I still feel like I am eating too much!

Ok....so I started MFP about a month ago along with the "upday downday diet" I have lost 13lbs so it has been a small success so far. I have kind of stopped doing the "upday downday" and been just sticking to my 1200 calories that MFP has set for me. Well, now even on the days that I am around 1100 I feel like I am eating WAY too much to lose weight. Does anyone else feel that way or am I crazy?


  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I know a lot of people who do, but your body needs the fuel when you exercise. I think of it like a car, the more I drive it, the more fuel I need. Of course eating seems to be a lot cheaper than driving now a days.
  • Raguirim
    Raguirim Posts: 17 Member
    I feel like that too!! But you just have to realize that you are eating the right foods and the right portions!!!
  • Akaratel
    Akaratel Posts: 137 Member
    I definitely do, I am tired of eating!!! I have trained martial arts for 10 years 3 or 4 times a week for 1 1/2 hours atleast.... Well long story short I lost ten pounds in ten years????. When I started watching what I ate, I found that I wasn't eating half of what I should just to fuel me. Now I have lost 8 lbs this month!!!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I think this all the time. It's definitely a mental thing that takes some time to get used to/get over. MFP has helped me so much because I can actually see what I'm eating and remind myself I'm not eating too much and I'm eating healthy things. I have to check it quite often to be honest, just to be sure. Just trust your body and remember that your body needs food for energy. Since I cut out almost all processed foods I'm starting to feel much better about my food choices and amounts because I know I'm only putting good and healthy things into my body. Just take it one day at a time and remind yourself it's OK.
  • Momcharisma88
    Momcharisma88 Posts: 94 Member
    when i had started my weight loss journey a few years ago i started watching how much i ate. i didnt even switch to healthy foods at first (not for a while ne ways) so i was only eatting 1200 cals a day of high cal food. When your eating junk food it doesnt take much to get to 1200 cals ... so now that im eating healthy i am lucky every day if i get to 1000 cals and not feel like im going to explode. Im hopeing with this exercise i;; eventually get my metabo up and be able to eat at least 1200 but for now i just eat until i cant anymore. You have to eat alot more healthy food to get to the same cals rather than the 3 bites of unhealthy food it took to do the same thing but from what i hear the metabolism will go up and you will get hungrier.
  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    As long as you're staying within you daily allowance then enjoy and indulge in every single calorie your body gets! It needs every single one to survive... and you want to lose weight and be healthy; not starve yourself or get to your goals in an unhealthy way....

    So go ahead and let yourself *enjoy* the calories you're "allowing"yourself to have.
  • lisastrom
    lisastrom Posts: 108 Member
    Remeber that the 1200 calories is already a deficit in intake per day. If you look at your BMR (basic metabolic rate) you'll see that your body is actually using quite a bit more calories per day than 1200. So if you stick with the 1200 calories per day, even if you don't exercise, you should still lose weight.
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I have only been with MFP for 8 days now and am shocked that I can still eat! Most days I have to look back at my food diary to make sure I plugged everything in right because it just seems like I'm over eating! I'm never hungry anymore! Last night, after dinner, I still had 300 calories left over (I workout before dinner) and didn't know what else I could possibly eat!
  • divamom0122
    Me, too! A big revelation came when, because I am 55 years old, I figured out that I only need like 1600 calories to stay alive! No metabolism anymore. So that 1200 diet I was following so closely resulted in 0 weight loss. Now I took it down a tad and lowered the carb intake to 100 per day. I am not so over-full (the whole-grain carbs left me feeing stuffed at 150) and I hoping the exercise will keep my meto going up. Its all a bit of an experiment but I think the idea of eating for fuel is essential. And sometimes that means eating healthy foods, even if you are not hungry! Hang in there! :flowerforyou: