Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Afternoon everyone, hope you are all well!

I know there are some ladies on here who suffer the same as me and just wanted to know how you are all getting on?

I'm still really struggling just not losing the weight at all and I know that PCOS is probably the reason why.

I gave up chocolate crisps sweets cakes and biscuits for 6 and a half weeks, I pretty much stay in the 1200 calories every day. I've been exercising 3 times a week and still nothing!

Do you find that you have to stick to a special diet? Cutting down carbs due to being insulin resistant? Or do you have other ways you can lose weight? I also take 500mg of metformin a day.

Would be grateful for any advice xxx


  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I would love good advise too. I have now elimated most dairy to see if that helps.
  • zasmm
    zasmm Posts: 4
    Hi girls, I have PCOS too. It's recommended that your intake of carbs is very low when trying to lose weight with PCOS - somewhere between 60 and 100 grams per day and that you get rid of all refined carbohydrates from your diet. So no white bread, white rice etc. Check out PCOSchallenge.com for some great support from other women going through the same thing. Also, the best exercise for a woman with PCOS tends to be interval training so something like the 30 day shred would be a good place to start.
  • CassieH818
    CassieH818 Posts: 221 Member
    I have PCOS & havent had any trouble losing the weight....Keeping it off is another story. I eat fairly healthy when I can & I work out as much as possible.

    Dont focus on PCOS because that will just hinder your weight loss. Just do what you can, exercise & eat healthy. If you weight stays at a standstill, I would consult a doctor or nutritionist.

    Best of luck to you!
  • feysheart
    I have this also. I work out almost every day, and have cut a lot out of my diet. I have noticed though that most people on here seem to be dropping pounds like crazy! It such a struggle for me to lose, maybe PCOS is part of the problem.
  • Mrz_Rich
    Mrz_Rich Posts: 90
    I'm struggling as well...it's so frustrating! I've been exercising at least 5 times a week and staying under my calorie goal since Jan. 25 and have lost 25 pounds. That's pretty good but I have A LOT of weight to lose to be considered in the "healthy" range. I know that losing weight is a battle for everyone on MFP but it just frustrates me to see how quickly some of my MFP pals seem to lose! Some of them seem to lose weight at double the speed I do! I'm anxious to check back on this post to see what others with PCOS have to say about any special diets that can help lose pounds faster. Good luck in your journey...try not to get discouraged! :smile:
  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    Dont know about metformin, but last time i saw my Dr. and he saw my weight loss, he swears its due to the birthcontrol i am on.
    mostly i think i was over eating and blaming my weight on PCOS before i started MFP. Hit rock bottom when i had to have surgery to remove a 12 cm cyst (not fun at all). i havent done anything special, just stay at 1230 cals a day and exercise 5-6 times a week... keep fighting it girl... PCOS sucks
  • soniarosina
    Do you mind if I ask what birth control you are on?
  • carpediem3
    carpediem3 Posts: 320 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in January. For some of the other issues I have that go with it, my doctor has told me to cut out added sugar (which is so incredibly hard for me), dairy as much as possible, and go crazy on veggies and fruit. She also suggested exercising AT LEAST 3x a week, though I do 6-7x, and toggle between 1100-1200 calories a day. I'm also on Metformin, 1700mg/day. Everyone is different though, but this has worked for me as I'm down 22lbs :)

    I thought PCOS owned me, but turns out I own it! Best of luck to you!
  • hollybaker22
    As a certified personal trainer and part-time nutrition counselor I say retrict high fat foods. If you restrict carbs, then restrict white flour products like breads and muffins, potatoes, etc. Replace with whole wheat, multigrain as it has more nutrients and takes your body longer to break them down. Increase lean protein just a little to keep your insulin levels steady and also keeps you feeling full longer. Increase fruit and vegetables and water intake. Take a multivitamin. It's everything we already know, we just don't follow it very well. If you are exercising 3 times a week and still not losing weight you should consider a few things. Are you toning? Are you working up a sweat when you work out? It is entirely possible you may need to increase intensity of your work out or increase the number of days you are exercising to see results. It is just harder for some people to lose weight. I was one of those people, but most important. DONT GIVE UP!
  • Jenhen82
    Jenhen82 Posts: 1 Member
    I also have PCOS and take 1000 mg of metformin a day. I got up to 197 lbs about three years ago. I was frustrated and depressed and nothing seemed to be working. I finally found that eating more often throughout the day was something that worked for me. I used to eat two meals a day, now I keep snacks at work and eat 3 meals and two snacks every day. For snacks I try to have a fruit or vegetable and protein together, like grapes and string cheese or carrots and yogurt. I keep low calorie meal and snack choices handy at work and at home, and I have increased my exercise. I had a friend who used to tell me I didn't eat enough, and I thought she was crazy, but something about eating throughout the day really works for me. I lost 66 pounds in 9 months, and kept most of it off for the last two years. I joined myfitnesspal.com back in January because I had gained a few pounds back and had a friend who wanted to try it out, and I have really found it helps me to keep track of all of my calories and keep me from splurging too much. I am currently at 133 lbs. I just saw my endocrinologist on Monday and he said all of my tests are looking great, so I am pretty happy about that. I know that PCOS makes it difficult, but it IS possible! Don't give up!
  • Rachele329
    I don't have PCOS but my very best friend does. I thought some of this was interesting. I wanted to just add that when you see everyone on MFP losing alot of weight and you're not don't get discouraged....I've read some peoples diaries and they're losing the weight but not in a very healthy way at all. I know it is more difficult with PCOS but keep at it... at least you're trying to lose thats a start and doing it in a healthy way....thats the important thing.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    It is recommended that women with PCOS live a Low Glycemic Lifestyle, to help reduce the amount of sugar that spikes the systems and not exceed 120 carbs per day.

    However, I have found that eating Low Glycemic is not effective for me. I just had this argument with my nutrionist as she wants me at 120 carbs per day, and for my body it does not work. I need to be under 75 grams of carbs 80% of the time in order to see any significant weight loss. I've done many experiments with my eating - and THIS is the only way for me.

    Also are you strength training? As this helps reduce the sugar in the blood.. and helps reverse symptoms of PCOS as well as help significantly with weight loss.

    Also have you had your thyroid checked? Last year I worked my butt off for 8 months and only lost 30lbs, discouraged and unmotivated I went to see the doctor and turned out I had Hypothyroidism, which was preventing me from losing the weight. It took two 6 week treatments to get my dose right and I am now sitting at 1.9 (which is great).

    Combined with the LC eating, working out 5-6 days a week, I've been able to lose 6lbs in 3 weeks.
  • kmlaflamme
    kmlaflamme Posts: 1 Member
    Comment removed by author
  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    Do you mind if I ask what birth control you are on?

    not at all my friend... i am on the generic version of Yaz.. its called Gianvi
  • candacepainter
    I have PCOS and lost 130 lbs with it! I really had to watch what i would eat! I cut back on carbs.
  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    I have PCOS and lost 130 lbs with it! I really had to watch what i would eat! I cut back on carbs.

    inspiration.. it CAN happen, thanks for posting this...
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I am dealing with PCOS too. Since I was diagnosed in Dec 2007, I have lost 30lbs, but most of that was within this past year when I made exercise is healthier eating a lifestyle. When I started on MFP I had my carb intake at 55% which is a lot. I recently dropped that to 30% (since the end of Feb) and lost a few more lbs.

    I know that some consider staying between 60 - 100grams per day, but I cannot see that happening for me. I workout 6 - 7 days a week....a lot of intense stuff and I definitely need the energy.

    When I first was diagnosed, the nutritionist I saw put me on a 1300 calorie diet and that was when I barely worked out, now I put myself at 1400 calories a day. I usually burned between 400 - 600 calories with each workout session, and I do eat back some of those calories. It has been working. I ate no more than 2 pieces of fruit a day and mainly that because I need the fiber.

    I am currently on 1500mg of Metformin.

    Would love to be friends with anyone who is interested. It's nice to have encouragement from someone who struggles with the same issue.
  • zasmm
    zasmm Posts: 4
    I also really recommend a CD for weightloss from CircleandBloom.com I find it really helpful.

  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    While I dont have this, I do have major Endometriosis issues -=grumbles=-

    My weight loss is weird (I have lost weight, but have lost inches...), however, these have been my findings thus far

    1200 calories wasnt enough. I bumped my calorie intake to 1450 and I started getting movement again. I workout about as frequently as you do.

    I have done the best of my ability (when I have that ability) to change a lot in my diet. Eat lots of veggies, proteins, fruits, and whole grain products versus the white enriched stuff. My symptoms have decreased SIGNIFICANTLY, my pain is next to nothing, my bleeding went from anemic blood flow to light spotting, and I have felt GREAT. Might be something for you to look into as well.
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    Refined carbs and sugar is what really hurts us, even people without metabolic problems! It's important that we monitor the kinds of carbs and sugar we are eating. I lost 16lbs in about 2 months with PCOS and IR by cutting out processed carbs and sugar. I am not taking BC or Metformin either. :)

    I went 11 months last year without a cycle. One finally appeared in December with the usual heavy flow. Nothing in January. In Feburary I cut out processed carbs and sugar and got my cycle. March, same thing. In April I got my cycle for the third month in a row, but this was much LIGHTER and I didn't have bad symptoms either. :) I look forward to my cycle every month, because it means that my body is happy and healthy.