Rear Deltoids exercises reccomendations

Hello I want to know some good rear deltoids exercises I know some but im going to focus on alot of rear deltoids due to a injury.


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I'm a big fan of face pulls.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Those are devilish and effective.
  • Handstand push-ups are great for the rear delts although they are an advanced movement. You can work through the progressions which are designed to get you to a point where you can perform the movement. Dumbbell presses done very strictly with the palms facing out and making sure you push your head through at the top will also isolate the rear delts nicely.
  • SweatLikeDog
    SweatLikeDog Posts: 299 Member
    HSPUs hit the triceps and lats primarily if you go shoulder width and the chest if you go wide. There's not much of posterior deltoid recruitment there unless you overarch your back, but its still primarily triceps. If you want to hit the posterior delts, you need to align more horizontally like a standard pushup or a decline. Pair it up with inverted rows and you've got a decent push/pull combo for the posterior deltoids.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I'm a big fan of face pulls.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Handstand push-ups are great for the rear delts although they are an advanced movement. You can work through the progressions which are designed to get you to a point where you can perform the movement. Dumbbell presses done very strictly with the palms facing out and making sure you push your head through at the top will also isolate the rear delts nicely.
    I think you're confusing the front delt with the rear delt.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,881 Member
    Personally I like incline rear laterals. Hard to cheat on these.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • I built my lats and rear deltoids pretty much exclusively with wide grip pull-ups. I also do sets of handstand push-ups but also believe they target the anterior head of the deltoids.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Another face pull vote
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    Face pulls and reverse dumbbell flyes for me.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    edited October 2014
    If you're just coming back from an injury you may consider starting with band pull-aparts. You just need an exercise band that will give you decent resistance, shoot for 50 per day. If you're not familiar with the exercise you can find it on YouTube. But it's a very good exercise that involves some resistance but doesn't require having to use any weights right away, plus you can do it at home. Once you build your strength you can do something like lying prone (belly) on a swiss ball and doing rear delt flyes for 12-20 reps. You may want to get some basic stabilization strength-endurance before you get into any real lifting. Then you can move into more serious kinds of rowing and other upper-back & shoulder work.