All or nothing

How do you guys deal with an all or nothing attitude. I'm finding that I am an all in or all out person. I beat myself up for days over the bad stuff and if I don't exercise every day i tend to stop all together. Anybody deal with this themselves and get over it? Any tips to help me be a bit nicer to myself, but not allow myself to make it ok to give up? Thanks


  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    I was like that too. Plan your week. Plan your workouts and rest days. Even try to plan your meals. I like to write it down in notebook on Sundays. Then when you follow will feel like you are "all in." Because you will be. You don't need to exercise everyday. So if you have a weekly plan which includes rest days, it might be a way of getting over the need to be 100% everyday. Make sense?
  • stevierg
    stevierg Posts: 7 Member
    I just look at the end goal. That is to lose weight. I've tried multiple times and given up, but this time is different. I've had a few bad days, since I've started, but I acknowledge what it is, and then do my best to continue on.

    I guess one of the things that is going for me, is just seeing progress. After the first week and 5lbs down, I just kept at it, another few weeks another 5lbs down. 100 days on, I'm 50lbs down.

    It's working, what ever I'm doing is working, so I'm sticking too it.

    I think the main goal for me, is just hitting my calorie target. I use that and the weight loss is a bonus if you know what I mean, but seeing the weight come off wants me to keep on trucking with what I am doing.

    As I've lost more weight, I add what I can, such as walking for 2+ miles which was impossible for me before I started. But this is bonus to the main goals.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    The longer I stick to it, and the more I see a consistent (slow but steady) loss on the scale, the more I can accept that I have good days and bad days. I log everyday, and even if it's bad (like today, holy halloween candy batman) I log it.

  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    I log my exercise before I do it, because I don't like doing it. That way I feel like I "have to", even though I know I could just delete it if I wanted to. It's nice to see those extra calories given back even if I won't eat them; I feel rewarded and then I actually do go for a walk or something. I'm with the OP; I know that if I skip a day or two I'll just stop altogether.
  • ashlando
    ashlando Posts: 125 Member
    Find a form of exercise that you enjoy. Hold yourself accountable. If you really want this, you'll make it happen. Just give yourself 2-3 weeks of routine and you won't want to stop. I guarantee you will start seeing and feeling results by then. You will have bad days but as long as you pick yourself up and keep on chugging, they won't be detrimental to your overall weight loss. Just log it and move on.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I focus on minimums. If I work out 30 minutes, 5 days a week, I've checked the box. If I meet my protein and fat goal and am under my calories, that's good enough.
  • fruitystix
    fruitystix Posts: 35 Member
    YES I am exactly like that. I've noticed if I've not had a good sleep that seems to contribute to the lack of motivation to I've decided when I get like that I will make sleep and rest the priority for a day or two as then I'm in a better position to exercise and eat well/burn fat