Bad running days... booo :(

Does anyone else have "bad days"? I have days were I am all powerful and can keep going for hours lol (maybe not hours but you get the point) and other days, like the last 2, I barely make it 2 miles and have to stop a few times, and I feel stiff, like my legs are heavy... Hopefully is not only me!! =( advise?

Thanks everyone!! Happy Wednesday!


  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    You're not alone, for me it has a lot to do with attitude and less to do with physically how I feel.
    Do you run the same route everytime? because I find my 'legs get bored' and my progress suffers, then I know it's time for a change.
    SWEETMAY84 Posts: 66 Member
    You know what? I do, I run the same route every day, I moved to the area not to long ago and well, I am scared of getting lost, besides I have to run at nite after I put my kids in bed, so usually is getting dark by that time ... I might have to come up with something to spice it up!
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    I have days that are a lot slower than others. It's usually because I haven't had enough water, I didn't sleep enough, or I didn't eat enough. Stuff like that. I just figure not every run can be stellar, and I hope the next one is better.
  • RachelAngel01
    RachelAngel01 Posts: 77 Member
    I had a crappy run in Monday. It happens. I'm fairly sure I didn't drink enough water over the weekend, and I think it really bit me in the butt.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I agree with changing up the routes. I do have a "normal" route that I do at least once a week, but I try to switch it up when possible. Even running your regular route backwards is a change. I get the fear of getting lost. I have a terrible sense of direction. If I'm changing up my route, I try to go for straight lines with only a few turns and map it out ahead of time.

    I also have off days sometimes. Some days, I just can't get into it. I find that it tends to go with my moods though. Running is just as much a mental workout as a physical one. I find that if I go out with a good attitude, I have a better run. The worst is when you get the poops though :flushed:
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    Agree - attitude makes all the difference for me... when I'm feeling strong, I perform strong... I take it each day at a time.
    SWEETMAY84 Posts: 66 Member
    yesterday I had a very slow run, my legs felt heavy and I just couldn't see the end ahahahha today my upper leg is hurting, so I might have over worked myself ...I think I will go for a brisk walk today =)
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Yes. This is normal. There can be a lot of factors why. You may not be fully recovered from a previous work out. The weather (humidity especially) has a big impact. Maybe you didn't eat enough or are dehydrated.

    Just remember that bad runs make you stronger. Push yourself a little without hurting yourself and you will get better.
    SWEETMAY84 Posts: 66 Member
    I agree with changing up the routes. I do have a "normal" route that I do at least once a week, but I try to switch it up when possible. Even running your regular route backwards is a change. I get the fear of getting lost. I have a terrible sense of direction. If I'm changing up my route, I try to go for straight lines with only a few turns and map it out ahead of time.

    I also have off days sometimes. Some days, I just can't get into it. I find that it tends to go with my moods though. Running is just as much a mental workout as a physical one. I find that if I go out with a good attitude, I have a better run. The worst is when you get the poops though :flushed:

    YES!!!!!!! ahahahah only happened to me once! but I can tell you, that of my fastest! lol
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you run every day? how often do you have rest days?
    SWEETMAY84 Posts: 66 Member
    I work out every day but Saturdays, I run Sunday, Tuesdays, Thursdays. Fridays and Wednesdays walk and walk and walk
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    carossi84 wrote: »
    You know what? I do, I run the same route every day, I moved to the area not to long ago and well, I am scared of getting lost, besides I have to run at nite after I put my kids in bed, so usually is getting dark by that time ... I might have to come up with something to spice it up!

    Yeah, I run early in the morning and it's still dark, just make sure you're extra visible. I just have like 3 routes around the town I swap between, I don't try anywhere new in the dark.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Changing up routes is a big one for me. I run "loop" style routes, so even just reversing which way I go through the route helps. I also don't run the same distance every day. I have 5 pre-planned routes (I'm new to my neighbourhood as well so I've memorized them) that vary from 1.5-5k and I run what I have time for, am in the mood for, or what I feel my body can do. Realistically, if I run the whole 5k route and am trying to head out to run the next morning, I'm probably taking my shortest route or taking a day off. We all need rest days. I find that if I have more than one bad run in a row, it's my body saying that it needs some recovery time.

    Also, stretching; if you're not consistently stretching, bad runs can become a much more frequent problem.
    SWEETMAY84 Posts: 66 Member
    JenniDaisy wrote: »
    carossi84 wrote: »
    You know what? I do, I run the same route every day, I moved to the area not to long ago and well, I am scared of getting lost, besides I have to run at nite after I put my kids in bed, so usually is getting dark by that time ... I might have to come up with something to spice it up!

    Yeah, I run early in the morning and it's still dark, just make sure you're extra visible. I just have like 3 routes around the town I swap between, I don't try anywhere new in the dark.

    Just a few days ago I got a BRIGHT GREEN running hoodie, because even with the reflecting belt cars seemed to have a "hard time" ...
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    carossi84 wrote: »
    JenniDaisy wrote: »
    carossi84 wrote: »
    You know what? I do, I run the same route every day, I moved to the area not to long ago and well, I am scared of getting lost, besides I have to run at nite after I put my kids in bed, so usually is getting dark by that time ... I might have to come up with something to spice it up!

    Yeah, I run early in the morning and it's still dark, just make sure you're extra visible. I just have like 3 routes around the town I swap between, I don't try anywhere new in the dark.

    Just a few days ago I got a BRIGHT GREEN running hoodie, because even with the reflecting belt cars seemed to have a "hard time" ...

    Oh I know, my running gear is black (There was a reason it was on sale) so I've ended up getting reflective bands for my ankles and wrists, a flashing bike light tied to one of my shoes, my waist pack is reflective AND a head torch if it's foggy. I've still had a couple of near misses...

  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    JenniDaisy wrote: »
    carossi84 wrote: »
    JenniDaisy wrote: »
    carossi84 wrote: »
    You know what? I do, I run the same route every day, I moved to the area not to long ago and well, I am scared of getting lost, besides I have to run at nite after I put my kids in bed, so usually is getting dark by that time ... I might have to come up with something to spice it up!

    Yeah, I run early in the morning and it's still dark, just make sure you're extra visible. I just have like 3 routes around the town I swap between, I don't try anywhere new in the dark.

    Just a few days ago I got a BRIGHT GREEN running hoodie, because even with the reflecting belt cars seemed to have a "hard time" ...

    Oh I know, my running gear is black (There was a reason it was on sale) so I've ended up getting reflective bands for my ankles and wrists, a flashing bike light tied to one of my shoes, my waist pack is reflective AND a head torch if it's foggy. I've still had a couple of near misses...

    I have this issue too. I went out and bought a bright green reflective vest (like construction workers wear when they are on the road). It wasn't much money and has more reflective surface than just the belts or bands.

  • bootssowhite
    bootssowhite Posts: 93 Member
    For me, the usual culprit is not enough water the day before, although sometimes it's not enough sleep because I realized I hadn't drunk enough water right before bed, chugged a liter and then peed all night long.

    Either way, I tell myself that not every run can be a good one and that the important thing is that I ran, not how far I ran or how fast I ran.
  • Deannas69
    Deannas69 Posts: 18 Member
    I have had my share of bad days and just chalk it up to the things that have been mentioned here. My two biggest culprits are not hydrated enough and the same old route. Last week I ran an official 5k in 29 minutes and this week when i did the same route I did it in 32 minutes. I have a friend that swears the weather change makes a difference in his runs and I tend to believe him. We all work hard to get out bodies adjusted to running in the summer then before you know it the seasons change and it is fall which includes more wind, different temps, and different scenery. Just don't sweat the fact that you have bad runs and just continue to put those running shoes on and go!
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    YES! OMG I hate those days. They really mess with my confidence.

    Oh and I totally agree with the other poster who mentioned the poops. Damn runners trots!
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    JenniDaisy wrote: »
    carossi84 wrote: »
    JenniDaisy wrote: »
    carossi84 wrote: »
    You know what? I do, I run the same route every day, I moved to the area not to long ago and well, I am scared of getting lost, besides I have to run at nite after I put my kids in bed, so usually is getting dark by that time ... I might have to come up with something to spice it up!

    Yeah, I run early in the morning and it's still dark, just make sure you're extra visible. I just have like 3 routes around the town I swap between, I don't try anywhere new in the dark.

    Just a few days ago I got a BRIGHT GREEN running hoodie, because even with the reflecting belt cars seemed to have a "hard time" ...

    Oh I know, my running gear is black (There was a reason it was on sale) so I've ended up getting reflective bands for my ankles and wrists, a flashing bike light tied to one of my shoes, my waist pack is reflective AND a head torch if it's foggy. I've still had a couple of near misses...
    I wear a headlamp even when it's not dark, simply for visibility. That time of day when it's dusk seem to be the most dangerous. There have been times when I'm wearing every reflective/ neon piece of running gear I own and still almost get smooshed. Stupid drivers.