New Start

My name is Corrie. I have been very successful on this site once before I lost over 60 pounds in less than a years, but I have put 50 of it back on. I am having a hard time getting back on the wagon. I hope to be able to get back into my routine as I have done before but it seems harder to get motivated this time around.


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,227 MFP Moderator
    Welcome back, Corrie!
  • Calren2
    Calren2 Posts: 15
    Welcome back, Corrie!

    Motivation is certainly one of the keys to success, no matter the goal. What I would say is first sit down and write (or type) out your reasons for wanting to lose weight. Some example include health, wanting more energy, wanting to change how you look, and so on. Then write out activities you enjoy. If you enjoy looking at landscapes or plants then that could be a motivator for walking while the leaves start to turn, while if you enjoy cooking then learning new recipes can be fun and also help with changing eating habits.

    Most people on this site are more than willing to offer advice and help, so if you have any questions, just ask. :)
  • Amyafm
    Amyafm Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, Corrie. I'm in the same boat as you really. Lost 52 pounds and have put most of it back on also. I was going through an "I'll start this Monday" phase for a few months and think during that time I got even fatter because I kept saying oh I better eat this before I start counting again... said enough is enough the other day though and decided to join the community thing here so I have actual people to be held accountable to, aside from myself.
    If past experiences prove to be true now, things get much easier once you get back on track. Usually for me about a week or two of exercise and calorie counting is all it takes for me to be able to stay focused and on track.
    Good luck =)
  • RealReliance
    Welcome :), Good luck on your journey :smile: