Messing up all the time!

Trying to loose weight since Jan' and get so far do really well then Bam Sickness, or something.. turns into excuses turns into laziness and im back to the start.

I can not stop eating, eating eating eating! i'm doing my own head in. i use to go walks, jog, insanity, grrrr!
what's up with me!
HELP please!


  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    When you actually want to do something about it and quit talking about doing something about it, then you can begin to succeed. You are not there yet. Try harder.
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    i think most of us have been there. and i agree with the post above mine. when you really want will do it. the excuses will just go away and you will do what needs to be done. Fake it til you make it??
  • rlwilson1967
    rlwilson1967 Posts: 40 Member
    This seems to be so much like quiting smoking. You have to want it and make it happen. Don't think about forever. Just do it one day at a time. I can go for x amount of walks, just for today. I can count, measure, weigh my food, just for today. Just keep it in the present and not worry about tomorrow.
  • Runcakes
    Runcakes Posts: 92 Member
    Find an activity you like to do and stick with it! There's nothing wrong with eating, it's just about choosing nutritious foods :) Think of it as a lifestyle change opposed to simply 'losing weight' or 'dieting'.
  • Dumbbell69
    Dumbbell69 Posts: 199 Member
    Feel free to add me, see what i can do to help.