and put potato slices onto cookie sheet in one layer. Sprinkle Italian seasoning on top of potato slices. Bake for 30 minutes or until potatoes have desired crispness. Enjoy!

    The whole batch was 450 calories, but I didn't eat them all at once. The calorie count will vary based on the size of the potatoes that you use.
  • rainbowdarling
    rainbowdarling Posts: 9 Member
    I haven't been brave enough to try potato chips yet, mostly because I'm not good at slicing thinly enough. When we get a mandolin someday, I am going to town making things like potato chips!
  • Always snack when you're hungry. Go with what you want to eat. Just remember portion and calorie control. My favorite in between meals snack is definitely salted almonds. Gives you some good dietary fats, has a touch of sodium, and will keep you full for a while. I usually just pop a handful after a workout.
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    i eat a bunch of different things:
    sweet potato fries (i cut from a yam and bake, no oil, use cilantro and thyme seasonings)
    fat free microwave popcorn
    fresh veggies w/peanut butter
    unsalted almonds (10-12 max)
    frozen grapes (freeze a few in the freezer they are delish)
    ginger snap cookes (4 max)
    drink water...lots of water
    take a walk
    do crunches or squats while watching television

    i also gauge whether or not i'm really hungry.... if i am not hungry then i'm most likely emotionally eating...

    i avoid binging by making sure i eat enough calories not starving myself. I haven't 'cheated" because I do allow myself a slice of pizza, a small amount of chips, etc. and eating the proper servings for things i like (muffin or bagel -- one half a serving not the whole thing)....
  • blanklogic2154
    blanklogic2154 Posts: 4 Member
    I know this sounds crazy, but I am a huge chips and salsa fan, so this has worked great for me & my husband loves it too. But I will pop a bag of popcorn (sharing it with my husband, it is only about 60 calories for half a bag), and then I will dip the popcorn in salsa (only 50 calories for 1/2 cup). It totally satisfies my cravings and is pretty "healthy" for ya.
  • Quill78
    Quill78 Posts: 3
    Wow! Thank you all so much for these great ideas! This will really help and I have lots of variety to add to my shopping list. Food boredom is a problem for me, but you have some really practical suggestions. Thanks again for the wonderful support - I'm blown away!
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