I feel like a failure

Plain and simple, I feel like I've failed. I have no motivation, I have no desire to do anything. I go to work, come home, take a nap, eat, then go to bed, and do it all over again the next day. I've gotten myself into this pit where I do the same thing every day, gained back all of the weight that I've lost, and I'm not sure how to get myself out.


  • angelo74
    angelo74 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there, I'm here with you. The only thing I can say is baby steps. Just take one day at a time. I get burnt out really fast. I'll be gung-ho about something for the first 2 weeks and then I get bored. So I have to try and make myself start again. This past month I've let job and life get in the way of exercising and eating well.

    So i'm there with ya, sister! Great meeting you though! Best ,Christine
  • becky5455
    becky5455 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I know exactly how you must be feeling,but don't give up.Ive been doing the same thing and gained all the weight back. Ask yourself what's made you do it and try to focus on moving on rather blaming yourself.You did it once you can do it again. Maybe pick activities that you enjoy and start that way.Dont give up. You can do it!
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    You sound depressed. Talk to your dr as a first step.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Hey, congrats because you're human! We've all had times like this, so try not to be too down on yourself. First thing is to make sure that there's nothing medical happening. No allergies or cold or anything that might be causing your lethargy?

    I always think it's important to break the rut when I feel this way. Find the one thing that seems easiest to change and build from there. Whether it's skipping the nap for a few days or making it a point to log your food no matter what you eat or going for a walk during the day, just find one thing to change that will help you out of this pit.
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    what are some of your favorite things? if possible give yourself a goal to work towards based off of one of these things. it doesn't even have to be fitness related. the fact that you've accomplished a goal will build your confidence and motivation. it's really easy to fall into a rut, it happens to a lot of people, so don't feel bad.

    you should also go and talk to someone to help *kitten* why you are feeling the way you are and perhaps give you some input as to how you can progress out of this current state.
  • melcasa
    melcasa Posts: 60 Member
    Always rule out medical concerns first then go to psychiatric. It could be a physical reason why you are feeling ill leading to this rut. Alternatively it may be psychiatric (unmanaged depression, bi-polar). Talk to a primary care, if all goes well look into a licensed counselor (LCSW, LMHC) and see what they say. Meanwhile start small like taking a 30 min walk to get yourself back into healthy habits.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Plain and simple, I feel like I've failed. I have no motivation, I have no desire to do anything. I go to work, come home, take a nap, eat, then go to bed, and do it all over again the next day. I've gotten myself into this pit where I do the same thing every day, gained back all of the weight that I've lost, and I'm not sure how to get myself out.

    There is no way out.

    You're doomed.

    Try and find a measure of happiness in acceptance.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    What usually helps me is doing something active. If I haven't exercised in a while, I feel the same way. Even if you go for a quick walk - it will boost your spirits and then maybe you'll be motivated to take another baby step. I never regret exercising - but I always regret it when I don't.
  • IconStillFree
    IconStillFree Posts: 262 Member
    It's time you staple your nuts together and climb out of the pit
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    Plain and simple, I feel like I've failed. I have no motivation, I have no desire to do anything. I go to work, come home, take a nap, eat, then go to bed, and do it all over again the next day. I've gotten myself into this pit where I do the same thing every day, gained back all of the weight that I've lost, and I'm not sure how to get myself out.

    Okay, time to crawl out of the pit. You know what you gotta do. Start weighing and logging your food, planning your meals. You know this... You need determination not motivation. Stop beating yourself up and start making your grocery list and looking into joining that gym.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Sometimes you can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps because depression has a stranglehold on you. The tough part is not taking care of yourself can worsen the depression, and yet it's hard to take care of yourself when you're depressed. "Sacking up" has jack to do with depression, so first have yourself evaluated by a mental health professional.

    It may not be depression of the clinical sort, but even if it is, try to do a tiny bit each day to advance towards your goals. Don't overwhelm yourself with huge leaps you may not be ready to take. Walk to the end of the block and back. Eat 3/4 of what's on your plate and let yourself take time to digest to see if you want more or not. Vow to bring one healthy lunch to work a week.

    And post here. There's lots of support that will help keep you going.
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    I have also started and then slipped back, started again and slipped etc. Its frustrating and I wonder if I will ever get this figured out.

    There is a lot of support on here, but it is still very difficult. I would love to have you add me, maybe we can motivate each other. I'm always looking for any new ideas and wisdom.

    Hang in there, you aren't alone.
  • mcbrainder
    mcbrainder Posts: 73 Member
    I've thought about this a lot and here's what I come up with when I'm completely honest with myself:

    I don't want it enough. At least not more than I want sugar. We all want to be fit and lose weight and we all know what it takes. It's a matter of passing on junk food and being more active. But I'm guilty of making the wrong choice all the time and have been for years and to make this really simple, I just have to admit that I don't want it enough--at least not more than the junk-food, and since we can't have both (junk food/healthy life), we constantly have to choose, and we always choose the one we want more. Most of us who are overweight make that choice. To be healthy, we have to make the other choice. Until we do, it's not our preference. We all are who we choose to be and who we deserve to be.

    BTW, this isn't a lecture. I might be more guilty of this than most people here. Junk food is my drug. I'm trying to kick the habit.
  • marise1113
    marise1113 Posts: 82 Member
    Ok, can I tell you how many times I have been there in the past!! Sometimes we just need a jump start. First please see your doctor because if it is depression it may not change without help. It is also a good idea to get blood work done to make sure there is no medical problem. If you pass those tests, it could be that you have settled into a way of life that is too hard or too uncomfortable for you to change. Have you tried a real, live group support like Weight Watchers. If you can not afford WW there are groups like Overeaters Anonymous. Also many health insurances offer programs and some pay for visits to a Registered Dietician. You have lots of choices....don't give up easily.