Bound and Determined to get where I need to be

Hi, I am new to this site. I joined last week, but its been hard to get motivated. I have had a lot of stress in my life lately and that doesn't help the situation either. I have managed to lose 34 lbs within the last 6 months, which is good, but I need to lose another 55 lbs.
I have one major obstacle and that is SWEETS. I have a horrible sweet tooth. I have been working out, but I am just having a hard time with an addiction with sugar. It has been a real problem this past couple of weeks. I DO NOT want to gain 34 lbs back, because of the stress in my life and the choices that I am making are not very good ones. I am working out, about 1 hour a day, but that doesn't help when I eat a bunch of sweets. I need to not let stress take over. Did you know that stressed spelled backwards is desserts, well that is what I have a real struggle with.
I am bound and determined to get to my goal, but it seems that I can't do it alone. I came across this website and it looks like it can help me a lot, so I am in hopes of some motivation and support by joining this site. I hope to see you hear and maybe we can help each other. Thanks and good luck to everyone.


  • deb03
    deb03 Posts: 30
    Hi, I am new to this site. I joined last week, but its been hard to get motivated. I have had a lot of stress in my life lately and that doesn't help the situation either. I have managed to lose 34 lbs within the last 6 months, which is good, but I need to lose another 55 lbs.
    I have one major obstacle and that is SWEETS. I have a horrible sweet tooth. I have been working out, but I am just having a hard time with an addiction with sugar. It has been a real problem this past couple of weeks. I DO NOT want to gain 34 lbs back, because of the stress in my life and the choices that I am making are not very good ones. I am working out, about 1 hour a day, but that doesn't help when I eat a bunch of sweets. I need to not let stress take over. Did you know that stressed spelled backwards is desserts, well that is what I have a real struggle with.
    I am bound and determined to get to my goal, but it seems that I can't do it alone. I came across this website and it looks like it can help me a lot, so I am in hopes of some motivation and support by joining this site. I hope to see you hear and maybe we can help each other. Thanks and good luck to everyone.
  • vanessadawn
    sweet tooths can be killer, but look for some recipes for low calorie swaps and hopefully that will kick the cravings! you can do it, good luck!
  • deb03
    deb03 Posts: 30
    Thanks Vanessa. I will look into that. I know that I can do it. It is just hard to get passed not having it for awhile. Thanks, for the advice.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Welcome to MFP Deb:flowerforyou:

    ah yea stress can really put a bump in the road for many things... excercise can really help the stress monster........

    Sweets as time goes on will not be mountain in your life either.... you will learn to taste foods again and lose the cravings a bit for the sweet/salt tastes. Believe it or not as you begin to eat clean and workout you will find yourself thinking some treats just are a bit to sweet anymore. Perhaps hard to believe now happens to many:flowerforyou:

    Glad you've joined us here on MFP :)
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hi Deb
    We've all at some point or other had t obattle with the sweetie demon - I'm a diabetic - who has in the past been a chocoholic, I used to buy and hide chocolate, to the extent where I'd even buy them separately so they did not show up on my shopping receipt :blushing: I even used to walk to dog with chocolates at the ready, hidden in my bag, pocket or anything else that I could hide them in!

    I go for everything low cal, low fat these days. I'm not saying I'm a saint - far from it, I still get the urge to eat chocolate from time to time - like last night, hubby and boys sat in front of me eating chocolates, and the tin was right next to me, sooooo...before I even realised what was going on, I'd eaten 10 chocolates and had a stack of wrappers next to me as evidence!:blushing:

    It took me 80 minutes on my elliptical to burn off those chocolates :grumble: I was absolutely exhausted after that, but it's my own fault for giving into temptation :blushing:

    We're all here for each other, any time you want an ear, we'll be here :drinker:

    Feel free to PM me anytime :flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hi Deb
    We've all at some point or other had t obattle with the sweetie demon - I'm a diabetic - who has in the past been a chocoholic, I used to buy and hide chocolate, to the extent where I'd even buy them separately so they did not show up on my shopping receipt :blushing: I even used to walk to dog with chocolates at the ready, hidden in my bag, pocket or anything else that I could hide them in!

    I go for everything low cal, low fat these days. I'm not saying I'm a saint - far from it, I still get the urge to eat chocolate from time to time - like last night, hubby and boys sat in front of me eating chocolates, and the tin was right next to me, sooooo...before I even realised what was going on, I'd eaten 10 chocolates and had a stack of wrappers next to me as evidence!:blushing:

    It took me 80 minutes on my elliptical to burn off those chocolates :grumble: I was absolutely exhausted after that, but it's my own fault for giving into temptation :blushing:

    We're all here for each other, any time you want an ear, we'll be here :drinker:

    Feel free to PM me anytime :flowerforyou:
    That's awesome that we get to a point we can even admit our former and yes even sometimes current behaviours....that shows real growth and how much our lives are changing each step of this journey:drinker:
  • deb03
    deb03 Posts: 30
    Thanks. Its nice to have support on here. But I need to get motivated. I haven't been on here for a week now. I just need to get motivated to get logged in every day. You and every one else on are so benefical to me. Why don't I get motivated. I have been good this week as far as sweets and chocolate, so that is a good thing. My friends tell me that if I don't have it for awhile then I will get used to not eating it.
    I just need to tell myself to log into every day to meet such nice people like on here.
    Thanks and good luck with your weight loss. You are doing GREAT!!!!
  • BrieflyForgotten
    Hey, Deb! I have a bit of a sweet tooth as well! Some things I've found that work for me are fruits (I like to dip a banana in low-fat/sugar-free strawberry yogurt or have chocolate covered strawberries) and protein bars! I'm not a big fan of some of the protein bars because of their texture, but the South Beach Diet bars and the Special K ones have a crunchy-candy kind of feel to them. It certainly fools my taste buds!
  • deb03
    deb03 Posts: 30
    Hi Briefly forgotten,
    Thanks for the tips. Today, I am going cold turkey as far as chocolate. I just don't know why I am having a hard time with this whole sweet thing. It might be stress. I am just resulting in bad choices because of stress. I have a roommate, that is trying to help me as well. I hoping that once I haven't had it for awhile then I will be fine. It doesn't help that there is stuff all around the staff room. And my mom, she buys chocolate for the staff.
    Thanks again for your tips. Good luck with your success.
  • Emmalouise23
    The best thing to do is order your food shopping to be delivered (not sure if you can do that in the USA but you can in UK) and it will prevent you picking up sweets and things when in the store.
    Also if you do have to pop into the shop for something only take the cash you will need for the items you are going to buy as if you have extra money on you its likely you will pick up a few naughty treats too. You will get there hun xx