


  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    So I feel slightly dumb here, I had a c-section...but I was pretty "chunky" before it..and have been "chunky" since...I'm not really sure what everyone is talking about when they say "c-section belly" (or however you want to word it)...Maybe when my belly isn't so fat I'll see it? Because right now all I see is fat..

  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    So I feel slightly dumb here, I had a c-section...but I was pretty "chunky" before it..and have been "chunky" since...I'm not really sure what everyone is talking about when they say "c-section belly" (or however you want to word it)...Maybe when my belly isn't so fat I'll see it? Because right now all I see is fat..


    Thank you! I feel less dumb now! And I'm guessing mine will look like that once I lose some of the fat! = /
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    wow, i guess i lucked out - my dad is an ob-gyn and my own doctor knew that my dad was paying very close attention to his every move... i actually remember the doctor telling the operating room nurses to "mark lower"... my scar is about 2 inches LOWER than what is pictured in the photo above, so the skin tightened right back up and the scar is also nearly gone after 2 years.
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    So I feel slightly dumb here, I had a c-section...but I was pretty "chunky" before it..and have been "chunky" since...I'm not really sure what everyone is talking about when they say "c-section belly" (or however you want to word it)...Maybe when my belly isn't so fat I'll see it? Because right now all I see is fat..

    Its like a flap of skin that hangs over the top of the scar. It looks like fat, but tbh, mine is now an empty sack of skin, I sometimes think my belly looked better fatter :(

    Thank you for your answer! I don't have that now..but I'm guessing if I lose more of the belly fat I will!
  • Irish_Norwegian
    That's something that should be disclosed as the doc is trying to talk you into a c-section. I wonder if it would change the minds of many women?

    Tummy tuck is the only way.

    I agree!

    For many women, c-section is not an "elective" surgery.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    3 pregnancies and twins (wieghing 7.1 and 7.3) with a c-section. Can't complain too much though…the c-section saved the twins trauma and complications. Mine is 17 years old. It was better before I gained a lot of weight so hoping it will go back down with the weight loss and ab work.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    So I feel slightly dumb here, I had a c-section...but I was pretty "chunky" before it..and have been "chunky" since...I'm not really sure what everyone is talking about when they say "c-section belly" (or however you want to word it)...Maybe when my belly isn't so fat I'll see it? Because right now all I see is fat..


    hey how did you get a picture of my belly??

    <<2 csections here and that is exactly what mine looks like too.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    That's something that should be disclosed as the doc is trying to talk you into a c-section. I wonder if it would change the minds of many women?

    Tummy tuck is the only way.

    My daughter wouldn't have survived delivery if we didn't do the c section. I'll keep my pouch.
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    hmmm.... I saw a post about this not to long ago.
    The woman had amazing results... UGH! Now I gotta go search ;) LOL

    If you find it please send me a link, my babies are 14 and 13, I would do just about anything to get rid of this issue :embarassed: , unfortunatly I doubt surgery is a option because of the cost.
  • AmandaMonique
    I must have a great Doctor! With my second C-section he cleaned mine up and we knew it would be my last so he stitched it in a way that it's completley flat, in fact you can barely see the scar itself! I kept wondering when I saw c-section posts what everyone was talking about...now I know! Good luck to you!

    I also think maybe it's how they used to do cesareans compared to now? My twins were delivered by c-section and my mom kept telling me how much she hated her scar and stuff. She had to have a tummy tuck and I was so worried but my doctor mustve been a miracle worker because I don't have a pooch or anything.. and maybe it's how low they go or something? My scar isn't nearly as bad as I saw on like, Google and stuff. I'm a big worry wart so I looked this all up. Haha but hopefully with exercise yours will go down too!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    That's something that should be disclosed as the doc is trying to talk you into a c-section. I wonder if it would change the minds of many women?

    Tummy tuck is the only way.

    I agree!

    For many women, c-section is not an "elective" surgery.

    Yeah, I have had two kids, only one csection and it was an emergency, I had no choice in the matter, bubs was in distress. On the scar front though, I can't really see mine, I do have a belly pouch though, but I still have 25lb to lose. I do lots of tummy toning too. I will post a picture of mine when I get to goal and show people what they are dealing with. This threat of belly flashing may make me try harder :D
  • AmyQwith2
    AmyQwith2 Posts: 59 Member
    i had my c-section 2 years ago and while my scar is almost invisible and very low, i have the pouch...i've also lost 55 lbs since then (and he was a HUMUNGOUS 11 1/2 lb baby) so i wonder if that has something to do with it too...
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    That's something that should be disclosed as the doc is trying to talk you into a c-section. I wonder if it would change the minds of many women?

    Tummy tuck is the only way.

    I agree!
    For many women, c-section is not an "elective" surgery.

    Yes, it's a life saver for some! But I would say 90% of c-sections that are done, are unnecessary. I believed my doctor at the time, but years later I realized it was done because of his time schedule and my lack of movement ability because I was hooked up to machines and they didn't really encourage me to get out of bed. I had a VBAC homebirth with my next and proved my doc wrong! I was told the baby was too big....my next was bigger. Suck on that doc!! haha

    Anyway, I'm not trying to debate, I know c-sections are necessary for some, but there's a lot of women out there that believe it was needed when it really wasn't just because they believe their docs every word.

    The tummy flap should still be disclosed because it costs a lot of money later on to get it fixed!
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    yes it's old skin that was stretched out. when it's sewn back up the top has been uber stretched thnx to baby and the groin skin right below is still kinda flat... so then u get that lil hangover, this happens especially more so when a woman was overweight prior to pregnancy also. Some dr's are very skilled in seeing this not happen, but it's part "plastic surgery" to put the extra time on it. It's becoming more common for women to ask for a mini tuck when they do the c-section. You can google :compression suits... there's a lot of options, not necessarily cheap... girdles & such u can get anywhere they sell underwear can work just the same but u have to wear it 24-7 for weeks to start seeing a difference. So u have to find something comfortable that doesn't move.
  • AJs_mom
    AJs_mom Posts: 64 Member
    For many women, c-section is not an "elective" surgery.

    Agreed! Both of mine were not "elective". My first was too big, and he went into distress. My second was scheduled, but we had planned on VBAC too if he decided to come early. I was scheduled for the day after my due date, and went into labour on my due date. I was going to go ahead with the VBAC, but he went into distress as well. The pouch I can live with. Them - I can't live without!

    Before my second pregnancy, I had lost a lot of weight and the pouch got better. The weight just isn't coming off this time. It will just take some hard work and dedication :)
  • georgie181
    I believe it is possible to get rid without surgery although ALOT harder! there are some exceptions of course and I am sure for some it is the only way, but I hold high hopes :) for most of us, especially those of us who have had sections in the last 10 years.

    I have read many success stories on said subject matter and its all about exercise and strict diet and of course PATIENCE! it is possible definately, get a very low body fat percentage and maximum muscle tone and I think the pooch/poof/apron or whatever will go away. good luck all :)
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    So I have this to look forward to when I lose the fat :sad:
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    I believe it is possible to get rid without surgery although ALOT harder! there are some exceptions of course and I am sure for some it is the only way, but I hold high hopes :) for most of us, especially those of us who have had sections in the last 10 years.

    I have read many success stories on said subject matter and its all about exercise and strict diet and of course PATIENCE! it is possible definately, get a very low body fat percentage and maximum muscle tone and I think the pooch/poof/apron or whatever will go away. good luck all :)

    as said - PATIENCE - a good diet, exercise and strength training will definately help but it will take a lot of time - I've had 4 c-sections and will be monitoring this very closely as I continue my journey but after talking with my personal trainer and doing some research I'm very optimistic. But everything I've read/heard says building the muscles underneath will be the biggest benefit.