I cant eat... Help!!

Shygirl301 Posts: 11
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys,

Im having this major problem.. I have no appetite. I have been for that past few days only eating around 300-600 calories plus exercise. I just have no appetite anymore! I truly don't want to eat anything...Any have any ideas to whats going on, or tips to help me eat again?

Heres some back round:

-I am very shaky and lightheaded
-I am getting migraines more often than I should.. EVER!
-Time of the month....
-Grandpap is in the hospital
-My boyfriend/fiancée dumped me..over text (but, it WAS long distance. We were together for about 2 years)
-School is KILLING me!
-I have an all over soreness
-I struggle with depression
-I have had bulimia and anorexia
- I have had binge eating and purging

Thanks for all the help!


  • eresin
    eresin Posts: 104 Member
    go to your doctor
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Please go to your doctor.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member

    What you're describing is very scary - I'm going to have to echo what everyone else is saying and say that you NEED to see your doctor as soon as possible.

    Please keep us informed.
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    If your feeling light headed and weak and cant eat you should go to your doctor or visit an emergency room.
    They should be able to give you fluids via an IV to stabilize you.

    Try drinking a shake or something, usually they are easier to get down and keep down than food.

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • faithgin
    faithgin Posts: 32
    sounds like stress is a major problem, lack of eating, eating disorders and depression will cause the dizziness and headaches, soreness can be caused by depression also. Have you gone to the dr. for help? It is a hard thing to do but you need to. If you have then maybe its time for a re-evaluation. How bad is the depression?
  • michbiase
    michbiase Posts: 10
    Everyone is right. You need to seek help. Your lack of appetite likely doesn't have anything to do with your dieting, but more to do with your emotional state. If you don't have a Dr you feel comfortable with, speak to someone, family, friends, help line, school counsellor. You just need to ask for help. Take it from someone who has struggled with my emotional well being, you need support and assistance.
  • leathla
    leathla Posts: 1 Member
    Your lack of appetite could be a result of the emotional stress because you are currently dealing with a breakup, ill family member, and school. Because you have past issues with eating disorders and depression, I highly recommend seeking help with your family physician. Your family doctor would be able to determine the causes for all your symptons and direct you on the next step to getting better. Please contact your family doctor and make an appointment to get answers.

    I struggle with my weight everyday and know how difficult it can be especially as you are going to school and dealing with life in general. I lost my mother 5 years ago to lung cancer and definitely know watching a family member in medical distress can be emotionally and physically stressful. You want to be strong for your family member to give them strength but you also want to scream at the heavens asking why. I got through these difficult times with a strong support system made up of family members and co-workers. Is there somebody you can call any time of the day who gives you comfort and support? If yes, contact that person and share with them what is going on in your life. Sometimes just talking and sharing helps. Also, in a pinch, dark chocolate always helps:smile:
  • @Faithgin

    Its pretty bad.. not on meds for it, though. I really dont take medications.
  • @Leatha

    Thank you so much for the advice!!
  • And thank you everyone!
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    Hey Shygal even IF and WHEN the dr puts you on meds tell someone. Some of those anti depression meds are bad and remove all emotion and I have known a few people who commit suicide on them. Drs will tell you to watch it for 30 days during those 30 days it is the worse. HUGS . see the doctor and eat/drink something and we are here to help support you.

    I wish you the best and a better life that gramps get better and you get a much better man. <3
  • Thanks :)
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I have not a single answer for you but Please please please go see a doctor!
  • pooma
    pooma Posts: 25 Member
    Yep. CALL YOUR DOC. Good luck Hun. We're here for you.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Please go to your doctor and maybe seek out someone to talk to at school. Is there a wellness center or counselor you can speak to? It sounds like you have a lot on your plate and maybe need to unload a little and get some support.

    Take care of yourself!!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I think one problem is leading to the others.

    The shakiness, migraines, even depression, anxiety can all be caused by your eating habits.

    Your body is eating itself. I am not saying this to be mean ok? I've been there. Start with several small meals, even 100 calorie snacks every 2 hours. Don't overload your body with food, you'll upset your stomach.

    Migraines are likely from the sugar crashes, eating every few hours will help that. Magnesium defiency is a big cause of migraines- and you likely are deficienct in a lot of things right now.

    Vitamin B complex- get some and take them. They help energy and mood and can help restore what you've lost quickly.

    Finally- see a dr and start some anti-depressants to take the edge off while you improve your life. It's hard to get started when you feel so low. Your grandpop wants to see you well! And the guy? Think a year down the road. Is he really worth beating yourself up over? He's shown you who he is, believe him and move on and up.

    This is all fixable honey. That first step will make you feel worlds better. PM me if you need to talk. :heart:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Like everyone else have said you need to see medical attention....I would go to the ER. It sounds like your electrolytes are depleted. You need a IV so your body can get the nutrients needed.

    As for eating again your stress has gotten the best of you. You need to eat bland foods in small increments to be able to hold them down. Dry toast is the best in this case. Once you've tolerated that for at least 24 hours you can move on to oatmeal.

    You also need to talk to someone. Find someone who isn't involved with your situation but someone you think will give you honest answers. This could be a friend's mother, a neighbor a school counselor. You need to be able to express yourself without the backlash of I told you so's or any condemination. You just need to be able to talk and let loose all those feeling before they consume you.

    I wish you the best.
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    Sweetie I think i trip to see your doc is in order. You have a lot going on and it would be good to pop in and have them take a look. I am sorry that so many things are causing you stress. Please hang in there
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