Trackers and Heart Rate Monitors Yer or No

Thaifarang Posts: 19
edited October 2014 in Fitness and Exercise
Well I am just getting fully prepared in using MFP correctly and waking my body up again after 15 years of sitting on my butt and have some questions about tracking my exercise.

I am fully aware that exercise is an important part of regaining control of my weight and body but tracking it using MFP seems a touch slap dash so what I want to know is this.

Is a fitness tracker worth it as I don't do all that much walking and no running due to permanent injuries?

I mainly swim and strength training in the gym, but have T25 coming and once I am more familiar with the logging of calories and food data bases I will be using that as well. Can a fitness tracker or HRM be used effectively with these types of exercise and is there one that is both accurate and waterproof? Preferably no chest strap. Also being able to sync to MFP would be a bonus but not essential.

Sorry for all the questions on this but this tech was very young when I was last regularly exercising and I am a little confused with the advances that have taken place.

Many thanks


  • jeichelb83
    jeichelb83 Posts: 172 Member
    edited October 2014
    I currently use Focus T25 and I use a heart rate monitor to track calories. I'm quite skeptical with most readings of machines (I get my other numbers from an elliptical trainer and excercise bike) so what I've been doing is only taking 80% of the number and puting that in MFP. Focus T25 does have a lot of cardio workouts.

    Don't use it during regular weightlifting in the gym though. They're really only good for cardio excercise. In your case, if you aren't going to do much cardio, I wouldn't recommed getting one. Welcome to MFP!
  • Thaifarang
    Thaifarang Posts: 19
    edited October 2014
    many thanks for the reply. I agree with you re. the info from machines as well. Too many variables in my opinion.

    Once I start the T25 I will adjust other training accordingly to work around that.

    Once my weight reduces I will be able to increase walking as impact on my joints decreases so it may be worthwhile then.

    Really looking forward to getting control back
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    HRMs are only good for steady state cardio so I would doubt their effectiveness on T25. You have to remember, an HRM only REALLY does what it is supposed to do and that is track HR. They are great for training purposes and making sure you stay in your zones, but as for calorie counts, they are just another estimation.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I use a Garmin to log my mileage and calories from running. Never used a HRM... too gadgety for my tastes...
  • fitnessqueeninnyc
    Love my HRM... Use it to track my cardio and weight training... Best way to estimate how much exertion I'm putting forth for my workouts and to be sure I'm staying within my zones..
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    From what you've said, it doesn't sound like an HRM would be a good fit for you. I'd suggest doing some basic, consistent estimates for you calorie burns and seeing how things go for a month. If having a new gadget will "inspire" you to workout a bit more consistently, then it's definitely worth the money. Otherwise, I'd pass on it.
  • Thaifarang
    At the moment the only real use I would have for an HRM or fitness tracker would be to ensure I am putting ENOUGH effort in to keep my HR where I want it.

    Probably don't need that too much as if I can finish the routine without colapsing at the end I will be happy. Not tired enough then more effort next time.

    Thanks for the advice. Very informative and good to get differing opinions.
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    I have a polar T4 HRM and I am like you, just getting back into the whole lifestyle change thing.
    I use my HRM rather than the machines at the gym as the readings are way higher at the gym, so I was probably over eating for the first couple of weeks, well not over eating, but eating more than I thought, the T4 is waterproof so you could use if for swimming, I dont, as i dont log my swimming that often unless i have actually pelted up and down the pool, I swim to help firm up really and relax.
    MFP over estimates the calories burned from what i can gather from other posts.