Alli ?

My friend has lost a significant amount of weight ever since she changed her diet and started to workout out, but she also used Alli.

I tried Alli when it first came out , I thought of it as a magic pill and it never worked for
because I keep eating junk and didn't workout.

Is anyone out there doing it the right way? what are your views on Alli ?


  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    The fact that it warns you to wear dark coloured pants due to potential "anal leakage" is enough to keep me away!!! I have enough stress in my life, lol. :laugh:
  • agent300
    agent300 Posts: 73
    im guessing your friend has lost weight more because of a better diet and working out. and maybe pooping a lot. but, really i think all diet pills are a ridiculous waste of money.
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    i am currently using xenical which is very similar to alli only perscriptiion strength and was prescribed by my gp as a i dieting aid, i have had no incidents whatsoever with bowels because i stick to a low fat diet and exercise frequently, i have lost 26lb in the first 6 week which i am rather pleased about, but i don't know if this is me, the tablets or a combination of both i only keep taking the tablets because they put me off eating the wrong foods and have set me on the straight and narrow
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    The fact that it warns you to wear dark coloured pants due to potential "anal leakage" is enough to keep me away!!! I have enough stress in my life, lol. :laugh:

    I was always scared of this and never took them lol

    plus we need fats, good fats that is :D
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Honestly you could eat a jelly bean each morning and if you follow MFP, learn about good food with great nutrients, eat low fat protien, add exercise each will lose weight!!

    Jellybean and all!
  • bigmamma3
    bigmamma3 Posts: 134
    hi i was given xenical by my dr and it had no affect well except for a dodgy stomach. i stopped taking them and have since lost 25lb. i asked my doctor why they wernt working and he said o was doing it wrong and eating junk (when i wasn't). i would rather do it myself anyway.
  • RAROC363
    RAROC363 Posts: 8 Member
    I have been given Xenical by my GP, I am eating much better knowing the issues that come if you abuse your body with too much fat! I am unsure how long I shall continue the drug, this site keeps me level with my calories being controlled. Lost 3lb so far.
  • Tabimiller417
    Tabimiller417 Posts: 20 Member
    I know most people think that alli and drugs like it are a joke and it is rather funny I guess but this is my second time taking it. I started a week ago and have already lost 5 lbs. I of course have tried dieting without and the only problem is when I slip up I do not have consequences. Everyone makes mistakes but it is harder to make them when you have consequences. I eat a low fat diet and started walking more and no side effects for me. You dont experience side effects unless you eat over your fat content.. simple as that. In the instructions it states not to take the pill with your meal if your fat content is over 30% of your days worth but thats of course not going to help you lose weight if your eating fattening foods either way. I used this pill once before and had good results otherwise I wouldnt be taking it again. I stopped the first time because I we decided to get pregnant. =] I know I can do it without the pill but I prefer to have the discipline so I wont overindulge and its always nice to have a lil boost. Ive tried to lose weight all my life so anything that will help keep me on track wil help.:flowerforyou: