New to myfitnesspal

Hello all you myfitnesspals .Today is my second day, I went over -15 on my food for the day. Today is another day and I will do it plus drink more water!
I need to lose 15 pounds my goal for the end of May!! Today I plan to take a walk just hope a storm doesn't start before I get back home. Brenda:flowerforyou:


  • blooeyes79
    blooeyes79 Posts: 9 Member
    -15 is nothing you will prob lose those calories in breathing ;) that is great though. You will love myfitnesspal it has really changed me for the better, weight loss feeling great and positivity. Hope the storm isn't too bad where you are :/
  • momofarmymedic
    I'm new too! have lost 12lbs over the last 3 months, stalled this month on the loss. Have been really careful about what I have been eating, and also working out the exercise aspect. Just have been frustrated this month with no loss. Worked out today, with good effort!!!