Loosing stubborn baby weight!

Anuta78 Posts: 27 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all! My name is Anya and I am very excited to join this website. I am planning to loose about 10 pounds (my first goal) that are still hanging around after I had my wonderful baby girl 8 months ago. I am still breastfeeding so I will be trying to loose this weight "gently" :)


  • same here.. My baby is 7 months old. i've lost 14 lbs so far.
  • I'm working on losing baby weight too. I'm surprised if you're still breastfeeding it hasn't come off all by itself but everyone is different. My son is 8 1/2 mos old too...I'll add you as a friend :) Good luck!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I just finally got to my before baby weight, took me almost a year, but i really kicked it up a notch in february. It was a great feeling!Good luck!!
  • Also good job Farrah_Eliza.....I can't wait til I can say I lost 14 lbs!!! Thats my goal to lose!
  • Anuta78
    Anuta78 Posts: 27 Member
    Rachele329 - must be all the eating I am doing !!! :) actually a lot of breastfeeding mom have a lot of difficulty loosing the "last 7-10 pounds" while breastfeeding. Hopefully I can loose them though!
  • cruise160
    cruise160 Posts: 55
    Good Luck to you!! You can do it!
    Im in the same boat....
    My son is 9 months and I am still trying to lose the weight. I ballooned up approx. 60 pounds in my pregnancy!! (AND I WAS 50 pounds overweight before getting preggo). Before MFP I was able to lose 55 pounds. I still have around 50 to go. All these numbers! LOL. Im down 3 pounds....so its a start! LOL ;-)
  • My daughter will be 8 months in May and I have been "holding on" to about 23 lbs, which would put me back to my prepregnancy weight. I'd still like to loose more than that, but I'll be happy to get there. I can never find the time....but I just started today and threw away a half bottle of Coke sitting at my desk and the rest of my Reese Cups.....so no wonder I haven't lost any... :)
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    I am still trying to lose baby weight. I have a 9 month old and 4 other kids as well...I have been preggo a total of 9 times. I just added a little on each time until now I feel like a beached whale! I'm gonna do this though if it kills me!!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    I too am trying to loose my baby weight except my babies are now 4,6 and 8. I wish I had done like you and lost it right away. Well, anyways, i already lost baby weight of baby n.3. Only 2 more to go. :)
  • Well, my baby is two and I am still trying to loose baby weight. I am trying really hard to just take "baby" steps so that I don't get frustrated and give up. Good Luck!
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    Me too! My son is just over a year now. With my first I dropped the weight so quickly! I was 10 lbs below my prepregnancy weight by the time he was 7 months old. I figured it was the breastfeeding as I didn't watch what I ate at all. This time I am breastfeeding again, doing bootcamp every week and exercising at least 2 more days and I am still not at my prepregnancy weight (which - like others is 20 lbs over what I really want to be). It is so discouraging.
  • Hi my name is Dawn and i too am trying to loose some baby weight that i gained with Ellie Rose. Also trying to loose because my dad has just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and seemingly its hereditary. As i have two darling daughters one 20 months old- Katie and Ellie is 3 weeks old going to be fun trying to fit excercise in but will try !

    Looking for support and lots of will power.
  • The baby weight doesnt go easily! I was hoping with the exclusive breastfeeding it would, but alas it isnt! I will get there!
  • Everyone told me I'd lose a lot of the baby weight while breastfeeding. I did not lose a single pound but instead gained weight. It wasn't until after I stopped feeding my daughter that I started losing weight. I didn't breastfeed my son and I lost all the weight within a month and a half. Maybe I'm just messed up.
  • Anuta78
    Anuta78 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you all for your replies! Good luck to all of us and hopefully it works this time :)
  • singingmom
    singingmom Posts: 29 Member
    I can commiserate with you guys on the baby weight issue. I have 15 month old twins and I am now finally back at my pre-pregnancy weight. I gained about 45 lbs while pregnant. But I still need to lose at least 10 more lbs. But I would like to lose more. Its hard with kids to find the time to work out and eat right but this site has helped me so much! Good luck!
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