Multivitamin alternatives

sremarie Posts: 37
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I started MFP recently and multivitamins were suggested to me as a way to make sure I'm getting all the nutrients I need, so I went out and bought Bayer's One-A-Day for women. Literally 3 minutes after I took it this morning, I threw up...a lot. I called Bayer and they said nausea can occur but that vomiting was an extreme case especially in so little time. I've always had kind of a sensitive stomach but did anyone else have this problem? And does anyone have any suggestions for an alternative??


  • redleppard
    redleppard Posts: 4 Member
    I'm totally new here but my kids take the chewable gummie multivitamen and it says on the bottle for adults and children...the taste is pretty good and it's just a little chewier than a gummie bear. just a thought.
  • ashxo12
    ashxo12 Posts: 67 Member
    I just started taking a multivitamin too, and I found that I get really light-headed and queezy feeling... I eat a banana afterwards and seem fine. I am not sure if it has to do with the time that passes, or the food intake... I would like to know the answer to this also..
  • jrbb0309
    jrbb0309 Posts: 55
    It sounds like it's probably just a coincidence but I guess it's not something you want to test. I have heard that food-based vitamins are better for that sort of thing and then I'm not sure how/when you took your vitamins, but taking them on a full stomach and nowhere near anything with caffeine is supposed to be good. Caffeine will eat the coating from them too quickly and taking them on an empty stomach can also lead to the stomach acids dissolving the coating too quickly as well. This doesn't affect everyone but for people who are extra-sensitive, that's what I've heard recommended.
  • jenni3001
    jenni3001 Posts: 33 Member
    That used to happen to me all the time. Now, I cut my vitamin in half. I take half in the morning and half at night, both times with food. I think taking the whole thing I may have put too many vitamins in my body at once.
  • Jessk63
    Jessk63 Posts: 51
    I started taking them shortly after joining MFP as well and actually came very very close to getting sick...but i took it midway through my breakfast.....the next day i took it about 15 minutes after my meal and felt no effects....i think since my stomach was full i didnt get as bad a side effect....your body has to adjust to them..
  • marthamae813
    marthamae813 Posts: 70 Member
    Make sure you eat with it and take it before you go to bed.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Vitamins make me sick also. I'm not sure what exactly within them causes me to feel nauseous but I have now resorted to just taking a B-Complex vitamin. I had found one (One Source) that I was doing good with until recently. When I take it now I don't really feel nauseous but it makes me feel strange. Eating with it doesn't help me.
  • Warnachowzkie
    Warnachowzkie Posts: 2 Member
    I have found that I also will get sick within minutes if I take a multivitamin on an empty stomach. I have tried a few brands, but it doesn't seem to matter. I just absolutely have to eat something before I take multivitamins, or with them. Never after.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I have had this happen with potassium and zinc but never a multi vitamin.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    take them with orange juice. this will help the body to absorb any iron in the pills wich will help you to absorb some of the other vitamins. The sick feeling and throwing up should not happen that fast with any vitamin unless you have some sort of crazy allergy to it. I would try it one more time and take it with orange juice and some toast. you dont want the vitamin to eat the liniing of your stomach and this will also help to keep you from having an upset stomach.
  • chrissyv1024
    chrissyv1024 Posts: 97 Member
    I tried on two different occassions to take a multivitamin and both times it made me sick. Years later .... about a month ago, I started taking vit D, and a super B complex and a few weeks ago started on calcium (with magnesium and zinc). I've contemplated taking others, but I'm not sure yet. I take mine in the AM with some OJ and I feel fine.

    I too recently bought a multivitamins for my daughter -- walmart brand gummy dinosaurs and it also said that it was for adults. I haven't tried it though.

    Good luck!
  • alexmommy
    alexmommy Posts: 76 Member
    Always make sure to take them after a meal. Some people even take them in the evening, like after dinner, to stop that. After years of taking them I still get sick to my stomach if I take them before food!
  • take w/ a meal or a full glass of milk. in reality,if you are working to adjust your diet as well as exercise,you will find that you get most vitamins already. (unless you have been diagnosed w/ a deficiency of some kind) Try to eat most of the colors of the rainbow in fruits and veges and you'll be all set.....w/o the vomiting!!!
  • Dont take it in the morning .have breakfast and lunch ,then take multi vitamin after lunch. this works for me .
  • care28
    care28 Posts: 28
    I take Viactiv chews. Makes me think I'm getting chocolate...kinda
  • yalisa0424
    yalisa0424 Posts: 173 Member
    I feel your pain! I used to take mine in the morning before breakfast and literally made myself puke b/c I was so nauseous. I take them at night now and have no issues.
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    Try the liquid vitamins from a health food store. You can mix them with juice, or in a smoothie. Plus they are more easily absorbed in the body than pills.
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    A lot of people get sick when they take iron supplements. You could try getting a multivitamin without iron and see if that makes it better. If it does, there are a lot of iron supplements that are supposed to be good for people with sensitive stomachs.
  • sremarie
    sremarie Posts: 37
    Thanks everyone!!
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