Heart Rate confusion...

McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
So here's the deal, I am 25 years old, a personal trainer, and in pretty decent shape. I am used to working out 2-3 times per day and I do lots of cross-fit and cardio. I'm training for a 10 mile race in a few weeks and went from running 6-10 miles (7:00-8:30 minutes pace depending on day) no problem to barely being able to walk at 4.0mph. All of my energy feels like it's been drained from my body. I eat between 1200-1800 calories/ day depending on what my workouts are. I was fitted with an event monitor by the cardiologist earlier today and noticed my heart rate went from 60bpm at resting to 210bpm from walking for 5 minutes. That hardly seemed possible, but I was also hit by a dizzy spell and got extremely hot. My entire body feels like I was in a car accident because of how sore I am- but it's not the same feeling you get when you're getting a cold. I've had countless blood panels done to try to figure it out, and they always come out at a healthy level.

Has anyone had issues with crazy heart rates or any suggestions as to what is going on? I still manage to get to the gym, but I have no energy while I am there.


  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I was diagnosed with an "inappropriate sinus tachycardia" a month ago...resting heartrate just fine...when I run, it can get as high as 210 bpm. Part of my problem is my breathing when I exercise; however, it still gets as high as 195 with big inhales/exhales. I would call your dr right away and get a holter monitor to have them evaluate things (is that what you have now?). I also did a EKG and stress test to rule things out. It's not uncommon but do not let your doctor make you think it's just fine either. It can be stressful, but keep on this until you have some answers. Good luck!!
  • nessasbutterflykisses
    Drinking water...usually dizzy can be a sign of more water needed....do you ever take a day to just rest from execrise? Maybe just rest.
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    I think you may not be getting sufficient energy based on how many times a day you exercise... 2-3 times a day jogging 10 miles and doing crossfit... I think you are burning way too many calories to be eating in the 1200-1800 calorie range.. I'm also a personal trainer and certified nutritionist and I expend 2100 just at work.. not including my workouts that I should account for (grant it I don't eat that many calories but I'm close to 2,000 the average American diet base)... are you sure your eating enough? If you body is working so hard to keep up with as much as your burning no wonder you don't have any energy! I would double check that just to make sure.. get with a local nutritionist and see what areas you may need help with. Hope this get's better for you! :smile:
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    I am wearing an event monitor now (so for 5 days I wear it and record events where I don't feel normal), this has been on ongoing issue since I was 10.

    Water would normally be my first guess, but I only drink water and I drink water all day because of how much time I spend working out or in the heat... I usually polish off 32oz before I leave the house in the morning. I think I could drown a fish with how much water I consume.

    I'll have to try upping my calories even more. It's tough because I have to force myself to get to 1800 calories because it seems like so much food by that point and it gets even worse when I have a heat/ dizzy spell because I lose all appetite completely.

    I usually use the weekends as my rest days. and then hit the gym M-F... hopefully the doc's can actually find something this time around.
  • emseigle
    emseigle Posts: 23
    Wow, I hope they figure out what is wrong, and fast. Sounds like the idea of seeing a nutrionist wouldn't be a bad idea. I know where you are coming from saying you have a hard time eating as many calories as you need to, because I too feel like I am always eating and with all the water I drink on top of it I always feel full. I'm trying to add more protein and calories to see if it helps, but at my next Dr appt I'm getting a referral for a nutrionist as well. Good luck with everything sweetie. You are still an inspiration.
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member

    I'll have to try upping my calories even more. It's tough because I have to force myself to get to 1800 calories because it seems like so much food by that point and it gets even worse when I have a heat/ dizzy spell because I lose all appetite completely.

    Try eating foods with a high calories, e.g. Avocado, Nuts, Oils, etc. so you can still get the calories your body needs to for sufficient fuel yet you don't have to consume as much food in terms of volume. I really hope this gets better for you, sounds like a bummer if you get sick and dizzy every time you workout hard.
  • Postergirl82

    Check out WPW syndrome. Before getting married I worked on a cardiac floor in the hospital as an ECG tech. Some of your symtoms seem similar, perhaps you should look into it further. The Mayo clinic site is a good source and their info is accurate.
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member

    Check out WPW syndrome. Before getting married I worked on a cardiac floor in the hospital as an ECG tech. Some of your symtoms seem similar, perhaps you should look into it further. The Mayo clinic site is a good source and their info is accurate.

    Thanks for that link- a lot of the symptoms are similar and I'm curious if my doctor is trying to rule that out or not now by having me wear the event monitor for a week... I'm just ready to have a doctor finally diagnose something since I've been having episodes for 15 years now (being a military brat and bouncing from place to place made it hard for doctors to follow through).
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    HOLLY MOLLY!! I hope they figure it out!! What State/City are you in?
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    You said you only drink water, maybe try incorporating a couple glasses of whole milk a day. It's an easy way to up your calories, healthy fats, and protein.

    When my wife's best friend went through her divorce, she started working out multiple hours a day (intense cardio) and not eating as much as she should. She lost a ton of weight and even started losing her hair (she looked anorexic). When she started to eat more and slowed down on exercising, she put on some healthy weight and her hair grew back.
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    HOLLY MOLLY!! I hope they figure it out!! What State/City are you in?

    We're currently at Fort Bragg, NC