Thinking about buying a FitBit Flex?

I'm thinking about buying a FitBit Flex for myself. Pros? Cons? Rude remarks? I faithfully track on MFP everyday. I'm down 19 pounds and still have 44 more to lose to my first goal. Do you enjoy this product? I'm looking for a fitness type treat (instead of stuffing my face). It's a bit pricey, but I may ask for Christmas. My primary workouts right now are Turbo Jam, Tabata, etc. Does this accurately track those activities?

All thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated!


  • shaycg21
    I would like a flex, but I love my one for now.
  • julielh72
    julielh72 Posts: 92 Member
    The flex will mainly track your steps. Any other activities that are not step based would need to be logged manually. It will give you your total calorie burn for the day and coupled with MFP is great for ensuring that your calories in do not exceed your calories out and is a brilliant motivational tool for keeping active. I have had mine since Christmas and I absolutely love it.
  • 100andOnward
    100andOnward Posts: 145 Member
    I've had a Flex for almost a year now, and I absolutely love it, bought it from a friend who upgraded to a Basis band. I like how their software syncs with MFP. It's subtle, effective, holds a charge for about a week.

    It doesn't accurately track non-step-based workouts, which is a bummer, but it's a good reminder to keep moving through the day. I find it helps me keep moving on days I don't work out.

    The cons for me were all resolved when they made the Force, so I'm waiting for that to come back out. Things like: no watch, and you need to sync to get updated stats (which, if you have a compatible cell phone, is pretty easy).
  • goanothermile
    goanothermile Posts: 98 Member
    edited October 2014
    I've had one since June. I like it a lot. It is a fun gadget that helps remind me to log and track everything.

    I tried the FitBit One first and didn't like it. Keeping up with the tracker was a pain and the sleep monitoring required wearing a different band. The Flex solves that with the bracelet.

    As far as I'm concerned, the best thing is that it helps me be somewhat more accurate about how many calories I'm using with exercise. It is really hard for me to stay under my calorie goal without exercise. I just get hungry and end up snacking. Being able to eat back some of the exercise calories helps.
  • Amberbcox
    THANKS EVERYONE!!! This is exactly the things that I want to know!!!
  • Amberbcox
    Oh Poop ** These are not this is UGH
  • Crafty_Fraggle
    Crafty_Fraggle Posts: 9 Member
    I love my one as a motivator and my mom loves her flex. I can only use the one because I can't wear things on my wrist at work. It really has made me conscious of how active I am.
  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    Love my flex. Had it for over a year before I lost it. The band undid and it fell while I was out. I didn't notice until I had already returned home. However, I contacted Fitbit and they gave me a free replacement! Amazing company.