Zig-Zag/Calorie shifting

Ok my life has pretty much revolved around dieting my entire life... this time I decided it wasnt a diet but a lifestyle change well I am getting a little frustrated b/c I havent seen weight loss in weeks. I think its my own fault... I have been eating less than my 1200 a day and exercising twice a day 5 or 6 days a week.

Well I am trying to eat more-and more healthy- I have about 23-25lbs to go (I say that b/c on a good day I weigh 149, bad day 151 "sure its probably water-I drink at least a gallon a day) I have cut down on my workouts, just doing pilates, yoga or something simple during the day...with running and strength training at night ( I have a 2 1/2 yr old so thats when I can go to the gym)

So I went on this site and it gives you the daily calories for your calorie shift... have any of you done this does it work?


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    funny you should post this...i was just considering starting this next week. i set mine up using this site http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm and i added my average exercise days in so that i calculates net calories (food + exercise). I did some calorie cycling on accident this weekend and have been at a steady 4 lb loss since last week....a weight loss i haven't seen in THREE months combined...coincidence? i think not.

    I'll be blogging over the next 2 weeks about how this works for me.

    Good luck!
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    I have tie it and had back and fourth results...sometimes it works to take of 2-4 lbs and sometimes I stay the same...
  • JulianneR
    JulianneR Posts: 46
    I wonder about this as well.

  • mksgirl83
    mksgirl83 Posts: 41
    thats where I did mine too!!! I am gonna start this today!!!
  • rivlong
    rivlong Posts: 29 Member
    Oh I'd be interested to see how this works for you.
  • flutterqueen04
    I don't know if this counts but I tend to make sure I don't eat the same amount of net calories each day. Some days I even go over (at least once a week I go a big amount over) and then do a few days of low calorie intake, even going slightly below 1200 calories on at least one day (bring on the starvation mode preachers! haha...one day won't hurt you). This has seemed to work for me. I averaged 1lb a week and the last few weeks have actually lost 2lbs a week. Again, I don't have dramatic ups and downs but if I were to pull up my net calorie reports it is definitely "hilly" :laugh:
  • feministmama
    Cardio alone is not the way to do it. Weight training can really get things moving. And not wimpy weights either. Check out www.dustinmaherfitness.com for tons of good info. Interval training is more efficient too. Busting *kitten* for 20-60 seconds, taking the same amount to rest & alternating that for 10 minutes is going to get better effects than just straight cardio. (That's just one example.)

    It's worth looking into changing your exercise routine.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I just checked it out, too. I cant believe how much higher the calorie amounts are, compared to the recommendations of this site. Wowzer...
    I am going to start this too- I havent lost a pound in weeks and I also exercise daily and keep my calories under. Worth a shot- we shall see what happens!
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    For the last 9 days I was on a plataeu. Some MFP friends suggested zig zagging. I did it for the last 4 days and finally got a loss of one pound. The scale is FINALLY moving. It worked for me, but it may not work for everyone. Individual bodies are like fingerprints. No one body is going to react exactly the same. But you can try it and see. Good luck to you.
  • ndhr3d
    ndhr3d Posts: 45 Member
    The numbers didn't seem much higher to me on that site. If I take my MFP suggested calories (1,700/day) and add the amount of calories that I burn in a workout, it comes out to be really close to what the other site suggests... (little over 2,000/day). Maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing, or do things differently than everyone else... but I'm not seeing a huge difference like everyone else.
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    I'm interested in info too.
  • mksgirl83
    mksgirl83 Posts: 41
    I dont do just cardio
  • mksgirl83
    mksgirl83 Posts: 41
    I vary my workout weekly and I dont just do cardio
    Cardio alone is not the way to do it. Weight training can really get things moving. And not wimpy weights either. Check out www.dustinmaherfitness.com for tons of good info. Interval training is more efficient too. Busting *kitten* for 20-60 seconds, taking the same amount to rest & alternating that for 10 minutes is going to get better effects than just straight cardio. (That's just one example.)

    It's worth looking into changing your exercise routine.
  • Now0rNever
    Now0rNever Posts: 69 Member
  • Yori1
    Yori1 Posts: 142