Want to start lifting...with zero experience...help!

Help! Any advice, pointers, links to any sites that helped any lifters out there get started? I semi-understand and know a handful of exercises, but I guess I'm curious about reps & sets & how often and all that. Any and all advice will help as right now, I've got nothin :\ I'm at SAHM with a gym membership so I have access to weights at any time, just need to know what to do when :) a routine, I suppose.

Thanks!! :D


  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Stronglifts5x5 is a good starting routine,


    Or New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women which is a good read for sure even if you don't decide to do the routine.

    Or lastly I've heard good things about Starting Strength (big book and routine) but I've never done it myself.
  • J_Starnes
    J_Starnes Posts: 8 Member
    Ah, that link is perfect! I'll check out the books, too. Thanks!!
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    Stronglifts5x5 is a good starting routine,


    Or New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women which is a good read for sure even if you don't decide to do the routine.

    ^ This.

    Strong lifts has less exercises so it's easier for newbees IMHO :)
  • Stronglifts is a good one because it is very easy to learn, has a free app that works, will allow you some steady progression (and confidence), and just plain works well.

    Starting Strength is similar. The book is very good, but extremely technical. Worth a read if you're serious about form though.
  • stephanieharms1290
    stephanieharms1290 Posts: 48 Member
    I actually was in the same boat, and used the Internet as an extremely helpful resource. If you google "weight lifting for women" or "weight lifting transformations" a lot of 8-12 week programs pop up. These "transformation challenges" give you every exercise you will need per body part, and most provide a printable schedule. Check out Jamie Eason's Live Fit 12 Week challenge, she has awesome workouts that are broken up into three phases for beginners. Each exercise is shown by photo and video. Hope this helps!
    SWWIS Posts: 94 Member
    edited October 2014
    Yup, Stronglifts5x5 is a great place to start. I spent my freshman year of college lifting with a buddy and made good gains, but there was little structure and too many lifts in one day. I didn't lift at all as a sophomore because I was too busy and wasn't sleeping enough to put that much strain on my body, plus my partner had graduated. I just recently decided to start lifting again, and decided to start at 1/2-2/3 the weight I was lifting at more than a year ago (depending on the lift, my legs lost far less strength than my arms and chest) so I could concentrate on form for some time while the lifts still feel light. So far I'm progressing well and am really enjoying the simplicity of the routine.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I recommend Stronglifts 5x5. Good solid program with not too many exercises to learn and a good solid base.
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    You'll read it til you go blue in the face... but lift heavy.

    All the recs given are solid.

    I only have personal experience with following New Rules of Lifting for Women. I am in the last stage and couldn't recommend it more. The results and strength gains have been amazing. Yes, it's a bit more complicated (as in there are more exercises) than some of the others, but I haven't found it difficult to adjust.

    Watch videos on youtube or hire a trainer for a few sessions if you're unsure about the exercises. Then just get in there and do it. Good luck! (Oh and take pics... the scale might not move but your body will be changing!)
  • J_Starnes
    J_Starnes Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for all the responses, ya'll! I found the New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women on Amazon, and am reading thru the link about Stronglifts5x5 now. Will definitely be taking pictures along the way, thanks again :)
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    check out Nia Shanks as well... and Girls Gone Strong
  • streamgirl
    streamgirl Posts: 207 Member
  • J_Starnes
    J_Starnes Posts: 8 Member
    check out Nia Shanks as well... and Girls Gone Strong

    Will do! Thanks
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    I was very intimidated to start Stronglifts without guidance, as I was a total beginner as well. I hired trainer sessions at the gym to get someone to teach me. I now do it by myself, but she was invaluable to me as a total beginner.
  • jlambert77
    jlambert77 Posts: 77 Member
    I just finished my first week of Nia Shanks' "12 week dumbbell and bodyweight program" and I love it. She's been fantastic for support too :) I'm really looking forward to seeing how this goes-my first time with serious strength training, btw. :)