Alcohol and weight gain

kharvey Posts: 5
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
HI everyone! I'm new to this calorie counting thing. Does anyone have any comments about alcohol and weight gain. I have several gatherings i'm attending for the holiday and resisting the turkey and dressing is hard enough but i'm also worried about alcohol consumption


  • HI everyone! I'm new to this calorie counting thing. Does anyone have any comments about alcohol and weight gain. I have several gatherings i'm attending for the holiday and resisting the turkey and dressing is hard enough but i'm also worried about alcohol consumption
  • I would like to know about this as well. I used to drink 3-4 times a week and have cut it down to 1-2, but I consume around 400 calories each time and I even eat less during the day to fit that in (bad huh?) I'm not an alcoholic but sometimes I think about my mentality with this issue and wonder what the hell I'm doing :drinker:
  • I haven't drank in a while. Actually i quit, but next week will be a different story. :sad: I know it'll be hard cutting back on all that delicious food in order to have a few drinks (wine or champagne)....I believe i can do it:ohwell:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    I used to love a Margarita or two on the weekend. Of course, 500+ cal each = not do-able while losing weight.

    I cut back to no more than one glass of (any) cabernet at a time. I usually have two or three glasses a WEEK now.

    The other bad thing about alcohol, other than the calories, is that it lowers your inhibitions and causes you to eat more than you would if not under the influence. And since I worked at TGI Fridays for 15 years, I know that most bars don't really put out a lot of salads to go with those cocktails. Potatos,cheesy stuff, fried things, nuts, chips and salsa, wings: and then you want MORE to drink after the salty stuff . All very bad for calorie counting.

  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    I fit my wine in at weekends only , but thats because thats the onlty time I do any serious exercise, so i basically swim off the calories or most of then anyway!:bigsmile:
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    I've discovered that adding bubbly water to a glass of wine cuts the calories in half, although you're still intaking the same amount of fluid. Also, with less alcohol, comes less lower of inhibitions and snacking. My six year old will tell people that I drink wine with seltzer water because I want to drink but not get drunk. He's so funny. Also, I tend to make sure to drink a bottle of water between glasses if I'm socializing. The trips to the bathroom might cut down on how much you drink, and the water helps to slow things down and flush things out. Enjoy!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    If you are going to count your calories by using the food diary you just need to make sure you don't go over them with food or drink. That is what I heard here. Also, there may be some articles around on alcohol. I know anything in excess is not good and with alcohol, it may throw metabolism off. I don't know but I am just thinking out loud sort of. Some gals here said they didn't lose weight until they put aside the alcohol. I still have a 5 oz glass with dinner on occasion. But I add it in with my calories. It is high in calories because of the sugar I believe.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Yes, you hit on a good one! It does make me have the munchies bad, that's why if I have a glass, it's always while cooking and having dinner:)

    I've discovered that adding bubbly water to a glass of wine cuts the calories in half, although you're still intaking the same amount of fluid. Also, with less alcohol, comes less lower of inhibitions and snacking. My six year old will tell people that I drink wine with seltzer water because I want to drink but not get drunk. He's so funny. Also, I tend to make sure to drink a bottle of water between glasses if I'm socializing. The trips to the bathroom might cut down on how much you drink, and the water helps to slow things down and flush things out. Enjoy!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Right on, good points!!

    I haven't drank in a while. Actually i quit, but next week will be a different story. :sad: I know it'll be hard cutting back on all that delicious food in order to have a few drinks (wine or champagne)....I believe i can do it:ohwell:
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    You can also earn 300 extra calories by taking about a 3.5mph walk:bigsmile:

    I haven't drank in a while. Actually i quit, but next week will be a different story. :sad: I know it'll be hard cutting back on all that delicious food in order to have a few drinks (wine or champagne)....I believe i can do it:ohwell:
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