Being Fit while sitting all day...


So, here's my situation and dilemma...

It's one thing to work a desk job, but it's another when you're tied to your desk, almost literally...

I work in a call center, and I am tied to my desk. Yes, I get two 15 minute breaks and a lunch (and I spend my lunch exercising in the gym). But, I spend the rest of my day at a desk in front of a computer talking to people. I stand up and talk and type most of the time. But, I'm not really moving and being active; I'm sedentary either standing or sitting.

I'm trying to break the habit of being bored at my desk and trying to snack. But, at the same time, the bigger thing is to prevent "boredom" and be able to do something while sitting and taking phone calls. Anyone had success in making this type of situation work?



  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    So you spend 23 hours and 45 minutes each day at your desk?
  • rfinger22
    rfinger22 Posts: 8 Member
    No, I spend 8 hours of them at my desk, and outside of work, there are lots of demands at home that don't make it easy to take time out there. So, I'm looking to see about what I can do during the 8 hours I'm here on top of the time I spend down in the gym. It's just as I sit at my desk, I feel lazy and feel energy draining. So, that's where I'm looking at what I can do to keep the energy flowing while I'm sitting here.
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    hi! I work at a call center myself and I am chained to my desk as well haha. as far as keeping my body moving, that doesn't usually happen too much. the most movement i'll get is usually just taking the 3 flights of stairs to and from my breaks. but when I'm trying to snack, I usually ration the food I bring by leaving half of it in the break room and the other half at my desk. if I keep my whole lunchbox nearby I WILL eat all of it when I first get to work and end up starving til 10pm lol. the only other thing that has helped with the urge to snack is drinking lots of tea/coffee, drinking lots of water and getting on the forums here!
  • IconStillFree
    IconStillFree Posts: 262 Member
    The average male burns 1700 calories by just sitting there. You said you work for 8 hours which leaves 16 hours to manage a decent workout. You don't even have to workout, you could join a sport or just go for a walk during the 16 hours. If you really want to workout, you could do pushups on the spot when you're not busy. It'll look weird but it'll also be fun and active.
  • jennylilac
    jennylilac Posts: 30 Member
    There are mini pedal sets you could put under your desk. Lots for sale on amazon. Or how about sitting on a yoga ball.
  • Fit_Happens_2021
    Fit_Happens_2021 Posts: 303 Member
    Partly depends on how much privacy you have, or whether you are bothered if co workers notice. I do squats at work, every now and then, and also the yoga 'chair pose' but without my arms up. Here is a helpful little article with a few
  • JessRaddatz
    JessRaddatz Posts: 204 Member
    You could march in place while on a call. I do that a lot while I'm at the copier, heating up my lunch, on the phone, etc.
  • riverain
    riverain Posts: 55 Member
    edited October 2014
    I am stuck at my desk at work as well. I sit on an exercise ball, and that did wonders for my back as I am usually fidgeting/rocking a little on it (whereas in a chair I will sit completely still). I also stand part of the day, and do different variations on leg lifts and calf raises and 'mini' squats every once in a while. You could do a really quick set of an exercise every 30 mins, or you could bring in a pair of dumbells and do a few curls when a hand is free if you are on the phone. I figured out that 1 hour of standing burns ~40 more calories than sitting for that hour (for my height/weight/age), so it is small but it adds up. I don't know how much extra fidgeting burns, but I'm sure it adds up too.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    I have a desk job. I also drive an hour each way to and from work. And sit on the couch and watch TV with my other half most nights.

    Doesn't seem to be a huge issue, we go for walks, I clean the house, I ride my horse, we are pretty active on the weekends mowing the lawn and washing cars and stuff. I'd say I'm fairly fit. I don't have any desire to be an "athlete" just healthy enough to do the things I want to in my every day life. If I can ride a horse for 2 to 3 hours on a Saturday morning that's good enough for me.

    I combat snacking by only bringing my lunch to work (usually Salmon, Cream Cheese and Cucumber - plenty of protein and good fats = no desire to snack). I break up my morning with a coffee. Mid afternoon I fill my water bottle. Not eating gets to be a habit.

    Depends on your goals really. If you want to be super fit, you have to work at it, outside of hours, just like every other office worker. It's all about priorities.