Low Carb

Msaip Posts: 482 Member
Are low carb diets really beneficial? How do you ease back into a normal lifestyle afterwards? Im not seeing much weight loss but can def tell something is happening. I never go over on my suggested carb intake, im always under. Should i be trying something else?


  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    I have Insulin Resistances due to PCOS and I find if I eat low and healthy carb the weight flies off. Biggest thing is that I try to avoid bread and potatoes and rice like the plague. I'll have other grains that are lower carb (Kamut, Spelt etc).
  • lisazags
    lisazags Posts: 27 Member
    I hear both sides to this.... On the one side- its higher in fat, you eliminate a lot of foods, you get constipated, its hard to stay away from carbs. On the positive side- it has worked for me in the past, I lost many inches (i never weighed myself when I started or ended), I never felt too hungry, eating was easy for me, especially when I was out and about.

    The problem- reincorporating carbs back into your diet. If you follow atkins, they say once you get to your goal weight, slowly start to introduce carbs again.. and once you start gaining, that is usually the amount of carbs you body is able to process.

    I am trying to eat low carb now to jump start my weight loss again. Only this time- I am eating less cheese, more lean meats and lots of veggies!

    Good luck- not sure if I was very helpful!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Low carb loses more initially due to water depletion, but levels out after a few weeks to a standard loss level.

    I've learned it's less about the amount of carbs, but more the quality of them. White processed carbs (sugary cereals, white bread/potatoes/rice, simple sugars like ice cream, candy, cookies are the "bad" carbs. Oatmeal, high fibre cereals, brown rice/pasta, flax, whole wheat bread are all complex carbs and better choices. Your body takes longer to break these down and release into the blood stream.

    I started my weight loss on South beach. I had a great initial loss, which slowed to 1-2 lbs per week after about 2 months.

    That said, I try to eat quality carbs, always with protein to slow absorption, and I don't eat 200 a day as suggested- more like 130 because I feel better on that amount.

    Remember your brain can only use carbs for brain function, and without carbs, the energy to exercise won't be there.

  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I as well have Insulin Resistance, and PCOS, therfore the only thing that works for me is Low Carb. I stay around 50-75 carbs a day.

    MFP has a VERY high setting for carbs, so I don't know what your following but if your following their recommendation your not really doing low carb.

    As well as someone else said, for many people a Low GLycemic way of eating is beneficial, and that basically consists of eating foods that don't spike your blood sugar, and staying away from foods that do like White Bread, and Sugary Carbs. I myself did not have any luck with LG eating and had to restrict my carbs.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Are low carb diets really beneficial? How do you ease back into a normal lifestyle afterwards? Im not seeing much weight loss but can def tell something is happening. I never go over on my suggested carb intake, im always under. Should i be trying something else?

    I think moderate carb diets are beneficial for fat loss. Shoot for around 25-30% of your calories coming from them. Also, timing is important. Stay away from heavy carbs early in the day.
  • Jillmgk36
    Jillmgk36 Posts: 14 Member
    I tend to keep my carbs somewhat low (well below what's allowed on the tracker here) becasue my body responds better to that, especially due to reactive hypoglycemia. I do take a day now and then and purposely eat more carbs just because the constipation does set in, and shaking things up with a change seems to help me quite a bit.
  • cj1234cj23
    cj1234cj23 Posts: 113 Member
    Like you, I never go over my carb limit, but have found that my body and energy levels feel much better now that I add carbs to my diet. I just stay away from white sugar, white breads, white rice, and white potatoes. I love sweet potatoe fries with a dash of cayenne and sea salt, and I use spaghetti squash and/or summer squash under my spaghetti sauce (which I love!). Therefore, I am eating fruits and veggies, and occasional "other starches". I may not lose 10 pounds a week with having added more carbs back to my diet, but I can tell the difference, feel wayyyyyyy much better and am losing at a steady pace. My tummy is not sticking out any more either. I would say, listen to your body.