
j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Im finding myself falling off the wagen more and more lately. I will have a piece of candy here and there which I know is not the end of the world but like tonight we went to BK and I had a org. chicken sandwich. :angry: I don't what is wrong with me. I know tomorrow is a new day I just don't know somedays. Am I going to be like this all the time. I was doing so good with working out and then all of a sudden I just stopped. Im so proud of myself for the weight I have lost and I want and need to loose more. I just find the will power sometimes just not there. :cry:


  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Im finding myself falling off the wagen more and more lately. I will have a piece of candy here and there which I know is not the end of the world but like tonight we went to BK and I had a org. chicken sandwich. :angry: I don't what is wrong with me. I know tomorrow is a new day I just don't know somedays. Am I going to be like this all the time. I was doing so good with working out and then all of a sudden I just stopped. Im so proud of myself for the weight I have lost and I want and need to loose more. I just find the will power sometimes just not there. :cry:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    You hold on through those times and don't beat yourself up for it.
    We all go through this.
    You will recover. Just try to stay focused on the goal or make mini goals.
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    I swear..I think it's the time of year (sounds like a good excuse, huh?):laugh: Seriously, I have been the SAME way...I have been getting in my exercise but my food choices are going to hell!!!:sad:
  • I am just beginning...again but have more resolve than ever, or at least in decades. Not sure what finally made me make up my mind.
    This is my 3rd day & I have come in a few calories below every day. While researching on the web I came across an article that said you should let yourself have something special about every 10 days to keep from feeling deprived. Yesterday was the first day that I felt deprived but am telling myself that if I get a treat in now 7 more days and that I can I can make it until then. If you love food and goodies you get down if you think that you will never have anything good again. I have so much weight to loose so it will be almost forever. My 10 day treat will come sooner than this week b/c of Thanksgiving. Of course, the article did say to use moderation.
    Let's all think about each other next Thursday.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    i was doing so good for halloween but now i find myself going throug their candy bowl. And now its all the homemade goods. I just started making lefsa yummy. I love it. I don't know how many calories are in it however. When I told my mom I need to figure it out she looked at me weird. NOw next week is thanksgiving. I have already told myself im not going to overstuff but not deny myself. I want to get back into the exercise. It felt so good to do it everyother day. Im going to start exercising on Monday. :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I agree with Becky. This time of year doesn't help. Between the weather & the tv telling us to EAT EAT EAT b/c it is the holidays, we really have to battle! You can do this! You've BEEN doing this. Just pick yourself up & start anew. Throw out that halloween candy. You don't need it in the house & if you throw a little out every day, no one will miss it. If you catch yourself picking up a piece to eat it, throw it away. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I definately think it is this time of year. I too am wanting to pig out and not exercise. Just today I was at the store to get something for dinner and wanted to buy all the pre-thanksgiving-dinner foods that my mom usually has for us to graze on until dinner. (she doesn't cook breakfat/lunch) I was craving chips, dips, sausages, cheese, crackers, etc. Mmmmm! Then I saw the holiday breads and mint M & Ms. Ugh!

    I hear you girl! You are not alone! We just have to tough it out and if need-be pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off after the holidays.:drinker:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    this is the reason I love this site. The support is the best. Thank you so much. I want to cry. Im going to get up tomorrow and its a new day. Im going to eat better. Im going to start exercising again. We can do this. Thank you again. It means the world to me. :flowerforyou:
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